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What you thought when you first met them at a tournament


Ive seen the leprechaun
@DarthArma super nice dude and great nba jam player

When i first met @KDZ i introduced myself and put my hand out to shake his...he promptly said hey slapped it five and walked away. The SECOND time i met him he was/is a great dude.

@SonicFox5000 : "damn he looks and acts EXACTLY like my cousin "

I thought @Decay II was just some dude at armas house (honestly didn't know who u were buddy lol)

@BlackBryan: "hes the one taking my black name thunder "

@HoneyBee & @RM_Biohazard "these guys are so f****n nice"

@EMPEROR_OF_OUTWORLD "This guys intensity is hilarious"

@FOREVER EL1TE "that guy has the pimpin-est grand father ive ever seen"
Eh I hate when people are intimidated to talk. I'm always down to talk or drink beer/eat soup/make gains
Decay. When I see you at a tournament. I'm gonna' bear hug you. Just to prove that I ain't scurrrrdddd. :p

Also. While on the subject.

I had the pleasure of meeting @HoneyBee and @RM_Biohazard back at ECT. And my first impression was that they were seriously great guys. That also goes for @AK RM Blake, @Captain Oxygen, and a few others. It's a blessing to have them as part of the RM team. Same goes for @CD jr also. Not to mention @DarthArma and @KDZ. All these guys are truly amazing players, and truly amazing people.
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B*tch Distributor
Solely people I do not know, but have come in contact with via fgc.

@AK Pig Of The Hut - weird, I didnt know Chad Krueger was into fg's. And look he's actually good at something!

@R.E.O. - dont fanboy too hard. Just tell him that you want haz skillz.

@Biohazard - I think this guy thinks im RM, he keeps telling me how to beat him. Too bad I suck too hard to accomplish it.

@KDZ - am I allowed to call him phil? We're always around each other.. I dont think he likes me. Ill call him kdz..

@Shock - do I include shock in this list? I mean, I know him. Nicest dude that ever was, but he's so mysterious!

@imblackjames - why is it all the people with "black" in their names are the whitewashedest of people?!

@Decay II - your Decay, yea? I like your lobo. Im blackbryan... oh, you haven't heard of me? Must be because im ant sized in comparison.

@Grr - hes so damn nice! but he wants your money.

That's all for now, im at work.

@Cossner - was that English? I dont speak gayspanol.
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Trust me, I'm a doctor
@Indecisive - Jesus fucking hell... I can't dunk on this guy. That hug game tho. Too strong.
@AK Pig Of The Hut - This guy reminds me of a power rangers villain... or the guy who played Loki.
@GGA 16 Bit - smells a lot nicer than I expected.
@flipkev - Wow what a nice guy... I wonder if him and Rico Suave arm wrestle.
@KDZ - Man I'm never going to get a game off of him
@Kitana Prime - I wonder if he enjoys Ganga.
@Lilith - don't look at her ass, don't look at her ass, don't.... Ok, do it but don't get caught.
@Cal-EL - I thought you were taller.

Uh.... Yeah.
If your like me then you can't wait to go to tournaments and see people from tym.
Here are my thoughts of people when I first met them at a tournament so far.

@Mr Aquaman: "That mustache though"

@Fromundaman :"People actually main joker, da fuq?"

@EMPEROR_JUPITER :"Why is he so goddamn tall, i need to eat my veggies"

@EMPEROR_OF_OUTWORLD :"He kinda looks like lebron james"

@FOREVER KING :"He's kinda short"

@KDZ :"He loves him some anime"

@RM_Biohazard :"He looks like Honeybee"

@HoneyBee :"He looks like Biohazard"

@Decay II :"This guy is literally so huge....I'm too scared to talk to this guy"

so what are everyone else's first impressions of people they've met/seen at tournaments?
goes to bltb last night playing casuals and @daddydab32ho walks in*
If your like me then you can't wait to go to tournaments and see people from tym.
Here are my thoughts of people when I first met them at a tournament so far.

@Mr Aquaman: "That mustache though"

@Fromundaman :"People actually main joker, da fuq?"

@EMPEROR_JUPITER :"Why is he so goddamn tall, i need to eat my veggies"

@EMPEROR_OF_OUTWORLD :"He kinda looks like lebron james"

@FOREVER KING :"He's kinda short"

@KDZ :"He loves him some anime"

@RM_Biohazard :"He looks like Honeybee"

@HoneyBee :"He looks like Biohazard"

@Decay II :"This guy is literally so huge....I'm too scared to talk to this guy"

so what are everyone else's first impressions of people they've met/seen at tournaments?
@daddydab32ho walks into bltb while I'm playing casuals *pauses* YOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All the UK guys are super cool, the twins are very down to earth. F0xy is typically cocky but in a cool way. Phosfferax, Dread and Temijin are funny dudes. The last time I saw everyone was at a lil UK tournie we had, it was just before the UK guys went to Evo and a few of us got pretty drunk. Not forgetting Strykie, benGMan, OmegaK, Zeus, Thead and others. Fun times.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
KDZ- Hey i remember seeing this dude before. He was really loud. In a good way.
Jaxel- "I wonder if what people said about him is trust"
Arma- Is he white or spanish
Fran- Fuck someone is close to my height
Decay- HOLY SHIT. Who is this guy. Why does he know the Shazam MU
Jupiter- Dam this dude is tall. *After playing him* What the fuck just happened Fuck MMH
Shaolin- Holy shit hes black
Doombawkz- Hes so tiny.
Lillith- Must. Not. Stare. Sorry >_< *Begins Talking* Really chill person
BioHazard- Who the fuck is this Asian guy
Honeybee- Who the fuck is this other Asian guy
Mr. Aqua- That mustache doe
Icy- Who is this tiny white dude
jonnitti- I smell 430
7L- Fuck Green Arrow
Chris G- Welp i just lost this match