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what stuffs mileena's u4 spam and telekick?

No. There is not a character I cant beat in some form. I bait his teleport and I 4,2 or telekick him every time. It give me an opening for d+4 or u+4, roll, and throw. Raiden's best and worst move is his teleport.
The problem is actually the threat of teleport more than the move itself. That's why he's as good as he is. While you're trying to bait teleports, you're waiting, giving up pressure, and allowing Raiden to dictate your every move without your realizing. So then he's baiting you instead.

Also, since some of his normal strings, ie: F3 or whatever his long range mid kick is, beat out roll, (why I still don't know) it's hard to find a comfortable range to bait whiffs to punish with it. He also has Electric Fly, (superman), which while everyone knows is unsafe, is still a viable threat as an interrupt.

I'm not saying you can't beat him. It's just that even if you can, he's still her worst matchup.


Don't be mad!
I almost can predict his teleport. And 90% of People superman right after that. I block and follow up with 4 2 Telekick aSai everytime. I dont even want speak bout the 3 hit kombo. Its not safe at all. I always roll that right on outta here. I'll have to post a vid of one so you can see what I'm talking about.
Again, I'm not saying you as a player can't beat Raiden. You probably can for all I know. But when talking about character matchups, it's about the character vs the other character, not the player vs another player. I use this example all the time. A Sheeva player can beat a KL player if they are just better at the game. But it doesn't change the fact that Sheeva as a character struggles against KL.

And I wasn't commenting whether or not that 3 hit string was safe on block. I was saying it's hard to bait whiffs because of it's travel range and it's priority over roll. Post the vid if you want though, as I'd like to see what exactly you're talking about.