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Which character would you never want to main?


xbl-OBS trustinme
agreed,i hate mileena.i took her in practice for about a hour once and hated the way she felt to play.maybe its because i am constantly getting bodied by her aswell,lol.

Lt. Boxy Angelman


Still pissed he's not Frost.

Novel idea, good business move...doesn't belong in MK.
Fuck, KRATOS getting in made more sense than Freddy did.
Aside from him, there's no one in the cast I wouldn't/haven't tried to play, just people I avoid for specific reasons. Like Kano. I have no beef with Kano, I think he's fucking nasty as pie, but the :r:d:l:r for regular Ball DQ'd him, otherwise he'd be in there.
If there's absolutely one character that I wouldn't want to main it would be Kung Lao. He just annoys the hell out of me both gameplay wise, his style and personality (and that I mean by the battle cries he makes when doing his moves).

Still pissed he's not Frost.

Novel idea, good business move...doesn't belong in MK.
Fuck, KRATOS getting in made more sense than Freddy did.
He probably wouldn't be Frost.

Most likely it would have been Fujin or Tanya if it wasn't Freddy. I fucking hate Freddy. Freddy. Fuck Freddy. NRS should have put in Ed Boon instead of Freddy. It would be more original atleast.


Truth and Ugly
Liu Kang; the retarded chicken noises, the freakishly proportioned shoulders and the 1 string combos.
Mileena/Reptile; obnoxious win poses.


Revenant Jade
Kratos - one of the few reasons I RARELY ever play MK on PS3, just very irritating to deal with online.

Raiden - Online Raiden experiences made me hate this character so much, braindead D+U all day.


Yung Kneecaps
Freddy, Kano, Nightwolf, and Sheeva.

Only thing cool about Freddy is his intro when he comes up in flames with his evil laugh. The way he laughs is just hilarious to me

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Jade, Baraka or Sheeva. WAY too much effort to win with those characters.

Also Kabal, but simply because I don't want to develop carpel tunnel syndrome!

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
really? why dont you just pick up a pocket Cage or Jax or something? Do you not like Rushdown?I know you said this on the podcast but, i thought you were trolling.

I'm never trolling about my loyalty to the princess.


Shitty characters like Stryker and Jade....:rolleyes:.

Anywho, I would never play Scorpion, Raiden, Mileena, and Kung Lao

Scorpion's more mainstream than PB&J and a really annoying character.

Mileena's just a really annoying character, she's good at trolling though.

Kung Lao is so boring, lame, and just overall uninteresting to me, not to mention I don't feel challenged when I play him.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Cyber sub zero. For some reason, when the game first came out, my friends and i had some idea that he was god tier and we actually banned him from play. I have never recovered completly from my scrubtasticness. Plus i play regular sub zero, so that would just be awkward.