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Who was your main? Game by Game


MK1: Scorpion
MK3: Cyrax
MK4: Reptile
MKD: Baraka
MKX: Cyber Kano

My all-time favorite is Sub-Zero. I've either mained, co-mained, or secondaried him in every game. I absolutely hated his tiny t-rex arms in MKX though, and clone is gone in MK11, so that could change going forward. We'll see.


I didn't start playing fighting games until the MKX reveal came out. I was so hyped for it but knew that it was going to be a few months until the game came out and I didn't want to wait, so I bought MK9 and tried to get good in that game. So I'm really new. But...
MK9: Smoke (also played some Rain and Skarlet)
MKX: Takeda (still messing around and trying to find some more fun characters I could play).
IJ2: Scarecrow/Deadshot (better with Scarecrow but want to be better with Deadshot)

If anyone has any suggestions as to characters/variations to mess around with in MKX until MK11 comes, please drop some suggestions. I really want to get invested into a character. Looking for characters that are kinda flashy, have cool looking combos, and are just fun. Thanks!

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
I love these types of threads!

1) Mortal Kombat 9: Reptile (with just a tiny bit of Scorpion)
2) Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition: Blanka
3) Mortal Kombat X: Noxious Reptile (with just a tiny bit of Ninjutsu Scorpion)
4) Injustice 2: Poison Ivy, Sub-Zero, Starfire and Leonardo (with the rest of the Ninja Turtles for casual matches, also Poison Ivy for just casual matches after Sub-Zero came out)
5) Dragon Ball Fighterz: Broly/Cooler, Piccolo and Cell (I also had Beerus at first but dropped him after Broly came out)
6) SoulCalibur 6: Yoshimitsu

All time favorite is of course Reptile. He was my favorite character when I was first introduced to the Mortal Kombat series and the fighting game genre back in the 90's and also right now. There was a portion in between in which Scorpion was my favorite and Reptile was my second favorite, but now Reptile is once again my top favorite and Scorpion is now my 2nd favorite, and Reptile is now my all time top favorite overall and it's never gonna change.
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John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Mortal Kombat 1 - Scorpion
Mortal Kombat 2 - Scorpion
Mortal Kombat 3 - Cyber Smoke
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - Ermac
Mortal Kombat 4 - Reiko
Mortal Kombat DA - Scorpion
Mortal Kombat D - Noob/Smoke
Mortal Kombat A - Ermac
Mortal Kombat 9 - Ermac
Mortal Kombat X - Kotal Kahn
Mortal Kombat 11 - Gary

Injustice 1 - Ares
Injustice 2 - Robin


Administrator and Community Engineer
Didn't have a main in the earlier MKs, just played whoever.

MK9: Jax and Cage
Injustice: Green Lantern
MKX: Takeda
Injustice 2: Superbae :)

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I didn't start playing fighting games until the MKX reveal came out. I was so hyped for it but knew that it was going to be a few months until the game came out and I didn't want to wait, so I bought MK9 and tried to get good in that game. So I'm really new. But...
MK9: Smoke (also played some Rain and Skarlet)
MKX: Takeda (still messing around and trying to find some more fun characters I could play).
IJ2: Scarecrow/Deadshot (better with Scarecrow but want to be better with Deadshot)

If anyone has any suggestions as to characters/variations to mess around with in MKX until MK11 comes, please drop some suggestions. I really want to get invested into a character. Looking for characters that are kinda flashy, have cool looking combos, and are just fun. Thanks!
If you liked Smoke in MK9, give Cyber Smoke a try in MKX. He's pretty flashy and a super, super solid character.


Wake-Up Rolls, bitch.
MK1: Sub-Zero
MK2: Kitana
MK3: Cyrax
MK4: Fujin
MKDA: Cyrax
MKD: Mileena
MKA: Cyrax
MK9: Mileena
MKX: Mileena

All-Time: Mileena. ^_^


Mortal Kombat (1992) - Scorpion
Mortal Kombat II - Sub-Zero
Mortal Kombat 3 - Sub-Zero
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - Scorpion
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe - Scorpion
Mortal Kombat (2011) - Kitana
Mortal Kombat XL - Mileena (Ravenous)

Your all time favourite in the Franchise; Scorpion

I listed all the titles I've properly played in the franchise, which includes Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe because it's a legitimate game in the franchise despite its flaws. Otherwise, I've kept to the original posters criteria.


For the Shokan since Mk3
Mortal Kombat 1 - Kano
Mortal Kombat 2 - Baraka
Mortal Kombat 3 - Sheeva
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - Sheeva
Mortal Kombat Trilogy - Shao Khan
Mortal Kombat 4 - Meat
Mortal Kombat DA - Hsu Hao
Mortal Kombat D - Kobra
Mortal Kombat A - Shao Khan/Onaga
Mortal Kombat 9 - Sheeva
Mortal Kombat X - Goro

All-time favorite in the franchise: Shao Khan


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
MK1 - Sub-Zero
MK2 - Jax
UMK3 - The Entire Roster (Best with Human Smoke)
MKT - The Entire Roster
3D MK’s - I don’t remember, or try not to
MK9 - Smoke, Kang, Lao, Cyrax, Kenshi
Injustice - Ares (he got nerfed hella early), MMH, Aquaman, Superman
MKX - Shinnok and Scorpion
Injustice 2 - Supergirl, Aquaman, Superman

MK11 - Who knows!!??


Cock Master!!
not following your rules mk3, umk3, mkt are all different games
also some of these games i was actually competitive at and played more then one main.

MK ~ Scorpion Best version of the spear!!
MK2 ~ Raiden/Kitana
MK3 ~ Sindel
UMK3 ~ Sindel/Kitana
MKT ~ Sindel/Kitana/MK2 Kung lao/MK2 Raiden
MK4 ~ Tanya
MK Gold ~ Kitana
MKDA ~ Kitana
MKD ~ Sindel/Mileena
MKA ~ Tanya/Mavado Sindel. Kitana and Deagon
MK9 ~ Sindel
MKX ~ Kitana Assassin

All time Kitana ~ i have a tattoo of her on my arm, But i love Sindel just as much and plan on getting her on some part of my body lol


Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
MK1: Johnny
MK2: Mileena
UMK3: Sonya
MK4- Idk, I guess Tanya or Sonya
MKA: Sareena
MK9: Mileena/Sonya/Freddy
Injustice: Harley
MKX: Cassie/Jason/Leatherface
Injustice 2: Harley/Donatello

Yes I broke the "No guests" rule but they're literally characters in the games lmao so


Future Karate Expert
MKDA: Johnny
MKD: Sub-Zero
MKvsDC: Supes/Subby
MK9:Ermac/Johnny/Subby (Never really chose one)
Inj: Supes
MKX: Subby
Inj2: Supes/Grodd (oddly enough)

All-time fave(s): Subby/Supes
MKI - Raiden
MKII - Raiden
MKT - Raiden
MK4 - Raiden, rip hammer.
DA - Raiden, yay big stick!
DE - Raiden
ARM - Raiden
MK9 - Raiden
MKX - Raiden
INJ2 - Raiden
MK11 - Raiden, holy shit.

I love lightning and I love godlike characters. Raiden has been my dad since forever and now he's looking truly amazing. They've done right by our thunder god this time. The variation abilities look crazy too.

Now I also play other characters of course, but most of my time is on Raiden for sure. Before he was added to Injustice I played Darkseid and Brainiac. I also like the big villain types.
MK1 - Raiden
MK2 - Jax, Johnny
MK3 - Kabal, Nightwolf, Human Smoke
MK4 - Shinnok, Fujin, Scorpion
MKDA - Bo' Rai Cho, Scorpion
MKD - Kabal, Ermac
MKA - Kabal
MK vs DC - Sub-Zero, Green Lantern
MK9 - Kabal, Johnny
MKX - Erron, Bo' Rai Cho, Shinnok

IJ1 - Lobo, Ares, MMH
IJ2 - Fate, Grodd, Swamp Thing

All time favorite goes to Kabal, Fujin is a close second. Can't wait to see him in 11.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
This list s vanilla games only (it no UMK3/Gold/Unchained etc)

MK: Raiden
MK 2: Kitana / Mileena
MK 3: Sindel / Sub Zero
MK 4: Raiden / Tanya
MKDA: Kitana
MKD: Ashrah / Li Mei
MKA: Ashrah / Kitana
MKvsDC: Kitana / Raiden
MK9: Kitana / Mileena
MKX: Kitana / Tanya


I'm sure your shocked to notice that Kitana is my favorite in the series...

Evil Canadian

Elder God
ehh what the heck

mk1 - Kano & Sub-Zero
mk2 - Mileena & Reptile
mk3 - Kabal & Sub-Zero, I never got to play UMK3 until it came out on home versions.
MK4 - (game sucks)Sub-Zero
Deadly alliance - Sub-Zero
Deception - Mileena & Kabal
Armageddon - Mileena
MK vs DC - never played
MK9 - Mileena & Nightwolf
MKX - Kotal Kahn & Kano & Mileena


Mortal Kombat 1 - Raiden
Mortal Kombat 2 - Lui Kang / Raiden / Shang Tsung
Mortal Kombat 3 - Shao Kahn (*via hacks; hardly played it)
Mortal Kombat 4 - Quan Chi (*hardly played it)
Mortal Kombat DA - Raiden / Quan Chi
Mortal Kombat D - Shao Kahn
Mortal Kombat A - Shao Kahn (*hardly played it)
Mortal Kombat 9 - Quan Chi / Sindel (*+Shao Kahn via hacks)
Mortal Kombat X - Goro / Jason / Kitana / Quan Chi / Tanya
(Mortal Kombat Vs. DCU - Shao Kahn)
(Injustice 1 -
Bane / Catwoman / Emma Frost / Zatana)
(Injustice 2 -
Darksied / Bane / Poison Ivy / Enchantress / Catwoman)
(Mortal Kombat M.U.G.E.N. -
Shao Kahn / Sindel)
{Mortal Kombat 11 -
Shao Kahn / Skarlet / Sindel? / Michael Myers...?}


Pick up & kill it & kill it & kill it!
MK1 - Sub-Zero, Scorpion
MKII - Sub-Zero , Scorpion, Kitana, Mileena, Reptile
MK3 - Sub-Zero, Smoke
UMK3 - Sub-Zero (both versions), Scorpion, Kitana, Mileena, Jade
MKT (N64 & PS1) - Sub-Zero (both), Scorpion, Kitana, Mileena, Jade,
MK4/MKG - Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Kitana, Mileena
MKDA - Scorpion, Kitana, Sub-Zero
MKD - Scorpion, Jade, Mileena, Sub-Zero
MKA - Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kitana, Mileena,Jade
MK v DC - Sub-Zero
MK9 - Kitana, Kung Lao, Mileena
MKX - Scorpion, Mileena, Kitana
Injustice 1 - Batman, The Flash
Injustice 2- Supergirl

The characters that I listed 1st beside the title was my true main. Kitana was my 1st competitive MK main since joining the scene for MK9. Came in around the last year of the scene or just a little before the last year of the scene. @TheGabStandard, remember the pattern change that I told you about with MKDA after the older ones? Here you go.


MK1 - Scorpion
MK2 - Baraka
MK3 - no main
MK4 - Reptile
MK9 - Johnny Cage
Injustice - Batman
MKX - Cassie Cage
Injustice 2 - Harley Quinn
MK11 - Baraka(?)

I like either the grotesque or the smartass, funny characters. Baraka’s probably my all-time favorite and who I’ll likely main in MK11, but am hoping that D’vorah makes the roster and is fun to play. Is it April 23rd yet?

UGL Preon

The Casual God
MK1: Sub Zero
MK2: Jax
MK3: Cyber Smoke
MKDA: Nitara
MKD: Ermac/Havik
MK9: Quan Chi
MKX: Takeda (Lasher/Ronin)/Ermac (Spectral Only)