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What's the Story With VSM?


1 2 3 drink
I'm not comparing Injustice to MK gameplay-wise. I'm comparing it on a competitive scale. I also think that the majority of people on here are no longer the MK fans. I feel that it's pretty fair to say that the member based on this site has skyrocketed because of Injustice, and that the purely MK fans are now the minority. Like I said I've never said anything negative about Injustice as a game. Just because I like MK9 more doesn't mean that I don't Injustice to continue in its growth.
Not to say anything but alot of mk players also like injustice...


You can't build a community off of singular persons, you build a community from people with similar interests. (A community from a community)


I'll weigh in on this later... I'm 10 hours removed from a 72hour volunteer job (Chaperone at NJ Special Olympics) and I'm already at work...and likely have a solid 10 to 12 hour day ahead of me today...and most likely through the end of June as well.

I've skimmed the thread, I'll make a detailed post later, however Dark_Rob made a very accurate post about the current state.

Nothing lasts forever. VSM will never be what it was during its prime with MK9. It was a special thing and a special time, and Im glad alot of people got to be apart of it, have fun, travel the country and win a shitload of tournaments. But sometimes lightning does only strike once. Sometimes you cant make the magic happen twice.

When Phil and I started VSM we were both in very different places then we are now. We wanted a place to play hard and we were both die hard into fighters and MK at the time. Before VSM we were getting together in my house with guys like REO, Red Saleen, LI Joe,Shock and Summoning and it was just to small for the amount of people coming down so we needed to find a bigger place and then we stumbled upon Gamers Edge. But thats all it was ever really intended to be. We just wanted a place to get together and play. All the stuff that came after was pure luck. All the great players that came down and formed a bond and trained hard together are what turned it into a team. And during 2011-2012 VSM ruled like no one else.

But things change, people change, priorities change, situations change. Phil and I are like brothers and we were always motivating each other and bouncing ideas off each other. We used to spend hours and hours on the phone just talking about VSM. That doesnt really happen anymore. I havent been into MK9 in a long time, and while I gave Injustice a shot, its boring me quickly. I rarely go to VSM anymore because I just dont have the interest I used to. Phil still loves it but Phil has alot more on his plate now then he did in 2011. He works a full time job with grueling(I would say inhuman) hours, hes married now, hes involved with other things besides fighting games now, plus like everyone hes got his own plans for the future. The every week, every thursday super VSM stream was never gonna last forever. Im not saying he will never stream VSM again, of course he will, but will it be every week like clockwork on a regular schedule? I doubt it.

But its also about supply and demand. If tons of players started showing up again and the demand was there, I doubt Phil would sit on the sidelines. He sends out those text messages as feelers every week and usually gets very few responses. If the players dont want to do it why should he? Now Im not an expert on many things. But I would call myself an expert on Phil and I know that if the players build it, Phil will come.


Just throwing this out there because I was sort of the tournament organizer/streamer for AZ. But being someone that tries to organize events, streams and competes sort of becomes a thankless task. If you wan't to be a competitor you never have time to warm up or play casuals because you're always concerned with keeping the viewers happy. If you want to be a competitor your events start to lack the excitement because you cant pay attention to viewers. You always have to sacrifice somewhere.

Phil was obviously the driving force between why you guys give a shit about VSM but everybody fails to realize that because the Dominicans and REO are the main marketing focus on TYM. Why do we not see VSM anymore? My predictions are CD jr would rather hang out with the Capcom crowd for street credibility. Our MK all stars got jobs and have to focus on real life issues now. Phil started getting his priorities straight or got burned one to many times.

I can speak from my AZ scene standpoint and say that even though Detroit is obviously the best player the fact that he has to focus on real life now that he has a full time job effects his ability to perform as best as he knows he can. The reality is and this has been established in counterstrike and other top esports games through studies, is that gamers perform at the peak of their ability between the ages of 19-24. I believe this has to do primarily with the fact that gamers are at the peak of their abilities mentally, they still have the reactions of a child and they can dedicate their soul into a passion due to the fact that mom and dad are footing the bill.

TL.DR: We are seeing our idols grow up and marketers focus on real life.


Monster Island Tournaments
It started towards the end of MK. VSM basically turned into the CDbros vs Reo/Tom Brady show on stream but thats what the people wanted to see so thats what Phil put on, can't blame him but I know that turned a lot of the lower level players off a bit because they never got the opportunity to test their might vs the best. REO kicking my ass for two hours straight my first day was the best thing to ever happen to me lol

J360 and Scoot Magee were my training partners and for what seemed like months those would be the only two dudes I faced and then even in tournaments I'd end up facing them first and second round. After a while it kind of just became to SwiftTomHanks point, why pay an additional $5/10 bucks to face off against people when I can just go to their house instead? That was when I started holding casuals at my place, or as Dark_Rob called it "The East Annex".

VSM at its pinnacle was when it was weekly tournaments and IMO that is the only thing that could bring it back to full strength, that and all the people just stop bitching about injustice and learn to play a new game or just stop playing it and support Mk9 to the fullest again.

As a DC fan this game is a dream come true and it bothers me that it seems like people would rather NRS made this MK9 with DC skins instead of the game we have today. I constantly hear people complaining about no anti airs, walk speeds, jumping... Hell I was one of them originally but then it finally clicked. This game IMO is more about making reads instead of reaction time. Anti-airs are in this game but most can't be done on reaction unless you have a great d2 so anti airs need to be done on anticipation or matched in the air, thats how this game works. As for walk speeds I played Reptile, FEEL MY PAIN lol. Zoning character camping an interactable so he can MB it? MB b3/f3 and win the trade. Like KT Smith says, this game has so many defensive options but it seems no one wants to or cares to take advantage of them.

Is this game perfect? Hell no but at a FIRST attempt to a new series with only two months behind it, its pretty damn good. No input bug, no inescapable 100% combos off 1 bomb, no meter drain, TRADES, no player 1 advantage, no kabal. The only thing this game is missing is acknowledging a perfect in some kind of way, thats my only gripe along with some obvious balancing issues that they've done a great job with already and hopefully continue to do so.

But back on the topic of VSM. I found this site by dumb luck and it brought me there and I've made some great friendships along the way and if 9.95 or Dark_Rob need anything to jump start it back up I'm there 100%.


Monster Island Tournaments
Also streaming and holding tournaments is pretty thankless job. Theres a huge portion of this community that loves drama so they try to start shit (rigging bs with STH and Rob for example) and they don't realize that people are doing this FOR FREE. No one pays these guys to make brackets, get people together, stream and worst of all a large portion of the community doesn't even say thank you. Its a big reason why I pretty much stopped going to tournaments and only do VSM and local gatherings instead.


My mom tells me I'm pretty
MK9 was a special time dude. And I agree, Injustice is not the game to hang VSMs hopes on. It doesnt have whatever that X factor was that MK9 had. I dont think theres anything wrong with Injustice per se, but its certainly not motivating players to come out the way MK9 did. When VSM was in its prime during MK9, Gamers Edge had to move twice to make room for all the people that were coming down. Different time, different game bro.
I think the only thing that can truly bring it back will be UMK9/MK10, or whatever they decide to make in the MK series. VSM essentially breaths MK whenever the game is around. MK was the longest I've played a game without a true story like Zelda or Banjo Kazooie. Although I rarely played it outside of the summer because of school, I would put as much as I could to make it to VSM every Thursday that I could make it. The first time I've played Injustice was at your house, Rob. Since then, I am 100% confident that I have less than a day played on it. I have never been into DC outside of a few characters (I didn't know Ares, Nightwing - I knew Robin not Nightwing, Black Adam, Deathstroke, Doomsday, Green Arrow, Harley Quinn, Hawkgirl, Killer Frost, Lex Luthor, Shazam, Sinestro, or Grundy. I also didn't know who Bane was until that Batman movie came out). Even the characters I did know, I was only interested in a few. MK was my childhood in both arcades and whatever else I could find that consisted of Scorpion (best character other than Quan hold dat). I have no passion for Injustice at all :/


Zatanna for DLC!
I HAVE AN OFFLINE SCENE! I'm going to do everything it takes to make it stay that way. Sorry to hear about VSM though.