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Which console will you get MKX for? PS4/Xbone/PC/360/PS3

Which Console Will You Buy MKX For?

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Xbox 360 if i didn't save enough for the current gen but I really want to play in an Xbox one for the game and for KI Season 3 as well.


How long did you play on the X1. Because I had exactly the same feeling when I played KI on pad the first time. But when i bought the X1 myself I noticed that the dpad is not that bad, pretty good actually you just have to get used to it.
I've played on it a good amount. Maybe around 5-6 times? About 50 matches probably.


Loses to uppercuts
Man I havent been on here in ages. The site is looking great. With MKX announced and gameplay footage showing up I decided to dust off my fightstick (I play with a controller :p). But anyway yea, what do you plan on playing on? Since im a huge Dark Souls fan, i'm likely going to be buying a PS4 for BloodBorne anyway so im probably going to play it on that.

Btw if you remember me from a year or two ago ill explain where ive been.
Well I actually havent been far away. I still watch MK and even Injustice tournaments whenever I get the chance. But when Injustice got released it wasnt really my cup of tea and I had just started getting into PC gaming. So when Mortal Kombat died down a little bit in wake of the new game, I latched onto other games I had started playing on PC. I stopped playing MK9 almost all together simply because the game died down and I wasnt able to attend offline tournaments because of my location (Kansas) and my age (17 at the time). But with MKX announced and looking pretty good I plan on buying it and getting back into the scene with you guys soon, which is why I wanted to know what you would be playing on.


Do you guys think xbox1 and 360 will have linked online play? Sounds silly, but not to farfetched. If not, ill switch to xbox1.


Infinite Meter Kombos
I'm not talking about consoles. I'm talking about NRS business strategy for it's previous two games. The game usually goes through different stages in it's lifetime such as:

1) Vanilla MKX broken to shit with people making stupid Day 0 kombos on YouTube Because I really really really want that pre order statue
2) MKX broken with DLC on disc
3) MKX GOTY edition with DLC and Patches included.

Rationally thinking, if people purchase the Day 1 version, they will know how to play by the time the GOTY edition comes out & pwn noobz like nobody's business. But this is not the case as through patches, the Day 1 game is NOTHING LIKE THE GOTY EDITION and everyone has to relearn how to adapt for tournaments.
So basically we are purchasing three versions of the same game.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer

You're asking kompetitors (and hardcore MK fans). Of kourse we'll buy it day 1 (or pre-day 1)...

The thing about NRS games is that the patches kome for all konsole versions of the game so we don't have to buy the Game Of The Year Edition to stay kompetitive, and changes to characters (as drastic as they may sometimes be) usually don't change the kore of the character, so learning a character Day 1 will make it less work by the time the patches kome in.

I also know a few people that never bought the DLC and still did well in tournaments because they got that match up experience at kasuals and tournaments, they just obviously kouldn't main them as efficiently.


Infinite Meter Kombos

You're asking kompetitors (and hardcore MK fans). Of kourse we'll buy it day 1 (or pre-day 1)...

The thing about NRS games is that the patches kome for all konsole versions of the game so we don't have to buy the Game Of The Year Edition to stay kompetitive, and changes to characters (as drastic as they may sometimes be) usually don't change the kore of the character, so learning a character Day 1 will make it less work by the time the patches kome in.

I also know a few people that never bought the DLC and still did well in tournaments because they got that match up experience at kasuals and tournaments, they just obviously kouldn't main them as efficiently.
I made this thread because didn't see anyone else do it. Nothing personal.