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What really happened with my disqualification

Apparently they do not sell shoes in the state of Florida. Because I know if I was irresponsible enough to miss the opportunity to play a video game tournament with a significant money prize that someone else footed the bill for, I would definitely hang out there all day and consistently answer everyone's questions about why I was disqualified instead of purchasing new shoes . It looks like it might be time that you get voted off YOMI survivor island.


This is exactly the reasons idiots should not be allowed to run tournaments, this isnt the first time i see things like that. Honestly I'd take that "rules" excuse if tournaments ran smoothly, but every my major experience (couple of EVO's, MLG, european majors) proved that half of the times organization is chaotic. Last time at EVO I asked 3 different judges about when pools start and each of them gave different responce (one of them said "tomorrow" LOL), so I just stuck around wasting couple of hours. Inability, or more likely, lack of desire to communicate with players and have a plan for simple issues like this is a sign of complete incompetence IMO
They definitely posted pool start times like a week before CEO........

666 I HazeOner

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
So, we have a 'Forever King', who suddenly became Forever Barefoot AND he got expelled from a tournament (church-temple?). In days long forgotten you could be a savior, the first true Yomi. :)

Next time spice that story a bit:Just say you went swimming, saw a barefoot hobo, tried to give him your shoes, hobo's pride got hurt by the offer, he smashed your phone, took your watch & smacked your head on the concrete floor resulting in a concussion accompanied by some memory loss. If they don't believe you on the spot, just mention that the hobo had a dark skin complexion.
Probably works better when you wake up white, hungover, next to a prostitute, late for your wedding, the morning after your bachelor party... Prolly won't work at multicultural FGC events (for the best).

Take care & don't mind this drunk guy, lol.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Apparently they do not sell shoes in the state of Florida. Because I know if I was irresponsible enough to miss the opportunity to play a video game tournament with a significant money prize that someone else footed the bill for, I would definitely hang out there all day and consistently answer everyone's questions about why I was disqualified instead of purchasing new shoes . It looks like it might be time that you get voted off YOMI survivor island.
Really? That's how you chose to go?


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
But me being late literally didn't affect anyone. I didn't hold up any tournament matches, I didn't make anyone wait to play. Like i said i had two byes and my first match never started. Me being late had no effect on anyone.
Sure, but you being late and still let through could have had a negative affect on their event, because even if it didn't slow anything down. It hand waves the rules, making it more likely for other people to do the same for some "reason" that they deem fair causing more drama for people trying to organise a tournament, oh also if they don't let THEM past they kick up a stink because "You guys let King through but not me?".

Sorry, it may not seem like it at first but that guy had to stick to the code that was in place for everyone and for a reason. As he said, rules is rules

Apparently they do not sell shoes in the state of Florida. Because I know if I was irresponsible enough to miss the opportunity to play a video game tournament with a significant money prize that someone else footed the bill for, I would definitely hang out there all day and consistently answer everyone's questions about why I was disqualified instead of purchasing new shoes . It looks like it might be time that you get voted off YOMI survivor island.
And you my friend, are an absolute shitlord. Guy mentions that it sucks that his shoes were stolen, and this is what you come at him with? After you read this message, stand up, step away from the keyboard, go to the bathroom and look in the mirror, and ask yourself "what happened in my life to make me become the complete trashcan of a human being that I am today?". Next time something really sucky happens to you, and then something even worse happens on top of it, and then some cocky prick comes through with no other intention than just kicking you when your down, you'll know what it's karma for.

666 I HazeOner

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
And you my friend, are an absolute shitlord. Guy mentions that it sucks that his shoes were stolen, and this is what you come at him with? After you read this message, stand up, step away from the keyboard, go to the bathroom and look in the mirror, and ask yourself "what happened in my life to make me become the complete trashcan of a human being that I am today?". Next time something really sucky happens to you, and then something even worse happens on top of it, and then some cocky prick comes through with no other intention than just kicking you when your down, you'll know what it's karma for.
Could've said it in one line, but no..... Thanks for making Karma work overtime, on a damn Sunday, we were going to drink some beers and chill out today y'know... I Got Hands and they just strangled Karma, think of that when looking in the mirror. :DOGE

666 I HazeOner

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
I want to know more about these shoes. Were they expensive? Were they Pumas?

If someone stole my $100 fav pair of pumas I would go insane, lol.
For that price they better have Puma spirit inside that make you run like a damn Puma, wouldn't that be a bummer to have them stolen

DAmn I didn't think of the repercussions :(
Sad faces on a Sunday, damn dude, that's nasty. Time to reflow this vibe and let the wicked shred the gnar.

(I'm gonna annoy so many people today, 6-28, early 90's lingo day, time to bring back the fresh)
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G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
Isn't part of what that new fangled app tournament edition would remedy? Automatically sends you alerts for pool times and such. Hope all the big tourneys run with it when ever it goes live.
Yes this is a perfect case but if his phone was broke it wouldn't matter much lol.

I see this is being run on paper brackets too.... I really hope people embrace this app when it comes out will make everything much better imo

666 I HazeOner

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
Yes this is a perfect case but if his phone was broke it wouldn't matter much lol.

I see this is being run on paper brackets too.... I really hope people embrace this app when it comes out will make everything much better imo
At our local pinball tournaments they also use tablets and phones for scores (think he wrote some basic software for it, simple but effective). It works wonders, they also have a few old, converted megatouch setups where you can follow the scores and brackets throughout the tournaments.
It all sounds so logical and simple, yet few thought about it. I hope you guys are going to hit a homerun with this piece of software, good stuff!
I know alot of people are saying shit about me and its probably wrong so I just want to get the story straight.

I've been awake since 9am this morning. I didn't miss pools because I was drunk or sleeping in or whatever, I missed pools because I didn't know what time my pool started.

It really sucks because I got to my pool and talked to the guy running the brackets, and I had two byes. My first match didn't even start yet, so I asked if I could still play. My opponent never played his next match after me, so the tournament didn't advance at all. We should have been able to just sit down and play. The guy running the brackets said no I'm DQ'd. I asked "why am I DQ'd, my first match didn't even start yet? Even if I made it to pools on time I still would have never even played a tournament match yet because I have two byes, I'm literally not holding up the tournament at all. It makes no sense to DQ me. Why can't I just play my first match now?" They said rules are rules so I am DQ'd. I'll have to hold that

To add insult to injury, while I was swimming last night somebody stole my shoes, so I have no shoes for the rest of the weekend. This is literally the worst tournament experience I've ever had.

Damn, you have some serious problem with pools bruh.

Maybe you should've went back before the pools closed ;)


Just go buy some sh** shoes to get you through rest of the weekend lol im sure some off brand flip flops aren't hard to find.

But like an above poster mentioned, we need some details on these stolen shoes, such as brand, colorway, model and condition, this is important stuff.


A Hitbox Pirate - YARRR -
It sucks, but it's a learning experience. The more organized tournaments become, the more strict they have to be with the rules. You can't have favoritism on rule enforcement with thousands of dollars on the line. You have to make professional decisions when it gets to that level.

Sorry, King. I hope to see you do well at the next event.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
This is exactly the reasons idiots should not be allowed to run tournaments, this isnt the first time i see things like that. Honestly I'd take that "rules" excuse if tournaments ran smoothly, but every my major experience (couple of EVO's, MLG, european majors) proved that half of the times organization is chaotic. Last time at EVO I asked 3 different judges about when pools start and each of them gave different responce (one of them said "tomorrow" LOL), so I just stuck around wasting couple of hours. Inability, or more likely, lack of desire to communicate with players and have a plan for simple issues like this is a sign of complete incompetence IMO

Ask yourself this question

Out of 300 players how many people were completely DQ'ed from the MKx tourney for not knowing their pool time ?



That reminds me of when I literally had ended up messing my shoes up to an unwearable extent before Season's Beatings 2011 and had to wear taped up flip flops for the entire time I was there.
What is it with Ohio and shoes?:DOGE