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Who's Next? Leatherface, Xenomorph, Bo' Rai Cho & Tri-Borg Are Koming to MKX in 2016!!



I'm not sure how its anybody's "fault". Should they really include characters who will sell LESS?
I seriously doubt they're going to sell less. NRS' guest characters have always sold well (Freddy in MK9, Scorpion in Injustice, Jason seems to be very popular in MKX), so they're gonna keep doing what generates the most money.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Wow you're like if Fox News were a person. It's the fact you don't even get my point that's making you look bad. I'm not dropping the game because I don't like the DLC characters, nor am I out there whining that NRS ruined the game, I'm dropping it because I don't like the game's mechanics enough and don't like the fact the one character I'm interested in playing isn't included. Is that really so hard to understand? I've been trying to convey this for several replies now and you're still twisting my words into an irrelevant point. What's wrong with you? Why does me having an opinion offend your life so much? Do you really have to tell me you disagree with my point? Is that, and condescending me when I've taken no shots at you, that urgent? And you try to tell me I'm not being mature...

Sorry you misinterpreted my liking for a character as a claim to ownership, when I say "my character" I mean the character I like most.

Well, yes. Do you realise how long it's been since Fujin has been playable? I didn't get the chance to play him in MK4 or Armageddon, the only two times he's even been included. This was something I was hoping would happen because it be the first time I get to play my favourite character but clearly that hasn't happened. My feelings towards the game are pretty much "meh" at the moment and this would have given me a reason to continue playing but now I have none. Why does this all matter to you anyway? Yet again you're doing that thing you do where you HAVE to reply to me stating my opinion on something solely because you disagree with it or you have a grudge or something I don't even know about. You don't have to tell me you disagree every time you know.

Because I only picked my main based on character archetype preference. I've always said should Fujin be included I'd drop every variation in the game I play (which is a lot more than a few) and solely play his three variations. That's what character loyalists tend to do.

Again you people either are being ignorant on purpose and are twisting my words to fit your own crazy conclusion or legitimately don't get what I'm saying so let me spell it out once more:
I'm not dropping the game because I don't like the DLC characters, I'm dropping the game because
A. I don't find some of the gameplay elements fun
B. I don't find 99% of the variations I play fun enough to continue playing a lot any more
C. I've been waiting to play my favourite character and yet again he's not included and I'm tired of waiting for it

That's just how some character loyalists work man. It's like the people who can't play anyone but female characters, some of them won't play a game if it doesn't have a female character in it. Does that make sense?
Nice backpeddle. Or how else should we interpret, "Done. Fuckinh done" as an immediate reaction to the dlc, at which point you started talking about quitting the game?

Anyway, sorry that me having a difference of opinion means that somehow I have some vendetta against you? Half of TYM must be against you, then. Not everything is about you, which is where this sense of entitlement comes from.

Also, how conceited are you? My earlier posts in this thread contained similar talking points to all the people massively overreacting to a dlc announcement in a videogame. You're not special.


bye felicia
I seriously doubt they're going to sell less. NRS' guest characters have always sold well (Freddy in MK9, Scorpion in Injustice, Jason seems to be very popular in MKX), so they're gonna keep doing what generates the most money.
I'm not quite sure you understood me. My point is "blaming" WB or NRS for "picking" characters because they would sell rather than because people actual want them is completely illogical.


MK1 is the best MK period.
Looking at the blacked out pick the characters match up perfectly they already had there characters picked and with that said I think kp3 is probably in the works or almost komplete at this point.


Shang tsung

night wolf

Sindel or sareena

And RAIN as a pre order bonus for kp3

NRS pls do this for the sake of mk pls
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No backsies
I don't understand how caring about something as silly as DLC enough to quit, is any worse than caring enough about some guy on the internets reasons for quitting a video game to make a page long essay about it
If he wants to quit, let him quit, he can stop playing this game for whatever reason he likes lol, if he was only here because he was holding out hope for some wackass character like Fujin, well sucks to be him and sucks just as much to be the guy arguing with him about it


Fabulous Goofball
I do think people "quitting" the game over this is a bit childish. There are still the Costume and Skin DLC for the rest of the cast to look forward to. I really want to see a Kintaro Skin for Goro, it would look SICK with these graphics. Erron Black in an old Western Duster Jacket, Kung Jin in an Eastern-Style Robin Hood outfit, MK: Deception Sub-Zero.

Ronin Raiden

Kintaro Skin for Goro is the #1 thing I want as a costume right now.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I think everyone is missing the big picture here:

You can hate KP2. That's fine. But we're getting support from the developer past year one.

More balance patching. More buffs and nerfs and glitch fixes.

MK X could have that "one more patch" MK9 so allegedly deserved. Continues developer support is what we've wanted since MK9.

Now, it's happening.

SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
Yep. He just doesn't have the chainsaw in the silhouette. That would have likely been a dead giveaway, y'know?
Dead giveaway. Are you implying people actually..know...whothafuck...leatherface is?
No.No.No. Most didn't. I personally give no the fucks, yeah I said that right ni++a, im to legittit to quitit. We need Fujin, Lord Spawn, or The OG Kahn himself. Or @Aizen Taicho best villian ever.


Yep. People were posting on TYM when MK2 came out... And when MK2 came out the franchise had a vast established character roster, it wasn't relatively new and the addition of new characters was totally the same thing as it is in 2015, and the new characters totally meant that characters from MK1 were left out.

So basically since you're given a platform to whine and cry you whine and cry? And if there isn't a platform to whine and cry you stay silent? Lol regardless this is what we are being given. Either buy it, or not. Me, I'll be wrecking fucking faces with leatherface.
Yep. He just doesn't have the chainsaw in the silhouette. That would have likely been a dead giveaway, y'know?
How would the silhouette of his chainsaw be a dead giveawayif it was in the picture? I don't know how you can justify that statement. I doubt it would've been a dead giveaway and everyone would just have not figured out who he was until he was actually revealed. "Yeah, you see that long silhouette? That's definitely a chainsaw. That character is Leatherface, no doubt about it." No, I'm gonna have to disagree with your claim.
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Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
3. People need to lighten up about Bo Rai Cho. Think about who he is in the context of the story: he is THE martial artist. The man who taught all the other men how to fight. The master. Pai Mei. Yoda. The Dude. Yes, he's a fat drunk bastard, because part of his character itself is paying homage to the real and cinematic drunken kung fu masters of the past. It's a persona with a fuck ton of history whose satire is matched only by skill. Let the big man be.
Thank you Based Boxy. Someone understands the greatness that is BO. RAI. CHO.


Here... I am a god!
So, after thinking about this for a bit, I'm pretty sure Triborg is just some random Cyborg copying Sektor/Cyrax/Smoke or maybe the grey one isn't Smoke but just the Cyborg himself, so basically a new character. Think about it, those variations are not the real characters. How would this work with the intro system or even x-rays? They'll all say the same things and have the same x-ray/fatalities. I'm pretty sure, no matter what variation you choose, for the intros characters are just gonna say "Triborg...". So what I'm saying is, we aren't even really getting Sektor and Cyrax, at least not them as the characters they were before. Which most people are probably gonna be okay with but I don't like the idea of Sektor not being Sektor but instead just some other Cyborg copying his moves and look. :(

I am, however, still excited because I love Cyborgs. And I've grown to accept Baralien, Leatherface and Bo. Even though I don't like them as characters, NRS can still do cool shit with them.
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Damn vro, hadda mess with yo auntie
I like Bo Rai Cho and Tri-Borg, I'm indifferent to Xenomorph, Leatherface can Fuck right off. I would've much preferred all MK characters for this one or at most one guest. I feel leatherface just took Fujin's spot in KP2. Fujin hasn't been in an MK game in 9 years and that's when everyone was in it. Not counting MKA, he hasn't been in an MK Game since 1997, in MK4. Almost 20 years.


You alright mate ?
So, after thinking about this for a bit, I'm pretty sure Triborg is just some random Cyborg copying Sektors/Cyrax/Smoke or maybe the grey one isn't Smoke but just the Cyborg himself, so basically a new character. Think about it, those variations are not the real characters. How would this work with the intro system or even x-rays? They'll all say the same things and have the same x-ray/fatalities. I'm pretty sure, no matter what variation you choose, for the intros characters are just gonna say "Triborg...". So what I'm saying is, we aren't even really getting Sektor and Cyrax, at least not them as the characters they were before. Which most people are probably gonna be okay with but I don't like the idea of Sektor not being Sektor but instead just some other Cyborg copying his moves and look. :(

I am, however, still excited because I love Cyborgs. And I've grown to accept Baralien, Leatherface and Bo. Even though I don't like them as characters, NRS can still do cool shit with them.
I agree.... I want to see Sektor fatalities and X-Rays.... Dialogs and stuff... Sektor voice.... Same with Cyrax.