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What Variations Ended Up Being Better/Worse Than You Thought They Would Be?


Dojo Trainee
Ermac's Mystic Variation.

Let me summarize how it was made. And for the record I'm salt free. Just feel like adding to this thread. maybe get a few laughs.

"Hey, let us make a variation for Ermac where he plays like he does in MK9 which is a zoner. It will be his zoning variation, but let's make his major and ONLY tool for zoning/space control unsafe on block by 25 frames so everyone and their mothers can punish from mid-max range of it's hurtbox."

Then guess what… It's not a zoning tool. So don't use it like it is.


Loses to uppercuts
I didn't said i main hellfire, i said i've been playing hellfire more than the others, i main Scorpion, you said Hellfire is worthless, i've been using that variation mostly and discussing with notable Scorpion players, and not of the Scorpion mains among the kouncil has this same opinion you have.
Well I would assume they don't have the same opinion as me, I didn't even know about him being able to combo off of Flame Aura. Seems pretty obvious that they would. And there is no "kouncil" lol. There's a few players who you converse with about fighters. Cute though.

Jumping forward is even worse than jumping backwards
The second you fall into a bait jump you're open to punish because your character will not be able to block during the landing, you're yet to see this i know.
I mean on reaction to their jump, not just blindly jumping in and kicking the air instantly. If I think they're going to jump and want to go for an AA then I jump in and wait to see if they jump. If they do, I try to kick into combo, if they don't I jump in.

1 frame links in Street fighter without plinking:

what do you think 3 frames are to me? And i played Ibuki in street fighter which is constantly hitting combos with 1 frame links to get decent damage during real matches.
Real matches as opposed to what? Fake matches? And you make it sound like I was unaware that there are 1 frame links. I know there are, but no amount of practice will allow someone to land 3 frame or 1 frame combos as consistently as a combo as easy as the Inferno bnbs.

I would think you would have understood this after I told you I'd never even tried to combo off of Flame Aura yet was able to do it almost 50% of the time with no practice. I'm able to do it about 75% of the time now, with about 10 more minutes of practice. It's very possible to land consistently, but there is a literal variance in your nerves and muscle response time that won't allow you to act within 1 20th of a second 100% of the time. These are combos that you will drop from time to time no matter who you are. The fear of dropping that combo 1 out of 10-20 times could make the difference in a lot of important games.

Hellfire do about the same damage inferno do meterless even without the overhead, the overhead might not be the combo starter, then your saying vortex and mixups are pointless. Because that is the only overhead Scorpion has to start a combo for the mix up game, besides you can still connect from a jump in. and you have the F2 which is a knockdown that puts things in scorpion favor.
Yea the F2 is much harder to block on reaction, but it doesn't keep the chain going. It's good to use to train them.

I can get 30% easier with flame aura starter, B3, or 214, i did explored my options, it seems you have not, the only less damaging starter scorpion has is B2, which actually xcales damage.
What? B2 is shit, so I didn't mention it. I mentioned B3, and I mentioned 214.

It seems you still have to learn about smart play, i said on my previous post, those links encourage mashing, fireball being +11 is exactly the point i made on my previous post when i said:

This includes people mashing armor out hoping i can drop my combo, which is exactly what a scorpion in hellfire variation willl expect you to do.
Hellfire favor smart play over guessing, the tools given to hellfire helps you to play smarter, safer and force your opponent to take more risks.

As Slips said before, its a low Riks/High Reward variation
What kind of player tries to armor out of a combo mid combo? And you realize "It seems you still have to learn about smart play" literally makes no sense right? Did you mean I still need to learn to play smart? You're not making sense here .

Yes I agree it's low risk high reward. But you're only rewarded when you're opponent makes a big mistake, since you have no risks to take to open them up.

You said Overhead is not a combo starter or punish, yet you count it here, ending combos with teleport doesn't mean they can't throw armor out, why do you think MITDJT lost to sonic fox at fatal 8? Why do you think you can duck thows even when they're being performed from blockstrings?
I count it here because I counted it in the one right before that one rofl.

And maybe I just am confused on how the frame data works, but if I'm plus 18 after TP and use my 11 frame low, they can still armor out of that? I thought they couldn't do anything but block for those 18 frames. You may need to explain that to me.

What is a blockstring? canceling your strings with minions its not a blockstring, there is no attack with cancel advantage of 26 frames and attacks with a blockstun so big that makes canceling into minions a blockstring, if that was so, canceling with Hellfire would've have been a runetrap just as quan chi was in MK9. The second they see the minion animation they will armor out, hit scorpion before any of he minions came out, 214 string on block is not safe is -14 which can be reversal punished by a lot of fast specials, or advancing normals with much less startup.
Yep. That's why I said not to use it very often. I try to only use it when my opponent thinks I'll not finish the string or something else gimmicky. When I said block string I literally meant a string that you use while someone is blocking. Wasn't talking about a frame trap.

What you need to do is not rush into conclusions, 21 fbc is not a blockstring, and can be interrupted, clearly that is not the way it was intended to be done, 214~fbc in other had is a true blockstring which can't be poked out off, we've been working into developing this variation further, once we get more data we will share, and the stamina is an important aspect of the game, it wasn't meant to endlessly pressure your opponent, that is the draw back, when you cancel your blockstring with FBC you can mix between low, overhead, throw, back dash or even jump to throw off timing, and they have to worry about all these options.

Hellfire is pretty damn consistent, Ask any Scorpion player who has been playing it for a while.
Yes I'm aware you can mix between all those things. But if your opponent reads correctly, which isn't hard since Scorpion's only real option is throw or F2 since everything else can be fuzzy blocked, they come out ahead. I understand there are mind games to be had here as well.

Why would I need to ask other players? I don't take other people's word without trying it myself. I don't care what they would have to say. That being said, I never said Hellfire was inconsistent. I think it's quite consistent, and quite safe. Not as consistent as Inferno, but also more safe than Inferno. Like I said before, I didn't even know Flame Aura could be combod off of. Out of everything you've said in the defense of Hellfire, it's only saving grace seems to be FBC strings into mix up. Which is interesting, but I just don't see it being as good as you're saying right now. I'd have to play against it to get a feel for it.


I am not going to lie, summoner quan chi and outlaw erron black surprised me with how good they are, and i thought ninjutsu would maybe be scorpions best variation before the game was out. But I'm all good with scorpion, all his variations are viable and fun to play with.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Your call man, i won't spend another page trying to explain this to you, you've seem to have all figured out, can't wait to see the game playing out in the future, which i'm sure a lot of things will change.

Down the line, i see Hellfire as being the best variation scorpion has to offer, hitting links with him is not that hard honestly, i've been able to hit out of it pretty consistent in actual matches, specially from anti-air because its not +13 in that condition is a lot more enough in some situations that you can even run into standing 2 before they be able to block, as i said before and stand by my words, Inferno is just easier, just like any other character in the game, there is always a variation that is much easier to use, the others require some work, and that is something some people are willing to put work into it.

This game will be beautiful, when A-List Johnnys, Displacer Raidens, Ancestrals Kung Jins and etc starts to surface, game will be insane.


Dojo Trainee
Ermac's Master of souls is so good. I knew Ermac would be good with overheads, but he's pretty dirty and so much more fun to play in this game.


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
I didn't see what hellfire offered scorpion until I put some time into it. I also ninjitsu would fall off for scorpion as well but the more I look into that one the more I'm finding.

I thought inferno would be the absolute go to but its hard to pick one right now, I feel there is still far more to explore in match ups with each variation to understand what your best option is.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
In fact I've played Scorpion more than almost everybody. No, Hellfire combos do not do the same amount as Inferno combos. Inferno has far better zoning and mix up options (stringing into a low or overhead minion on block). And yes, Ninjutsu can vortex, but with less damage than Inferno (because Inferno gets a bonus string and special each time a combo is landed), and Hellfire (because Flame Aura dot).
Hellfire damage is pretty damn high. About 38% meterless for his bnb. Demon fire is great to force movement. I think it's a good trade off from his low and overhead demons. Btw stringing into low and overhead demon on block is pretty unsafe and not that hard to block. Also hellfire is the only variation that can make 214 safe.

Hellfire is seemingly worthless. I played around 200 Scorpion games using only Hellfire until I realized about 5 days ago that Inferno can do everything Hellfire can do but better. Hellfire has a slow unblockable and a fireball cancel, at the cost of Inferno's 3 zoning tools (including the mix ups they offer), and greater combo damage into vortex (and ending the vortex at a higher frame advantage unless you choose to forgo the Flame Aura ender, at which point you might as well be using Ninjutsu for its range). My favorite thing about Hellfire was AAing people with Flame Aura, since it's fairly fast and has decent aoe, but I've gotten far more consistent at AAing with instant jump kick into TP so even that isn't worth it.
Ending with flame aura actually grants a link to continue the combo to end in teleport. After that you get a guaranteed 214 fb cancel 214 into what you choouse. That adds a ton of chip damage to the combo on top of the meter built and potential mix ups.

The only argument I could see being made is the ability to ex hellfire after some combos for the bonus damage, but Inferno can get 1 or 2 % away from the damage Hellfire can do after the ex hellfire and still end it in a vortex. So IMO Inferno wins there too.
No you end combos with teleport and then go into chip damage from flame aura and fireball cancels. There's no reason to not do that imo.

Edit: Just tested it in training. I tried every viable combo I can think of, even unoptimal ones, and Inferno is getting around 5% more damage every time. This plus all the extra tools Inferno has is starting to make me wonder if you even play Scorpion. What combos are you using with Hellfire? Maybe I have missed them.
214 xx teleport, 21xx spear jip 21xx flame aura 11xx teleport then go into block pressure.

I didn't read the whole debate you and eddy have had but from what I see so far you just haven't used hellfire at it's full potential. Experiment with this stuff, it's pretty good.
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Head Cage
Then guess what… It's not a zoning tool. So don't use it like it is.
I love how I stated that my post main purpose was to make a few people laugh seeing how it was announced as a zoning variation and it turned out to be kind of bleh, but you're over here taking it seriously and being defensive about it. XD TYM is too much sometimes.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
People sleep on f4 because it's 25 frames but it has some weird properties when going against low attacks and can catch people off gaurd with conditioning. Not to mention the animation is kind of deceiving. With that mixed f2, b3, throw and etc it becomes very viable imo.


Kano's Cutthorat is by far his best variation.... I thought it was pure trash at one point but now, it is just golden. Shocked at how bad Mileena's Ethereal and her Piercing is. Wow, what a major letdown for me.


Unseeable 50/50's?
What's the point? Every 50/50 is already something you need to guess correctly regardless if it's visible or not. Unless you can predict the future, seeing Reptile do a low or overhead or not seeing him doing that equals the same thing: you either guess correctly or not. I'd rather be able to do faster 50/50's. That way if someone blocks an overhead I can low start or throw another overhead much sooner, increasing my chances of success.


Saiyan Prince
My goal is to use all 3 of scorpions variations as needed. After tinkering with hellfire I realize it's actually a good variation just with high execution requirements which is fine with practice. Out of all 3 inferno still ended up being my favorite followed very closely by HF. I think it's a technical monster suited more to using reads, the system and opponents habits as opposed to simply making someone guess wrong and pay for it. All the variations he has are useful in many situations honestly. HF is far from useless


Fabled Villain
Personally, I think a lot of the variations already deemed to be subpar by the masses also happen to be the ones that are the most difficult to learn. I believe the perception of some of these more technical variations will improve over time as people get more and more experience with MKX and as character loyalists get more and more time with their respective characters.


Fabled Villain
My goal is to use all 3 of scorpions variations as needed. After tinkering with hellfire I realize it's actually a good variation just with high execution requirements which is fine with practice. Out of all 3 inferno still ended up being my favorite followed very closely by HF. I think it's a technical monster suited more to using reads, the system and opponents habits as opposed to simply making someone guess wrong and pay for it. All the variations he has are useful in many situations honestly. HF is far from useless
This example perfectly epitomizes my point. I think some of the variations that people are downplaying are just more technical than their counterparts. As the MKX meta evolves, these variations will get more and more appreciation. I personally think VERY few character variations will truly be "useless" in the grand scheme of things. Just my two cents.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
I've been having a lot of fun with Telporting Quan Chi. After MK9 I just didn't expect him to be fun.


A-list: The only thing that makes thus good is f3 cancels being adv. I thought it'd be trash, it might be his only good var. prerelease I saw stunt double and it appears they nerfed cooldown pretty hard, I was going to main it because I thought you could resummon it after using only 1

Thunder God: I'm not surprised displAcer and mos seem weak, I'm surprised how good they made his normals in this. I still think raiden's preety meh

Spectral: I can't believe they let him fly like that the entire match, only way I thought it'd be good, it's just stupid

Summoner quan: after about 5 mins in training mode my perception of what I saw from it and prerelease scared me. I couldn't believe how little recovery they gave it and how you could release it independently like that, and its frame data. I was like wtf???


This example perfectly epitomizes my point. I think some of the variations that people are downplaying are just more technical than their counterparts. As the MKX meta evolves, these variations will get more and more appreciation. I personally think VERY few character variations will truly be "useless" in the grand scheme of things. Just my two cents.
Some of them suck Im certain

My biggest q's are on

Sonyas drone and grenades
Kl hat trick
Shaolin kung Jin