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What really happened with my disqualification

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
Idk man. I understand if I was holding up the bracket, yeah DQ me. Makes perfect sense. But if somebody being late doesn't hold up the tournament, them being late made no difference they didn't have any matches anyway and you still DQ them.... Not even send me to loser's bracket just straight up DQ out of the tournament... That's pretty damn harsh
i agree with this because i personally don't care if the tournament runs on time or not, as long as it gets done and everyone gets to play, but this is why tournaments dont run on time. even though you being late didn't make a difference to the tournament, there has to be some sort of standard. i do find it kind of ridiculous that they just straight up eliminated you instead of put you in losers. i also find it kind of strange that nobody on the team told you that your shit was going to start.


Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
As much as it sucks, It's good to see that at least he knows that the rules are rules and that he learned from it and wasn't bashing the TOs.

That is awful about the shoes though man...


Uh... if he missed check in there's no reason to DQ him form the entire tournament that's stupid. Especially since it didn't hold the tournament up.

Complete BS honestly. He paid money to travel and got DQ'ed just cause he missed check in? Sure getting sent to losers is one thing but completely DQ'ed? eh.

Sorry bout your shoes too jeez.


King was not completely dq'd. He was sent to losers first b/c he did not check in and show up for his first match. Me MIT and smarrgasm were talking to the bracket runner to see how long king had. We fought for him and the bracket runner said another 15min then came back and said that they can't wait that long. MIT said he couldn't call king b/c his phone was broken. Sorry to hear about the shoes man.


How's my volume?
I feel for you on the shoes, that's unnacceptable, but after all the "top player privilege" stuff that goes on in some other tournaments, I'm glad to hear about some tournaments cracking down on keeping things fair for everyone.

Not to say that you would be a person who tries to take advantage like that.


Maybe, but letting you back in would negatively affect the reputation of CEO as an on-time tournament and would effectively tell the world it is OK to be late to your pool as long as your match hasn't been called yet.

You know I love you King, but if you made this thread looking for sympathy - it aint coming.
True. I've seen people late at other tournaments and get away with it, but I shouldn't have expected the same treatment. They definitely have every right to make the decision they did.

It's all good I learn from my mistakes and will never let it happen again. Just kinda sucks the rest of this weekend