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What Your Character Can do on D1 Hit


PSN: MaxKayX3
In this current state? No. Do this, record AI mashing d1. Then, after hitting d1 with Frost, try to jail with a high normal...
yes, in this current state. frost can't jail with a high because of hitbox issues. s1 is the only high that can jail theoretically but whiff due to hitbox issues

as you can see, even when it whiffs during s1's animation you can't poke. the whiffing is NOT a frame issue

just to further prove my point here is another video:

my inputs for frost are on the left. subs d1 is +9 on hit, his s1 is 8 frames fast, as you can see you CAN NOT poke out of it.

you can't argue the system, it not my opinion, it's how the game works. You can deny that this works this way if you want to stay a scrub, doesn't change the fact that the game plays by these rules.


yes, in this current state. frost can't jail with a high because of hitbox issues. s1 is the only high that can jail theoretically but whiff due to hitbox issues

as you can see, even when it whiffs during s1's animation you can't poke. the whiffing is NOT a frame issue

just to further prove my point here is another video:

my inputs for frost are on the left. subs d1 is +9 on hit, his s1 is 8 frames fast, as you can see you CAN NOT poke out of it.

you can't argue the system, it not my opinion, it's how the game works. You can deny that this works this way if you want to stay a scrub, doesn't change the fact that the game plays by these rules.
Do you realize that's exactly what I said? In the current state (because of whiffing problems), not only frost, many characters can't d1 jail into jab. Subzero and others can.


People can neutral duck that throw can´t they? d1 into throw is not a combo as far as I know.

Still a good option and mindgame
Yeah D1's can't combo.

Going for a throw after D1 carries risks, but it often works too.

Doing something off D1 is either something that "jails" or something one gets away with due to guessing or so forth. Online quality may affect what one can get away with too, perhaps.


After D1 you have an 50/50 with Kano, do D1 Kano Ball or D1 Lumbar Check, but how it always is with Kano guess wrong and u get fucked xD
Yeah you can try those 2, and in conjunction with throwing have a mixup going on.

But throwing can be less risky.

With kano ball or lumbar the inputs gotta get there clean, too. But yeah, if the person guesses right, Kano is in trouble.


I don't get why the answer for what to do after a d1 on hit is still so unknown for so many people.
it's simple math an applies to every character:

1. If your hit advantage is higher than the startup of a move, this move is uninterruptable.
for example: D1 +10 on hit => every high up to 9 frames is garantueed, NOT 10 frame highs though
Yeah, the thing is tho when the math does add up in practical use it may not still work.

Like Kano's standing 2 adds up math-wise I believe, but practically can't be used.

2. mids can frame trap after d1 if the difference between the startup of the mid and the hitadvantage of the D1 is less than the startup of the opponent's D1
for example: D1 +10 on hit, mid 15f startup => 15f-10f=5f, since there is no 5f in the game it's a frame trap and garantueed
D1 +10 on hit, mid 17f startup => 17f-10f=7f, characters with 7f pokes can trade with the following mid
D1 +10 on hit, mid 20f startup => 20f-10f=10f, moves faster than 10f can interrupt the following mid, 10f moves can trade
Ideally yeah one wants a fast mid. Not every character will have such a thing tho.

3. nothing can combo off a D1, I don't know why some of you discuss this here. you can always block the special cancelled from a D1 on hit

this applies to every nrs game, doesn't matter if it's mkx,ij1,ij2 or mk11

it seems like this knowledge is super unknown while it's proabably the most important one. knowing your frames is essential for winning especially on higher levels of play.
D1 doesn't combo, but people can get away with some stuff for one reason or another. But not always.


Watch this set up.
Usually characters with weak mids have a good special cancel to compensate:

Dvorah: d1 db4mb (safe)
Frost: d1 spin (safe)
Kano 50/50: d1 cmd grab (unbkbl) / d1 kano ball (unsafe)
Kotal: d1 cmd grab (unbkbl)
Baraka: d1 chopchop (unsafe but hard to punish)
Kollector: d1 cmd grab (unbkbl)
Cetrion: d1 wall (unsafe but hard to punish)

And some characters with great mids also have good d1 special cancels lol
Kollector’s B2 is decent enough


Watch this set up.
Kollector can D1 tick throw with his command grab if you read them blocking and if your opponent is catching on you can do D1 DB3 if they’re pressing or jumping. If they respect you can do a F1 stagger which is -1 (lol right) or continue with his OH/low which can be fuzzied and punished. B2(3) comes out in I think 13-14f so after a D1 I’m pretty sure it’ll beat most counterpokes


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
Cassie can D1 into low gunshots and get a combo lmao
D1 options
Jails into:

Nut kick I think
Can she do Amped Glowkick?

Shang's options on D1 hit:
  • 112(Frame Trap with gap)
  • 114 (combo)
  • Fatal blow vs some
  • 214
  • S3U2(combo best damage)
  • D4(space control)
  • B3U4(Combo starter with gap, Fuzzy) low OH
  • B3D4(low low)
  • B3xxDB1(Combo, Can be used to blowup counter pokes


Another important angle of considering the question of what one's character can do off D1, is if they can't do much or too much risk around....that will veer one towards different gameplay, namely, you don't want to end up blocking a lot since...well, you won't be able to do much. Which can sound odd in a fighting game (avoid blocking), but yeah. Opposite of that is...all or nothing offense I suppose. Gonna wanna mix people up like crazy, if the tools are available.

For some folks it may just mean veering to a different character heh, but yeah.