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Who has Something To Prove in MKX: 'Return of The Footsie'

He was a top player in doa and had some top 8's in tekken too I believe not just Mk games. He has worked on injustice, mk9 and killer instinct as a tester. Who really can say they have worked as a tester for 3 different fighting games, and probably 4 because MKX is coming. He got chosen for MLG MK as a commentator, he wrote the guide for injustice and also KI I believe. To know all the specifics I would have to be like 40 years old, go ask him you know him. What I don't understand is, tom isn't even talking here on the forums anymore and you keep throwing shots at him.


Administrator and Community Engineer
ithat means if Jwong, floe, chris g etc come in and start mopping us up i will be really disappoint and will make it my mission to gatekeep these guys out of our top 8's.
The only exception to this list I'd make is Chris G -- because there really is no shame in losing to Chris G in any fighting game. The guy is just talented, plain and simple, and he stuck with MK9 about as long as anybody and entered more tournaments than most of the MK9 stalwarts that were listed.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
He was a top player in doa and had some top 8's in tekken too I believe not just Mk games. He has worked on injustice, mk9 and killer instinct as a tester. Who really can say they have worked as a tester for 3 different fighting games, and probably 4 because MKX is coming. He got chosen for MLG MK as a commentator, he wrote the guide for injustice and also KI I believe. To know all the specifics I would have to be like 40 years old, go ask him you know him. What I don't understand is, tom isn't even talking here on the forums anymore and you keep throwing shots at him.
I'm saying I do know but wondering if u did

Btw this is about being a competitor not what guide u wrote, testing, commentating

I'm talking solely based tourney results


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
Liking the game and the character you play is very important too. I know after NEC I took a huge hit and went into a giant character crisis because I didn't think Doomsday could handle himself alone, definitely still don't but it was nowhere near as bad as I thought. He only really has 1-3 match ups I'd pick a different character for and even then you don't really need to, as Whiteboi and Noobe constantly show people even though I think they're fucking nuts for not having secondaries.

Then right after SCR I kinda just stopped caring about the game and told myself the game sucked so obviously I did super poorly. UFGT was a similar situation.

Then right around a week before MLG I decided that Injustice wasn't necessarily a bad game and I actually played a character that could make the game about footsies and I had been wrong for pretty much my entire major lifespan of injustice and was only bitter because I wasn't doing as well as Noobe/WB. And not so surprisingly MLG and EVO turned out to be two of my best placings at majors. Not that my placings at either of those tournaments was very good but it was significantly higher than SCR and UFGT.

Attitude is a huuuuuuge part of being a tournament player. You can't "prove yourself" and get top 8 if you're sitting around saying the game and your character suck. And if you can realize that, and get on your own case instead of the games case, you'll place a lot better and feel a lot better about your play. I don't know why the fuck I went on this tangent but I literally just woke up 4 minutes ago and I felt like doing this for some reason.

I edited this like 4 times because of random ass spelling/grammar errors. Sorry.
This post made me moist.

But be careful Bradley, blaming one's self and not the game is a taboo around these parts.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
In my first post I was clearly talking about a resume. He gets to do this stuff because he is a good player.
Chris collinsworth is a fantastic commentator for Sunday Night Football on NBC, one of the best

Way better than he was as a Wide Receiver for the Cincinnati bengals competing


I just wanna get Top 8 and possibly win, I've done well in other games and got close to top 8 in MK9 before once but I wanna be more consistent in MKX seeing how shit happened and I wasn't able to play as much as I wanted in IGAU.


Do not provoke a god
As for sonic, he's currently the best NRS player imo so it's no surprise he won. However, wasn't the mk 9 entrant list smaller than previous mk9 tournaments? And we're most of the good players playing mk9 as much as they had been in the past? Those things factor into it as well, no?
Then couldnt we just say that PL, DJT and SF are just that good? On top of the fact that they all played very strong characters. These things, as well as the fact that a good portion of the MK cast has a teleport, should also factor into things as well
I don't disagree with that.

It's entirely possible that MK currently just has too many characters with teleports, which increases the odds of having a teleport character win EVO every time. As Mit stated, Denzell barely used Cyrax's teleport to beat one of the strongest player+character combos in MK9: Reo+Kabal. So, why does Cyrax need a teleport?

MK1 only had Raiden and Scorpion as teleport characters: 2 teleporters. 2/7

MK2 had Raiden, Mileena, Scorpion, Kung Lao and Shang Tsung as teleporters: 5 teleporters. 5/12

MK3 had Sheeva, Sektor, Cyrax, Shang Tsung, Kung Lao, and Robot Smoke: 6 teleporters. 6/15

UMK3 had Sheeva, Sektor, Cyrax, Shang Tsung, Robot Smoke, Scorpion, Kung Lao, Human Smoke, Ermac, and Mileena: 10 teleporters. 10/20

MK4 had: Raiden, Quan Chi, Shinnok, Scorpion, maybe Noob before he got removed: is that 5? I didn't play enough MK4 to know. 5/15

MK9 has: Sheeva, Raiden, Smoke, Sektor, Cyrax, Shang Tsung, Cyber Sub, Skarlett, Kung Lao, Ermac, Mileena, Quan Chi, Noob, Rain, Freddy: 15 teleportesr. lol. 15/32

And out of the the additions to MK9: Cyber Sub, Kenshi, Freddy, Skarlett, and Rain, 4/5 have teleports.

I feel like they need to reduce teleports.
shang tsung has a teleport?


I've always said that certain characters in previous NRS games have had extreme zoning power and that they're downright dumb. So if I get bodied by zoning in a game with a run button and mobility interactables that send you to the other side of the screen feel free to blow me up lol

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Well I am sorry I am not joining you trashtalking a guy who doesn't even post here or replies to your attacks. So you're saying Tom sucks basically?
I'm saying you're making him out to be some comprise legend w 4 Evo medals when he has none

I'm saying he's really good player
Top 20-25 in mk9
And top 53 inj
Top 10 doa at one time
Probably top 5 MKD and top 3 MKDC
I'm saying you're making him out to be some comprise legend w 4 Evo medals when he has none

I'm saying he's really good player
Top 20-25 in mk9
And top 53 inj
Top 10 doa at one time
Probably top 5 MKD and top 3 MKDC
Doesn't he have an evo medal in Doa? I am not making him out to be a 5 time evo champion, you might have interpreted it that way but my very first post was about his resume. And it really depends on what you mean with having something to prove, I don't think he needs to prove that he is a top player or that he can get top 8 because he obviously can. If we're talking whether he can hang with mlg winning/evo winning players then yes, he would need to prove that.