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Why do you play with the "no blood" code?


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
On that note, fatalitying/babying someone then insisting on No Blood for the next match is a douchey thing to do, especially if you deny the no blood request for the preceding match, then it's just mockery.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
B/c Sub Zero never wants that fight to be his last.

That, and I hate sitting through 10 seconds of finish him (or however long it takes for that and the win pose) when I could already be at the character select screen again. Long sets = <3 with no blood code.


The Bat in the Hat
Supposedly it helps with online lag, and it makes sets go by faster. Plus Ive seen all the fatalities plenty of times now so its more annoying than anything else when people do them. If someone really pisses me off though I'll do Kung Lao's brutality on them.


Miley Cyrax®
The only reason I do the no-blood code is because it's quicker to start the next match. I also like 666-666 and 227-227
I perform the 9-0-0 | 9-0-0 code when the latency is noticeable. Otherwise I'll only do it out of respect for the other player; I wanna see blood-stained character models!

If I'm player one on a normal online match with a random person, and they do 9-0-0, I'll do 0-0-9 sometimes. 0-0-9 | 9-0-0 is the TSOOBYTSAOT code.


I'm pretty sure that it's use started online to combat lag. It does also speed up long sets and tournaments. I just do it on reaction at this point. While I do enjoy the blood and everything, I do like looking at the character models as they were designed and not looking like they are reincarnations of Meat.
Cus Fatals suck, douche bags keep doing em, and I get to not only sit through the Fatals, but I get to watch them mess up a bajillion times like morons before they actually land the fatal cus NRS decided to give you a decade to input the commands.

Blood is distracting also.