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Which is most Likely to happen in 2013

Which of these is DEFINITELY going to happen in 2013

  • Another Smoke player besides Waffelz, Xsmokex, gross makes a top 8 at a major w smoke

    Votes: 10 9.3%
  • Ermac makes top 8 at any major w any player

    Votes: 11 10.3%
  • Skarlet for the first time in history makes top 8 at a major

    Votes: 45 42.1%
  • Rain main makes top 8

    Votes: 4 3.7%
  • Someone besides m2dave makes top 8 w Freddy

    Votes: 8 7.5%
  • Raiden main makes top 8

    Votes: 6 5.6%
  • Reptile main makes top 8

    Votes: 23 21.5%

  • Total voters
If Pig mains Freddy I vote Freddy, otherwise I vote Smoke. Look at it this way, which is most likely to happen: A) Someone will do something that no one has ever done before (e.g., Top 8 Rain); or, B) Someone does something that has already been proven can be done (e.g., Top 8 Freddy). No offense to those trying to break new ground, just saying.
man i hate you right now for making that post lol. . . the reason is because of your post now the thread i was about to make before
reading your post will look like i am trying to prove something and that is not the case here. . . but mk is starting to feel like an old game to me
and i think this has a lot to do with me using only sonya at a serius level and i say this because in the last vsm i had a lot of fun using noob and nighwolf
No smokes other than the ones listed will make top 8. Also lol at gross ever making a top 8 with smoke, that's not gonna happen. Unless xarakamaka makes it to a legit major and transitions well to offline, my money is on him. That dude is great.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I think Ermac and Reptile have the best shot. I could see:

-Chris G making a Top8 w/ Reptile, if he stays focused/training
- Seven making a Top8 with Ermac (or maybe Big D if he stops being Big 'D'-tier :p). Seriously though -- Ermac players have always been threatening around the edges, and it seems like matchup knowledge has been advancing in the last year or so. Seven has been playing extremely well and the only thing that really stopped him at SCR was running through a pair of top Kabals.
I know I need to level up and stuff and other Cage's do too. Dizzy is way ahead of the rest of the Cage community. I don't think Cage has even made an appearance in top 8 without Dizzy since like EVO. If he is done traveling, I don't see Cage in another top 8.
idk if foxy still uses cage or if he'll use him at evo. if he does he could make top 8. my cage is pretty good. i go back and forth with forever king and went back and forth with sonic fox today. if only i could travel right now
I voted Ermac makes top 8. Ermac as good representation compared to the rest of the other characters listed. Not counting Smoke and Freddy because you listed the only players who can make top 8 with that character tbh.

Edit: I also think Sonya and Cage will die off sadly.
I made top 16 at WB with just Cage. I still think he's very tournament viable if played well, but he still has obstacles to overcome in tournament though.


xbl-OBS trustinme
No smokes other than the ones listed will make top 8. Also lol at gross ever making a top 8 with smoke, that's not gonna happen. Unless xarakamaka makes it to a legit major and transitions well to offline, my money is on him. That dude is great.
he'll transition fine,guys a beast.expect him to wreck some serious shit at evo.imo best skarlet and smoke online.