My opinion in the matter:
What do we define as a "Decision of NRS?"
is it a decision made by Ed Boon or Paulo? Because at the end of the day, if they didn't want Leatherface in, but there is a WB exec who makes the final call on this decision, then NRS is his company, Ed Boon is simply the face / head exec of it. Trying to work out who to blame between WB and NRS is irrelevant anyway, they have never ever done anything to separate them as entities at all, as consumers we simply say NRS, and by extension WB, the company they are an offshoot of, fucked up. It's possible Ed Boon doesn't make all the calls, and that's cool, he would no doubt have certain demands to meet from the publisher. That doesn't mean feedback on NRS actions isn't to be directed to NRS, its arguing semantics at this point. Exactly which individual the bad decisions (netcode etc) are finalised from is not relevant, this is NRS's product and thats where the feedback goes, regardless of whether it was a decision from a WB exec or not, thats still an issue we have with the NRS product. Nobody is saying we should hate on Ed Boon specifically for this (or anyone who is is a moron) we dont have the facts to be doing that, thats for sure.
Now, off from all that - I don't really think this KP2 fickleness is something that should be directed at anyone. Oh no, u don't personally want to play as some of the ADDITIONAL characters they are going to add, then don't play em. So many people got a character they wanted with this release, if you are one of them u have no reason to be complaining at all, if u aren't, well u still have nothing to complain about, youve still got the game you payed for, NRS doesnt owe you more, they cant provide something for absolutely every fanbase and theyve done a pretty fuckin excellent job so far IMO. I'm more hyped for KP2 than anything