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What's the Story With VSM?

GGA Wafflez

the kid
Why the fuck do you guys need a stream to be motivated to play? GGA hardly streams, and yet we still get a strong 10+ people every week (usually 5 from the team or less, and then strong supporters of our scene). People who come out TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS drive for hours not just to play with us, but to also hang out. I feel like other scenes don't have this common comradery, and believe it or not, it is a huge motivation for scenes to continue to play and practice together. Jr. and REO not going to VSM for whatever reason early 2012 definitely hurt their scene, as they attract everyone to come play. Yes Phil, was a huge part of VSM in streaming and getting their name out, but because he stopped coming IMO is a sad excuse for not playing ever.

Also, you wanna play MK? Probably not gonna happen. Hate to be pessimistic, but this scene for some odd reason has lost all motivation to play. Players are just DQ'ing themselves out of tournament, or have become too hollywood to play this "shit" game because of the numbers injustice is getting. Also, on the topic of hollywood, can we please stop being babies about time slots? I think that is just so dumb. Be hollywood to troll, not to be an asshole to every1.

I think Pig is really leading the charge in ATTEMPTING to motivate previous high level players in playing again, or just giving a shit about the game. Yeah, people have lives, but you can't complain if you aren't doing anything about it. GGA still plays it, although there is usually one setup, we want to practice cause it's gonna be at EVO, and while all y'all motha fuckas are talkin shit about us and mk as a game, we gonna be regulating as long as i dont play kung lao kabal sonya kenshi or johnny cage.


Alternative-Fact Checker
Interest yes, hype no. Just my opinion. I never want to jump out of my seat when I'm watching Injustice, and I'm quite sure that a lot of people share this feeling. I think what pisses me off is that MK gets no love or support anymore.

I'm not trying to pick on you when I say this, but it's BRUTALLY unfair to compare a game being played at the highest level by dudes who have almost 3 years of experience to a game that just came out that people are still figuring out how to play, and people keep making this comparison when it's pretty unfair to the new game. Game's are ugly as shit when people are trying to learn how to play, and this goes for any game really.

I think one thing people aren't mentioning is that a lot of people here probably ONLY like MK. Like a lot of dudes who are playing aren't connecting because the only thing they wanna play (In fact might have been their first fighting game) was MK/MK9. Of course you wouldn't like anything else if you're so attached, and you can't blame people for that. People just need to come more clean about that instead of trying to say "[Insert game here] is ass"


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
you want hype.............. iight am calling out any injustice player, i'll body anyone with flash ft5 at any venue 50$ MM LETS GOOOOO!!!!!! lol but on a serious point i went to vsm, nextlevel and ect 5 in a mater of 3 days, i love it, i wish everyone would have been at vsm, but there were quite a few people there and i got a lot of games in with NY_Jailhouse and @freevolver...i mean Revolver and at next level against rico, dragon god, dartharma and of course the tournament. i think i have a suggestion to help injustice @ vsm.

First like reo said, tournaments, why is nextlevel popular? well one its in brooklyn, take the D train from anywhere and your down the block from the venue. but more importantly is dat mula baby!! if am going to spend money at a venue, i want the opportunity to win it back. and to respond to what @medina said before and after the tournaments at vsm there hold casuals usually lasting hours, not just a tournament, same for nextlevel. people can get there at around 5pm play casuals until the tournament start @pm or something. then when the tournament is doing or its grandfinals the other sets up are there for casuals as well. i got more time playing casuals at ect 5 during tournament than at vsm for a whole night you know? so hold tournaments, venue fee then 5 or 10 bucks for the tournament and we good. also move it to friday or something. i left nextlevel mad late, and i got home at around 3am from the train (partly due because the M train wasn't running from Broadway Lafayette but thats besides the point). but i think it would benefit vsm to move to friday imo. hopefully phil can make it on fridays to stream and stuff.

second its a community effort, people need to make up there minds, are you going to get hype for injustce? are you going to want to level up and play this game? are you going to show that vsm is still top? if injustice were infact mk10 would it make it difference? what if injustice was literally the best game evar!!! would you still come? answer these questions @ whoever is reading this that was part of the weekly vsm crew. i live in allentown PA. thats 2 and a half hours from vsm, a shit ton of gas and toll. i would be there every single thursday or friday if i still lived in brooklyn with my mom, even for casuals, but i only speak for myself. i know CD works too much to make it too anything anymore, maxter has shit to do, and Jr can just go to nextlevel and get his intake on injustice, and its alot easier for him to do that. Reo and brady i have no clue about except what reo posted. i saw KT Smith J360 last time i was there, even classy sasquatch i believe. you guys need to come together for vsm if you want the revival of the best damn scene for injustice. hell get chris g to vsm lol

third LBSH we need hype, i haven't seen the callouts yet for injustice besides freechamp. classy.....call out @djr.....say you are the best superman and you'll body him free. bam instant hype LOL quick revolver call out NYC FAB that your the best lex and challange him too $100 money match, i bet he'd go..... i think lol i'll call out any flash player or any player just for the hype, but i don't live in NYC, so maybe next east coast tournament i'll start to bring some hype in this damn community in the form of straight call out, MM's and so on. what was top 3 most hype moments in MK9?
LFG people what are you waiting for?


I'm not trying to pick on you when I say this, but it's BRUTALLY unfair to compare a game being played at the highest level by dudes who have almost 3 years of experience to a game that just came out that people are still figuring out how to play, and people keep making this comparison when it's pretty unfair to the new game. Game's are ugly as shit when people are trying to learn how to play, and this goes for any game really.

I think one thing people aren't mentioning is that a lot of people here probably ONLY like MK. Like a lot of dudes who are playing aren't connecting because the only thing they wanna play (In fact might have been their first fighting game) was MK/MK9. Of course you wouldn't like anything else if you're so attached, and you can't blame people for that. People just need to come more clean about that instead of trying to say "[Insert game here] is ass"
I'm not comparing Injustice to MK gameplay-wise. I'm comparing it on a competitive scale. I also think that the majority of people on here are no longer the MK fans. I feel that it's pretty fair to say that the member based on this site has skyrocketed because of Injustice, and that the purely MK fans are now the minority. Like I said I've never said anything negative about Injustice as a game. Just because I like MK9 more doesn't mean that I don't Injustice to continue in its growth.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Thing about that video is it shows how great of a fighting game mk9 really is. Footsies , walk speed, anti airs. Hype!!! Let's start playing again!
i agree that injustice feels slower, but you have so take in the account that the camera is closer to the players in MK and the screen is smaller, injustice and mk9 actually have the same walk speed but the camera in injustice is pull out father, that's why the jumping looks so floaty as well because the jump heights are a little higher to compensate they made the screen taller, imagine hawkgirl in MK9? she wouldn't be seen on screen lol


Come On Die Young
Yeah last week was kinda ridiculous..I mean revolver spent the money/time to come out from NYC to valley stream and it was only me (I live 3 minutes away from vsm venue) and him playing

Seems a waste :(
Nah it was still fun. Dem batgirl mindgames yo

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Why the fuck do you guys need a stream to be motivated to play? GGA hardly streams, and yet we still get a strong 10+ people every week (usually 5 from the team or less, and then strong supporters of our scene). People who come out TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS drive for hours not just to play with us, but to also hang out. I feel like other scenes don't have this common comradery, and believe it or not, it is a huge motivation for scenes to continue to play and practice together. Jr. and REO not going to VSM for whatever reason early 2012 definitely hurt their scene, as they attract everyone to come play. Yes Phil, was a huge part of VSM in streaming and getting their name out, but because he stopped coming IMO is a sad excuse for not playing ever.

Also, you wanna play MK? Probably not gonna happen. Hate to be pessimistic, but this scene for some odd reason has lost all motivation to play. Players are just DQ'ing themselves out of tournament, or have become too hollywood to play this "shit" game because of the numbers injustice is getting. Also, on the topic of hollywood, can we please stop being babies about time slots? I think that is just so dumb. Be hollywood to troll, not to be an asshole to every1.

I think Pig is really leading the charge in ATTEMPTING to motivate previous high level players in playing again, or just giving a shit about the game. Yeah, people have lives, but you can't complain if you aren't doing anything about it. GGA still plays it, although there is usually one setup, we want to practice cause it's gonna be at EVO, and while all y'all motha fuckas are talkin shit about us and mk as a game, we gonna be regulating as long as i dont play kung lao kabal sonya kenshi or johnny cage.
This is the longest and most coherent post you've ever made.

...Where's Wafflez?

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
I don't see why we can't all just go and level up by playing consistently. I'm not saying "who needs the top players" but there's no reason we can't be top players. The only reason I haven't went is because for some reason when Phil doesn't go everyone acts like it's canceled and doesn't show up. I'm going next week regardless because I do want to get better at the game. I've been playing a little online with other players from NY but it's not the same. VSM is my local competition so it's important for me to go.

I remember losing to players like the CD bros and Reo at VSM then I would go home and think the matches over like crazy to improve my game, this was like the first year of MK. It's extremely rare I get to play those guys anymore mostly in the last year or so but we can still develop our game. All of the players that attended VSM for all that time are better players now so we can all lvl each other up.


Nothing lasts forever. VSM will never be what it was during its prime with MK9. It was a special thing and a special time, and Im glad alot of people got to be apart of it, have fun, travel the country and win a shitload of tournaments. But sometimes lightning does only strike once. Sometimes you cant make the magic happen twice.

When Phil and I started VSM we were both in very different places then we are now. We wanted a place to play hard and we were both die hard into fighters and MK at the time. Before VSM we were getting together in my house with guys like REO, Red Saleen, LI Joe,Shock and Summoning and it was just to small for the amount of people coming down so we needed to find a bigger place and then we stumbled upon Gamers Edge. But thats all it was ever really intended to be. We just wanted a place to get together and play. All the stuff that came after was pure luck. All the great players that came down and formed a bond and trained hard together are what turned it into a team. And during 2011-2012 VSM ruled like no one else.

But things change, people change, priorities change, situations change. Phil and I are like brothers and we were always motivating each other and bouncing ideas off each other. We used to spend hours and hours on the phone just talking about VSM. That doesnt really happen anymore. I havent been into MK9 in a long time, and while I gave Injustice a shot, its boring me quickly. I rarely go to VSM anymore because I just dont have the interest I used to. Phil still loves it but Phil has alot more on his plate now then he did in 2011. He works a full time job with grueling(I would say inhuman) hours, hes married now, hes involved with other things besides fighting games now, plus like everyone hes got his own plans for the future. The every week, every thursday super VSM stream was never gonna last forever. Im not saying he will never stream VSM again, of course he will, but will it be every week like clockwork on a regular schedule? I doubt it.

But its also about supply and demand. If tons of players started showing up again and the demand was there, I doubt Phil would sit on the sidelines. He sends out those text messages as feelers every week and usually gets very few responses. If the players dont want to do it why should he? Now Im not an expert on many things. But I would call myself an expert on Phil and I know that if the players build it, Phil will come.


My mom tells me I'm pretty
Injustice isn't hype. It's as simple as that. The only person I have ever seen get hype during an Injustice tournament is Alucard. Maybe it's just me, but that's how it seems at the moment. We'll compare two regionals. NWM Injustice to Flawless Victory MK9. Whoever watched the stream, NWM's Injustice crowd was very lifeless. Now what this. I'll skip to the hype part, my rise to fame hold dat.
Skip to 4:30. This is a regional and it got more hype than almost every tournament that has played Injustice. Hold dat MK for life. Never back down. W1nter Warz RIP in peace 2012-2012.

Also, the stream isn't the issue for VSM not going to VSM for Injustice. The game is hold dat.


Injustice isn't hype. It's as simple as that. The only person I have ever seen get hype during an Injustice tournament is Alucard. Maybe it's just me, but that's how it seems at the moment. We'll compare two regionals. NWM Injustice to Flawless Victory MK9. Whoever watched the stream, NWM's Injustice crowd was very lifeless. Now what this. I'll skip to the hype part, my rise to fame hold dat.
Skip to 4:30. This is a regional and it got more hype than almost every tournament that has played Injustice. Hold dat MK for life. Never back down. W1nter Warz RIP in peace 2012-2012.

Also, the stream isn't the issue for VSM not going to VSM for Injustice. The game is hold dat.

MK9 was a special time dude. And I agree, Injustice is not the game to hang VSMs hopes on. It doesnt have whatever that X factor was that MK9 had. I dont think theres anything wrong with Injustice per se, but its certainly not motivating players to come out the way MK9 did. When VSM was in its prime during MK9, Gamers Edge had to move twice to make room for all the people that were coming down. Different time, different game bro.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
MK9 was a special time dude. And I agree, Injustice is not the game to hang VSMs hopes on. It doesnt have whatever that X factor was that MK9 had. I dont think theres anything wrong with Injustice per se, but its certainly not motivating players to come out the way MK9 did. When VSM was in its prime during MK9, Gamers Edge had to move twice to make room for all the people that were coming down. Different time, different game bro.
yeah i agree, mk9 had that fast but calculated pace about it, dash canceling, anti airs, and just overall better looking presentation in some aspects, like babying people, thats hype as fuck LBSH. injustice needs something like what mk9 had, a faster pace you know? chip damage, fast pace footsies. i wanna see injustice make a patch on anti airs and walk speeds and or dash speeds. that way its more fast paced and not backdash and zone among us, or f23 breathe mix up LOL


Gaming4Satan Founder
Thing about that video is it shows how great of a fighting game mk9 really is.
I wish you had been in on the conversation with Me, Shock, Nit, and Blue Nine. MK9 is fun but it's system is flawed at the core. If you took Injustice's system mechanics (back2block, pushblock, universal armor, pokes that aren't -13) you would have a great game.

For the love of god, pick up a copy of SSF4AE used for like $1 and learn Ryu. You don't have to get super good or anything, just get to the point where you can hang with the computer on the hardest setting.

I'm telling you it will change everything.


Injustice isn't hype. It's as simple as that. The only person I have ever seen get hype during an Injustice tournament is Alucard. Maybe it's just me, but that's how it seems at the moment. We'll compare two regionals. NWM Injustice to Flawless Victory MK9. Whoever watched the stream, NWM's Injustice crowd was very lifeless. Now what this. I'll skip to the hype part, my rise to fame hold dat.
Skip to 4:30. This is a regional and it got more hype than almost every tournament that has played Injustice. Hold dat MK for life. Never back down. W1nter Warz RIP in peace 2012-2012.

Also, the stream isn't the issue for VSM not going to VSM for Injustice. The game is hold dat.
This post pretty much sums it up

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
Injustice isn't hype. It's as simple as that. The only person I have ever seen get hype during an Injustice tournament is Alucard. Maybe it's just me, but that's how it seems at the moment. We'll compare two regionals. NWM Injustice to Flawless Victory MK9. Whoever watched the stream, NWM's Injustice crowd was very lifeless. Now what this. I'll skip to the hype part, my rise to fame hold dat.
Skip to 4:30. This is a regional and it got more hype than almost every tournament that has played Injustice. Hold dat MK for life. Never back down. W1nter Warz RIP in peace 2012-2012.

Also, the stream isn't the issue for VSM not going to VSM for Injustice. The game is hold dat.
I wish you had been in on the conversation with Me, Shock, Nit, and Blue Nine. MK9 is fun but it's system is flawed at the core. If you took Injustice's system mechanics (back2block, pushblock, universal armor, pokes that aren't -13) you would have a great game.

For the love of god, pick up a copy of SSF4AE used for like $1 and learn Ryu. You don't have to get super good or anything, just get to the point where you can hang with the computer on the hardest setting.

I'm telling you it will change everything.
I think pushblock is not good, Also universal armor is really dumb. I think MK9's poking system is WAY better than injustice. Just look at the counter poking in that Jax mirror. Also I prefer a block button, always have, Back to block is great for capcom games but it would be TERRIBLE in an MK game imo

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
EGP would still work without them..

I think the four that would hurt the most would be losing Chef, PBoard, Krayzie, and most of all Brian (TenZero7).

Chef literally helps anyone. A goblin kould up from the sewers and ask him how you beat Kenshi with Johnny and he'd happily explain to him how to punish spirit charge and all this wonderful tech he has.

PBoard supports his area and I attribute much of their success to his support. Less recognized threats like WestCoastJeff and MFSlayer are strong at least in part because of this. Plus he knows magic! Who doesn't love magic?

Krayzie has been one of the longest supporters of the scene. When no one else is doing anything, he's the one gathering people from anywhere and everywhere to his home to play. When MK died at WNF a long time ago, he stepped up and that was how I got into the scene. It makes sense why he was one of the founders of TYM, he's passionate not just about MK but its scene.

Last but definitely not least is Brian. When WNF stopped supporting MK he stepped in and helped support the scene. When people were broke he didn't even charge them! Clearly he wasn't in it just for the money. He provided consoles and a venue all while running on little sleep. He's made the most sacrifice for us and truly is the most valued person in our scene. WNF, even with its numbers, is not the same as what Brian provided us with, he provided us with a sense of community that nothing else could ever replace.

There's community leaders and then there's players. I value community leaders MUCH more.

Tyrant and Xblades have been among the best at what they do, and that is play the game. They're top players and it definitely helps to have them in your scene but from a community standpoint they're not the foundation which holds the scene together.

Not to mention, Krayzie and Chef know the whole cast in MK to a great extent and will soon learn the whole cast in Injustice.
Woa woa woa


You guys need to slow down, I wasn't trying to really name the most required members of a scene, I was just trying to name four quickly to give an example

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Why the fuck do you guys need a stream to be motivated to play? GGA hardly streams, and yet we still get a strong 10+ people every week (usually 5 from the team or less, and then strong supporters of our scene). People who come out TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS drive for hours not just to play with us, but to also hang out. I feel like other scenes don't have this common comradery, and believe it or not, it is a huge motivation for scenes to continue to play and practice together. Jr. and REO not going to VSM for whatever reason early 2012 definitely hurt their scene, as they attract everyone to come play. Yes Phil, was a huge part of VSM in streaming and getting their name out, but because he stopped coming IMO is a sad excuse for not playing ever.

Also, you wanna play MK? Probably not gonna happen. Hate to be pessimistic, but this scene for some odd reason has lost all motivation to play. Players are just DQ'ing themselves out of tournament, or have become too hollywood to play this "shit" game because of the numbers injustice is getting. Also, on the topic of hollywood, can we please stop being babies about time slots? I think that is just so dumb. Be hollywood to troll, not to be an asshole to every1.

I think Pig is really leading the charge in ATTEMPTING to motivate previous high level players in playing again, or just giving a shit about the game. Yeah, people have lives, but you can't complain if you aren't doing anything about it. GGA still plays it, although there is usually one setup, we want to practice cause it's gonna be at EVO, and while all y'all motha fuckas are talkin shit about us and mk as a game, we gonna be regulating as long as i dont play kung lao kabal sonya kenshi or johnny cage.
Young thomas ever since you began your "quest to become swole" you are speaking bold truth, partially I blame the steroids/supplements you're taking

And yea you have the right idea - I'm proud to get bodied by u

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Injustice isn't hype. It's as simple as that. The only person I have ever seen get hype during an Injustice tournament is Alucard. Maybe it's just me, but that's how it seems at the moment. We'll compare two regionals. NWM Injustice to Flawless Victory MK9. Whoever watched the stream, NWM's Injustice crowd was very lifeless. Now what this. I'll skip to the hype part, my rise to fame hold dat.
Skip to 4:30. This is a regional and it got more hype than almost every tournament that has played Injustice. Hold dat MK for life. Never back down. W1nter Warz RIP in peace 2012-2012.

Also, the stream isn't the issue for VSM not going to VSM for Injustice. The game is hold dat.
Idk man my pop off planned would have been legendary

......but I got bodied :(

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Woa woa woa


You guys need to slow down, I wasn't trying to really name the most required members of a scene, I was just trying to name four quickly to give an example

Yeah, but that's why I made my point. I just wanted to let you and others know that the players aren't the foundation of the scene if they just remain only that, players.
VSM died when W1nter Warz had to go back to Canada for college. True story. RIP W1nter. Never forget. W1nter Warz 2012-2012

I tried to keep the dream alive :(.

Entering the VSM scene back in May 2012 was not what I was expected. Lol, the first time I played jr's jax was at evo 2012 in top 32. There are several reasons I feel VSM had changed. People have already mentioned them but here is my side from my inital thoughts...

1. The best players leaving for different reasons. Each had their own for coming, people came from wherever to play these guys and levelup . This is the biggest factor imo. Some got tired of what they felt was a hassle, some had to work and then others got caught up with school/life. The thing about it is 4 of the best players lived in NYC which is 40 min drive from VSM. So from my perspective, why go to VSM , when I can go to these guys houses. The top players brought a group that wanted to play these guys which in return makes casual people want to come since you can hang out with your friends. The foundation was taken away imo and hence the crumbling began.

The thing is though, coming from an insider. I can see why some of the top players didn't want to go every week. Some feel that these players have a responsibility to support the scene but me personally can't be mad for these guys for wanting to go or not. Everyone has their priorities and it is not fair to them to make them forced to play if they feel they have to do other things.

2. The second biggest factor was imo dedication. Like others have said, people got comfortable with their top level skill while others just accepted their skill level and thus stopped going because there was no reason to improve. When I came, there were like 1 to 3 people including me that really wanted to get better. The rest were top level or was just playing the game for fun. Hence people stop coming consistently. It sucks but you can't force the game upon people

In the end I made so many new friends and if I had make a top 12 best months of my life , my 8 months would definitely been there. From trolling breakups to trash talking to life lessons, some much was learned from VSM......

But, it was not the scene that most expect where you practice locally with players the whole week until one night a week you go to a VSM ,GGA , EGP , A&C, ATL or whatever your get together is. For me coming in and getting as good as I did, It was a constant process of practicing at home, learning from online videos, asking the members from VSM when they were available to play casuals and spending the time/money to get to pples places or tournaments.


Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
If you took Injustice's system mechanics (back2block, pushblock, universal armor, pokes that aren't -13) you would have a great game.
If MK has back2block, it would cease to be MK. The block button paves way for all the crazy teleports and specials in that series. Take that away, keep the teleports, and you have.....*points at Injustice Scorpion*.....a game filled with characters worse than that.

And I loved the poking system in MK. My gripe was how some characters got the finger on their D4s like CSZ and Scorpion, while Sonya got a beastly D4 compared to everyone else.

I agree on universal armor and pushblock.