My blades will find your heart
... i hate you
I mean come on, when i posted what i did it actually was too early, everyone was saying sinestro was ass, batman was top, superman was OK, noone knew about cyborg yet (other than the testers), and people were listing catwoman in broken tier (i mean they still are, but more than now). So then you close it and let KT smith keep his "tier list" which is really just his impressions of the entire cast after having played like 2 matchups.
Ok fine, so the game is a month old and people probably know what's going on a little better now, but even so, this is no less than a spit in my face from you Juggs. I used to be the biggest advocate for "it's not the mods" but fuck that, it's at least some of the mods that made this place a shithole, and this hypocritical illuminati bullshit is a prime example. peace out

Oh and also: