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What you thought when you first met them at a tournament

Emperor Eevee

Learn to take a joke pal!
@VGMtheVagabond : " Why do we look like brothers?"
@SonicFox5000 : " Does this kid ever stop smiling?"
@Decay II : -shakes his hand- "I can't feel anything on the right half of my body anymore...."
@Mr Aquaman : " I wish I had a mustache as cool as his....."
@Kitana Prime : "Streams make this guy look hella short."
@AK SaltFace : "I can't tell if he's black or not..."
@ChrisG : " Dude's hairstyle is noice!"
@EMPEROR_JUPITER : "Is this guy endorsed by Nike? He has everything Nike on right now..."
@AK RM Blake : "Why so serious?"
@Captain Oxygen : "His squid hat is better than my Mokona hat...."
@Cal-EL : "Swaggin'..."
@RM_Biohazard & @HoneyBee : "Why do these two remind me of The Hardy Boyz?"
@flipkev : "This guy is hype 24/7.....he'd be hype if his cat died."
@Sonic Lionheart : "What's under that hat....?"
@Indecisive : "Just say something about ponies, that will spark a conversation!"
@EMPEROR_OF_OUTWORLD : "Knew he was black, called it."
@Relaxedstate : "He seems rather.....relaxed."
@Fromundaman : "Why is this guy beating me Mario?"

cR Biohazard

Team Torr
@VGMtheVagabond : " Why do we look like brothers?"
@SonicFox5000 : " Does this kid ever stop smiling?"
@Decay II : -shakes his hand- "I can't feel anything on the right half of my body anymore...."
@Mr Aquaman : " I wish I had a mustache as cool as his....."
@Kitana Prime : "Streams make this guy look hella short."
@AK SaltFace : "I can't tell if he's black or not..."
@ChrisG : " Dude's hairstyle is noice!"
@EMPEROR_JUPITER : "Is this guy endorsed by Nike? He has everything Nike on right now..."
@AK RM Blake : "Why so serious?"
@Captain Oxygen : "His squid hat is better than my Mokona hat...."
@Cal-EL : "Swaggin'..."
@RM_Biohazard & @HoneyBee : "Why do these two remind me of The Hardy Boyz?"
@flipkev : "This guy is hype 24/7.....he'd be hype if his cat died."
@Sonic Lionheart : "What's under that hat....?"
@Indecisive : "Just say something about ponies, that will spark a conversation!"
@EMPEROR_OF_OUTWORLD : "Knew he was black, called it."
@Relaxedstate : "He seems rather.....relaxed."
@Fromundaman : "Why is this guy beating me Mario?"
If your like me then you can't wait to go to tournaments and see people from tym.
Here are my thoughts of people when I first met them at a tournament so far.

@Mr Aquaman: "That mustache though"

@Fromundaman :"People actually main joker, da fuq?"

@EMPEROR_JUPITER :"Why is he so goddamn tall, i need to eat my veggies"

@EMPEROR_OF_OUTWORLD :"He kinda looks like lebron james"

@FOREVER KING :"He's kinda short"

@KDZ :"He loves him some anime"

@RM_Biohazard :"He looks like Honeybee"

@HoneyBee :"He looks like Biohazard"

@Decay II :"This guy is literally so huge....I'm too scared to talk to this guy"

so what are everyone else's first impressions of people they've met/seen at tournaments?
@Decay II is like the nicest guy ever yo not in a gay way but he's my big bro/giant teddy bear!!


Flash God Lord
@SidTheHaze "Is that Sid..? I think it's Sid but he doesn't have dreads so I dunno.. *Walks over to see who he's playing and sees Flash*, yeah it's Sid."
@Zyphox "Holy fuck this dude is a giant"
@rev0lver "I wonder if he's high"
@DarthArma "It's Arma! *starstruck*"
@Tom Brady "It's Tom Brady! *starstruck*"
@R.E.O. "It's REO! *starstruck*"
@KDZ "It's KDZ! *starstruck*
@Perfect Legend "It's PL! *starstruck*"
@AK Pig Of The Hut "Oh shit it's Pig! I gotta say hi but he's across the fucking room. *Proceeds to walk across the fucking room to say hi*
@GGA 16 Bit "It's 16Bit! *Too intimidated to say high cause he's in a group of other people.* I'll just sit down and play casuals here and let him come to me cause I'm Hollywood after winning Toryuken :cool:"
@Indecisive "Wow this dude is a giant and he's not wearing that sweater he always wears on stream."
@Grr "Dude could kill me."
@Decay II "Dude could also kill me"
@flipkev "Holy arms on an 18 year old"
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XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
@PND_Ketchup very friendly and helpful, made me feel welcome at my first major, also at the time lacked facial hair.
@PND_Mustard also very friendly and helpful and had cool facial hair :)
@UsedForGlue very passionate about FGs and a fellow Celt :)
@Plop a little bit insane, said very scary things to me during grand finals :D a lot of it about my poor mother :( but an awesome guy!
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smoke reset bot
Tom Brady- "holy shit, tom fucking brady" *tries to hold a conversation as he sits at my table at the venue* *brady tries really hard to act like he doesn't care.... about anything*
gamerblake- "seen this dude on the forums a lot, must be pretty chill" *watches across the room as he sits indian style in the middle of the venue praying to the elder gods* "okay......that's hardcore"
DJ L TORO- *after like 2 minutes of conversation* "this dudes a little obnoxious, whats his deal?" *toro loses a game and throws a chair across the venue (literally, not making this up) storming off in a massive rage* "ahhh, I get it now"
-just some memorable offline experiences


Salt Mine CEO
@Decay II "That dude isn't that big...on, that's only his right side. Well shit."
@KDZ "Did...did this dude seriously just stroke my arm?"
@Cal-EL "I'm mad he is dressed nicer than me. I gotta hit the mall now."
@EMPEROR_OF_OUTWORLD "This man looks like he's about to rob everybody here. Better hide my money."
@Captain Oxygen "I want that squid hat"
@SonicFox5000 "He looks like my little brother"
@AL Eevee "He could pass as my little brother"
@Fromundaman "Wait, you're French?"
@GGA 16 Bit "Dude is mad cool, but fuck Catwoman"
@GGA pimpimjim "Not sure if mustache is legit or a caterpillar"
Ricky Ortiz (At UFGT) "Fuck, his toenails are on point right now."
@Mr Aquaman "I wonder if he's a cop...it would really suck since I'm both black and in the south."
@CD jr "Damn, he gets bitches."

I think that's about it for me.