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What really happened with my disqualification


This is just lazy administration. Rather than make a judgement call for the benefit of the tournament, it's easier to say "rules are rules!" and avoid having to use your brain and make a logical decision.

The rule itself does not take all variables into account. Sometimes outstanding circumstances arise and logic dictates that an exception be made. This was one of those times.

DQ'ing FK was the lazy thing to do and it had a negative effect on the tournament as a whole. The result of this decision is contrary to why these rules are created in the first place.


Heart From Iron, Mind From Steel.
This is just lazy administration. Rather than make a judgement call for the benefit of the tournament, it's easier to say "rules are rules!" and avoid having to use your brain and make a logical decision.

The rule itself does not take all variables into account. Sometimes outstanding circumstances arise and logic dictates that an exception be made. This was one of those times.

DQ'ing FK was the lazy thing to do and it had a negative effect on the tournament as a whole. The result of this decision is contrary to why these rules are created in the first place.
Nah, this is exactly why rules are in place. It only takes one time. Now people know, "at CEO, I better be absolutely certain I get there on time.". And everything will go more smoothly for everyone next time. The fact that the tournament wasn't held up is irrelevant. It definitely sucks that it happened to such a great, high profile player. I was looking forward to his matches. But if they would have DQ'd Joe Schmoe from Punxsutawney, they should DQ anyone else for the same violation.


If Joe Schmoe from Punxsutawney was given 2 byes in his pool, and showed up in time for his first match, then an exception should be made for him as well.

The rule in question was created specifically to prevent players from showing up late to their matches.

Forever King did not show up late to his match, because he was given 2 byes.

Therefore, the rule in question was not made for this situation. However, this rule is being enforced because there is no alternative ruling which takes this situation into account.

The fault here is with the rule. It should be amended to account for this circumstance.

The enforcement of this rule resulted in nothing but NEGATIVE consequences. Whereas an exception would have resulted in zero negative consequences.

If you can't see this, then you lack the ability to think rationally.


As if there hasn't been a million and one retarded rules created throughout human history.


It sucks, but it's a learning experience. The more organized tournaments become, the more strict they have to be with the rules. You can't have favoritism on rule enforcement with thousands of dollars on the line. You have to make professional decisions when it gets to that level.

Sorry, King. I hope to see you do well at the next event.
I understand this completely, but I don't agree with it.

In my opinion if somebody is holding up a tournament because they aren't present then yeah, send them to loser's or DQ them. But if somebody being late didn't hold up anything and didn't make anyone wait, then let them play.

I disagree 100% with DQ'ing somebody that isn't holding up the bracket. Everyone has their opinions and that's mine


A prop on the stage of life.
My only question, which may have been answered:

I read that you were sent to losers first and THEN DQ'd. Was that the case? If so, I can see the ruling. Otherwise yea, it really wasn't hurting anybody. I've seen Chris G do the same stuff, like when one game is keeping him from checking in at the next in a timely manner. Circumstances are crazy eh?


Heart From Iron, Mind From Steel.
If Joe Schmoe from Punxsutawney was given 2 byes in his pool, and showed up in time for his first match, then an exception should be made for him as well.

The rule in question was created specifically to prevent players from showing up late to their matches.

Forever King did not show up late to his match, because he was given 2 byes.

Therefore, the rule in question was not made for this situation. However, this rule is being enforced because there is no alternative ruling which takes this situation into account.

The fault here is with the rule. It should be amended to account for this circumstance.

The enforcement of this rule resulted in nothing but NEGATIVE consequences. Whereas an exception would have resulted in zero negative consequences.

If you can't see this, then you lack the ability to think rationally.


As if there hasn't been a million and one retarded rules created throughout human history.
If the rule is, "If you show up late for your match, you are DQ'd.", then you are 100% correct and I apologize for arguing the completely wrong thing. I was thinking the rule was, "If you're late to check in, you're DQ'd." Which is reasonable if I'm trying to look at it from a busy TO's standpoint.

I think there's a happy middle of, "You must check in at least X minutes/hours before your match." That way, there's an enforceable rule that would allow some flexibility for those that do start a bit later than others, while still giving TO's enough time to make sure the next segment's particulars are in order.


Edenian Witch <3
Sorry this happened to you Forever King! I was hoping to see that Kung Lao!

But--just brush it off my dear. It happened, and it's said and over with. Look to the future, and kick whomever's ass that stole your shoes.

I'd personally lead in with a nice bitch slap. ;)
Its utterly hilarious that people have this defensive posture about this topic. Can someone tell me the cost of their plane ticket, hotel stay, food and or gas driving there for this weekend. I'm sure EVERYONE of these YOMI guys paid their own personal money for all that stuff. Point is, the guy is in some club that paid for him to be there.... and he never performed due to whatever excuse you wanna explain. But everyone is concerned about his shoes? I'm sure no one out of the 500+ gamers there lost ANYTHING this whole weekend. Putting myself in his position, sure it would sting a whole lot to deal with the DQ. But come on, EVERY other guy in the tourney made it to wherever they were supposed to... ON TIME. Sure it sucks, but I'm sure the countless people that get fired every day for poor attendance at their jobs feel that as well. Must be nice being part of a video game club that pays for you to go to these things and you cant even respect them enough to show up.


Not Good Enough
Its utterly hilarious that people have this defensive posture about this topic. Can someone tell me the cost of their plane ticket, hotel stay, food and or gas driving there for this weekend. I'm sure EVERYONE of these YOMI guys paid their own personal money for all that stuff. Point is, the guy is in some club that paid for him to be there.... and he never performed due to whatever excuse you wanna explain. But everyone is concerned about his shoes? I'm sure no one out of the 500+ gamers there lost ANYTHING this whole weekend. Putting myself in his position, sure it would sting a whole lot to deal with the DQ. But come on, EVERY other guy in the tourney made it to wherever they were supposed to... ON TIME. Sure it sucks, but I'm sure the countless people that get fired every day for poor attendance at their jobs feel that as well. Must be nice being part of a video game club that pays for you to go to these things and you cant even respect them enough to show up.
The shoes jokes are definitely going over your head and you are taking them too seriously.


Not Good Enough
Nah, the shoes jokes are all fine and dandy... its this whole situation that is a joke.
Nvm. Ignore my comment then. FK just wanted to explain himself, and he clearly did so. Having opinions about it is normal though and no one can change the whole "what's right for the Tournament" factor.


I'm sure the countless people that get fired every day for poor attendance at their jobs feel that as well.
Hypothetically, let's assume I own a telephone sales business, and I have a rule that states:

Be here and ready to work at 9am sharp or you will be fired! RULES ARE RULES!

Now, my best employee, who far exceeds the sales numbers of everyone else, makes his outgoing calls to a different timezone than the rest of my staff, which means he has nothing to do from 9am to 10pm.

If he shows up at 9:50am, ready to work, ready to outperform everyone, and ready to make me money. What kind of a god damn fool would I be to fire him just because he wasn't there at 9am?

Yes he broke the rule and did not show up when I asked him to. But firing him is bad for my business, and therefore a stupid thing to do. The correct solution is to make an exception based on LOGIC and then amend the rule so that he can show up later than everyone else as long as it doesn't affect his job.

DQ'ing FK was bad for the tournament, end of story. There is nothing logical about enforcing poorly thought out rules that should not apply in certain situations.


This is just lazy administration. Rather than make a judgement call for the benefit of the tournament, it's easier to say "rules are rules!" and avoid having to use your brain and make a logical decision.

The rule itself does not take all variables into account. Sometimes outstanding circumstances arise and logic dictates that an exception be made. This was one of those times.

DQ'ing FK was the lazy thing to do and it had a negative effect on the tournament as a whole. The result of this decision is contrary to why these rules are created in the first place.
Actually, and I say this as someone who likes King, it is not lazy administration, it is lazy on King's part. Make sure you know when your pool starts. It's not that difficult. You have one job, show up on time and play (or is that two jobs?).


His inability to follow rules is a seperate issue.

This entire debacle was entirely his fault and I'm sure he realizes that.

However, when the breaking of a rule results in a situation that is contradictory to the reason the rule was created in the first place, then an exception must be made, and the rule must be amended.

This is just common sense. Read my business analogy above and if you still can't see that a mistake was made here, then I pray you never own your business.

666 I HazeOner

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
His inability to follow rules is a seperate issue.

This entire debacle was entirely his fault and I'm sure he realizes that.

However, when the breaking of a rule results in a situation that is contradictory to the reason the rule was created in the first place, then an exception must be made, and the rule must be amended.

This is just common sense. Read my business analogy above and if you still can't see that a mistake was made here, then I pray you never own your business.
Can this post and some mod please finish this drama thread? It cannot become any clearer than this.


I know alot of people are saying shit about me and its probably wrong so I just want to get the story straight.

I've been awake since 9am this morning. I didn't miss pools because I was drunk or sleeping in or whatever, I missed pools because I didn't know what time my pool started.

It really sucks because I got to my pool and talked to the guy running the brackets, and I had two byes. My first match didn't even start yet, so I asked if I could still play. My opponent never played his next match after me, so the tournament didn't advance at all. We should have been able to just sit down and play. The guy running the brackets said no I'm DQ'd. I asked "why am I DQ'd, my first match didn't even start yet? Even if I made it to pools on time I still would have never even played a tournament match yet because I have two byes, I'm literally not holding up the tournament at all. It makes no sense to DQ me. Why can't I just play my first match now?" They said rules are rules so I am DQ'd. I'll have to hold that

To add insult to injury, while I was swimming last night somebody stole my shoes, so I have no shoes for the rest of the weekend. This is literally the worst tournament experience I've ever had.
Also didn't Jr. get 9th again? #BadLuckKings


His inability to follow rules is a seperate issue.

This entire debacle was entirely his fault and I'm sure he realizes that.

However, when the breaking of a rule results in a situation that is contradictory to the reason the rule was created in the first place, then an exception must be made, and the rule must be amended.

This is just common sense. Read my business analogy above and if you still can't see that a mistake was made here, then I pray you never own your business.
Have you ever wondered that maybe, just maybe, from CEO's perspective, not letting a guy play has less negative consequences than setting a precedent that players might interpret as "even if you're late, we'll work it out"?

Think about it before the condescending business bullshit.
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666 I HazeOner

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
A character flaw that we all have, as humans, FG players and Forum rats, yourself included... Have you even read your post after you wrote it?
It is Sunday damnit, TYM should close every drama thread on Sundays, for humanities sake :)

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Going by King's twitter, he was passed out drunk poolside at an ungodly hour. Why are people giving shit to pool judges? :confused:

A shame that this occurred, but just chalk it up as a humorous tale to reflect upon years down the road.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Going by King's twitter, he was passed out drunk poolside at an ungodly hour. Why are people giving shit to pool judges? :confused:

A shame that this occurred, but just chalk it up as a humorous tale to reflect upon years down the road.
Jesus....I knew it.

I can smell a "I was actually super hung over but here is my 'call in to work' story" lie from a mile away. I should know, I am the King of this. Lol.

Meh...it happens. Now get back in the gym!