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Who's Next? Leatherface, Xenomorph, Bo' Rai Cho & Tri-Borg Are Koming to MKX in 2016!!


"Strength isn't everything"
Remember these simple facts.

1. NRS didn't even have to make a second Kombat Pack, they could have just ended content after release, but decided to give you more content.
2. They don't owe you anything.
3. You don't have to buy it, and you don't owe them anything.
4. It is impossible to please everyone.
5. This allows for further patching!

It kind of reminds me of the story about a guy on a plane who was told they had wifi on board, it was the first time he knew it was even possible. Ten minutes later he was told they had to turn it off for landing, and he said "Can you believe this bull***t?".
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Administrator and Community Engineer
99,9% of MK X copies sold went to casuals, they don't give a shit about the game after a week, month tops, they just move on to the next one.
I'm not so sure about this. There are still a lot of casuals playing online, playing offline with their friends, playing against the CPU, doing towers etc.

When I was a casual, I really loved fighting games and would play them a ton, regardless of the fact that I didn't know what I was doing and had never heard of "high-level play", "frames", or "FGC". I can't think of a fighting game I liked that I just stopped playing after a few weeks.

It's easy to talk down on people, but casual players are some of the most passionate and devoted MK fans and we shouldn't be painting them as if none of them really care to play the game.


Or it could be a "wake up and think logically TYM" thread
Nothing logical about textbook Stockholm syndrome. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm not so sure about this. There are still a lot of casuals playing online, playing offline with their friends, playing against the CPU, doing towers etc.

When I was a casual, I really loved fighting games and would play them a ton, regardless of the fact that I didn't know what I was doing and had never heard of "high-level play", "frames", or "FGC".

It's easy to talk down on people, but casual players are some of the most passionate and devoted MK fans and we shouldn't be painting them as if none of them really care to play the game.
"Casuals only play for a month then quit" is probably the most overused, yet least factual myth here, "casuals" are still playing MK9 online lol.


Blind justice....
I'm not so sure about this. There are still a lot of casuals playing online, playing offline with their friends, playing against the CPU, doing towers etc.

When I was a casual, I really loved fighting games and would play them a ton, regardless of the fact that I didn't know what I was doing and had never heard of "high-level play", "frames", or "FGC". I can't think of a fighting game I liked that I just stopped playing after a few weeks.

It's easy to talk down on people, but casual players are some of the most passionate and devoted MK fans and we shouldn't be painting them as if none of them really care to play the game.
It was used as a state of fact not as an insult towards casual MK players. I have nothing against them.

It's a common trend, it doesn't mean that ALL casuals just stop playing after a week or a month but that it's true for most. And it's not MK or FG only it's just how people play most games these days. If it's not like you fav. title or atleast genre you can play it, sure but in most cases either you wont be playing that game or (if its really good) you will just play, end it and move on.

@Error no its not, sure there is like i dont know 1000 casual players still playing MK9 now but it was like 100k playing the game when it was released.

You can go check Steam stats for games coz they're public, this is the trend for almost any game (there are exception of course).


While I'm whole-heartedly excited for KP2, I feel that arguing that triborg is three characters in one is like arguing that Kitana is two characters in one. We'll know for sure soon enough.


No backsies
This is a nice thread, but it's pure speculation, u don't want to blame NRS for something u. don't like so u are saying its. WB forcing their will on them. This is what blind devotion is. I personally love the new Kombat Pack I think it's awesome, and I think it's likely NRS just knows what all aspects of its fanbase wants and gave some thing to everyone just didn't expect the competitive scene to be so fickle, and they choose 2 crossover characters from WB ip. Jason did well, so let's give em Leatherface, oh and look at that people are lovinit practically everywhere but here.

However I understand ppl have different tastes to me, so if want to hate on someone for it up to you. You can hate on WB and assume they are the root of all evil, but honestl to even get permission to use WB assets NRS likely has to approach WB with a concept and show the implication and then ask WB to cross all the t's and dot all the i's. WB isn't just going to randomly try shove it's characters in these games, it doesn't make sense it's more work for them financially, and unnecessary micro managing, fucking around with licenses, risking impacting the images of other IP, and creatively restricting devs for no reason. There is a shitload of WB games out there that don't do this . We know Boon personally loves the crossovers. He recently said he had others to choose from, and it even came down to three that he was strongly considering and he decided on Leatherface. Hate to break it to you guys but you can write it off as whatever you like, in all likelihood it's just an NRS decision.

I personally think blaming anyone for such an awesome pack that give something to everyone is unnecessary anyway! You arent losing content and you aren't forced to buy or play anyone!


Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
This is a nice thread, but it's pure speculation, u don't want to blame NRS for something u. don't like so u are saying its. WB forcing their will on them. This is what blind devotion is. I personally love the new Kombat Pack, and I think it's likely NRS just knows what all aspects of its fanbase wants and gave some thing to everyone just didn't expect the competitive scene to be so fickle, and they choose 2 crossover characters from WB ip. Jason did well, so let's give em Leatherface, oh and look at that people are lovinit practically everywhere but here.

However I understand ppl have different tastes to me, so if want to hate on someone for it up to you. You can hate on WB and assume they are the root of all evil, but honestl to even get permission to use WB assets NRS likely has to approach WB with a concept and show the implication and then ask WB to cross all the t's and dot all the i's. WB isn't just going to randomly try shove it's characters in these games, it doesn't make sense it's more work for them financially, and unnecessary micro managing, and creatively restricting devs for no reason. There is a shitload of WB games out there that don't do this . We know Boon personally loves the crossovers. He recently said he had others to choose from, and it even came down to three that he was strongly considering and he decided on Leatherface. Hate to break it to you guys but you can write it off as whatever you like, in all likelihood it's just an NRS decision.

I personally think blaming anyone for such an awesome pack that give something to everyone is unnecessary anyway! You arent losing content and you aren't forced to buy or play anyone!
You do make valid points, not dismissing them.

However in order to practice or lab against Leatherface you have to buy him so that's kinda... Necessary yeah.

It would be nice if I didn't have to buy the DLC so I could lab against them, but that's a pipe dream and I know that. Regardless, wanting to save money is a high priority so I'd have to get the pack.



They are such idiots they killed BARAKA twice in six months. " The hate is real". The best thing about this if I decide to buy it, is that Fusion RakaMorph might actually be nice and broken. That is of course if NRS sticks to be clueless about how to balance dlc.

Ok bah bye.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
You do make valid points, not dismissing them.

However in order to practice or lab against Leatherface you have to buy him so that's kinda... Necessary yeah.

It would be nice if I didn't have to buy the DLC so I could lab against them, but that's a pipe dream and I know that. Regardless, wanting to save money is a high priority so I'd have to get the pack.
Uh you can play against someone in online practice to lab against them, and they do a premier tower for DLC characters when they're released so you can play as them.


Online Punching Bag
Theres going to be 4 guest characters in the game and 29 mk characters, I hardly see how that makes this a horror movie fighting game as some people are complaining about.

They want to sell dlc that will appeal to the masses. Alien has been in 6 movies, Predator has been in 5 movies, leatherface has been in 7 movies and Jason has been in 12 movies. Doesnt that say something about what the general public may want.


No backsies
You do make valid points, not dismissing them.

However in order to practice or lab against Leatherface you have to buy him so that's kinda... Necessary yeah.

It would be nice if I didn't have to buy the DLC so I could lab against them, but that's a pipe dream and I know that. Regardless, wanting to save money is a high priority so I'd have to get the pack.
U are right but that just comes with playin competitively. Had to buy Tanya and Mason already in the last one and boy are lame as hell to me. Good thing is KP only costs like slightly more than 2 of em right and comes with a bunch of skins so u can justify the whole thing if u even like 2 of the characters. Plus regardless if they are shit characters aesthetically or not, NRS is expanding the competitive depth of the game by adding these characters, that's what u are paying for if you insist u want to lab against these characters , a longer lifespan.

U are right tho, I bought KP1 on PC than just bought characters I wanted/needed to train as/against individually on PS4 while my PC was in the shop, rather than just buy the entire KP again. And it feels kinda dumb at first paying for the characters u no you never going to play. Just to lesrn against them.

Buuuuut that's what comes of wanting to play competitive, and it makes no difference to me if a character I'm NOT going to play is a crossover or not, accepted I was going to dish out some money here on characters I'm not gunna play regardless , that's the cost of keeping the scene fresh with new elements added even if I play none of them myself and it affects my game in no other way than adding more elements to play against, than I'm cool with it, and I'm cool with buying a KP just to learn to play against characters other people want. Keep the game expanding. And Ithink that there is something for everyone in here anyway, except maybe the female lovers
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Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan


Ain't nobody trilla than shootah.
If you think about it, NRS did the absolute best they could for their fans (of course IF this is the case and how things go in WB/NRS) so to blame Boon and co. for all of this may be a bit unfair and may actually make them feel like even with their best attempt they couldn't satisfy their fans. Think about this before your next rant.
Fuck....turn back guys,stop..STOP!!!


Lt. Boxy Angelman

Thank you Based Boxy. Someone understands the greatness that is BO. RAI. CHO.
Of all the new characters to come out of the 3D MK era lore, Ill never understand why he gets so much hate. If you look behind the obvious and see his story/What he actually has to do with MK itself, he's even more important/interesting as far as how things have unfolded. Think about WHY he has become as he's become; if you were the single greatest martial artist in all the realms, the one who's trained every Earthrealm hero since before The Great Kung Lao, and you could probably have single handedly won these tournaments for ages now before the sorcery and invasions and shit hitting the fan, but you literally HAVE to sit back and watch for eons and hope that someone eventually gets it right because if you yourself took action youd be handing the win to Shao Kahn, and you had unnaturally long Outworld sized life, youd want to be hammered 90% of the time too.

I get the fury over lack of Fujin, but going back over the years, he had next to nothing to do with anything that transpired. He just happens to be another deity.

SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
Spawn is still the ultimate guest character. He appeals to not only the fans and die-hard zealots, but also on a design level in which he's one of few badass heroes with a MULTITUDE of abilities and skills. He's the literal definition of variation system....I love MKX but this.....Lord Spawawawnn. This was a chance to compete with the beast that's to come in the form of SFV. Hell the dlc alone is like what SIX CHARACTERS.

@tylerlansdown Spawn would poop necroplasmic Millon's into your pockets and solidify NRS and WB as fan-service company of the year. The fans, community, and very fabric of reality would tremble in the wake of such a devastatingly orgasmic ordeal. MKX has the potential to be the dominating force it truly is. Many fighters don't do guest characters. That alone has been the trump card. We need Lord Spawn. We demand Lord Spawn. I can't stop crying. Kitana has no overhead, and now no Lord Spawn. I..I...I must pray. For only he may save us.

Lord Brady, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy stream.
Thy monsters come. Thy will be done, on chat as it is in game.
Give us this day our daily BnB's and forgiveus our dropped combos, as we forgive those who abuse lag against us.
And lead us not into Quan's vortex, but deliver us from 50/50's.
For Lord Spawn is not in KP2, and I am sad.


This is a nice thread, but it's pure speculation, u don't want to blame NRS for something u. don't like so u are saying its. WB forcing their will on them. This is what blind devotion is. I personally love the new Kombat Pack I think it's awesome, and I think it's likely NRS just knows what all aspects of its fanbase wants and gave some thing to everyone just didn't expect the competitive scene to be so fickle, and they choose 2 crossover characters from WB ip. Jason did well, so let's give em Leatherface, oh and look at that people are lovinit practically everywhere but here.

However I understand ppl have different tastes to me, so if want to hate on someone for it up to you. You can hate on WB and assume they are the root of all evil, but honestl to even get permission to use WB assets NRS likely has to approach WB with a concept and show the implication and then ask WB to cross all the t's and dot all the i's. WB isn't just going to randomly try shove it's characters in these games, it doesn't make sense it's more work for them financially, and unnecessary micro managing, fucking around with licenses, risking impacting the images of other IP, and creatively restricting devs for no reason. There is a shitload of WB games out there that don't do this . We know Boon personally loves the crossovers. He recently said he had others to choose from, and it even came down to three that he was strongly considering and he decided on Leatherface. Hate to break it to you guys but you can write it off as whatever you like, in all likelihood it's just an NRS decision.

I personally think blaming anyone for such an awesome pack that give something to everyone is unnecessary anyway! You arent losing content and you aren't forced to buy or play anyone!
I surely hope this isn't to me because this doesn't even make sense to anything I stated. Blind allegiance doesn't apply to me either as I stated I don't even like kp2 and probably won't buy it