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What Other Fighters Would You Like To See NRS Try?


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Killer Instinct would be awesome.

If they did a Godzilla game I'd be a day 1 mothra main just for the lulz :3

What IPs would they have access to through WB that would make a great fighting game franchise? I'm sure there has to be one I'm not thinking of

OMG. I would love a Blizzard fighting game! Blizzard and NRS teaming up: awesome character design with awesome fighting game design. I've always wanted to play as Sylvanas Windrunner in a fighting game. Sylvanas vs. Kerrigan? Tyrael vs. Thrall? AHH!

But, yes, they should also make a new game with original character designs. Their creative design team is top-notch and should be recognized for their own characters and stories beyond Mortal Kombat.
As long as they don't get lazy with the female designs like they did in MK9. I have nothing against women showing skin (and guys either) but compare some of the earlier MK games like Deception and Armageddon to MK9 and you can see they were much more creative with the female clothing in Deception then in MK9, in Deception I could actually buy that this was normal clothing for them (different dimension, different culture). In MK9 90% of the default female outfits is bikini, bikini, bikini, bikini.

Mileena's 2'nd outfit in MK9 I actually like more then her default or Flesh Pit cause I can actually buy that it's normal clothing in Outworld and not just a bikini for the sake of bikini.
Bring Bio-Freaks back from the dead for next gen. 3d fighting, with highly, dangerous tiered arenas, damage can cause limb loss, instant kill fatality attacks (maybe that's a lil broken). And the plot itself was innovative to me.

Minatek for the fucking win.
Bio-Freaks? Never heard of it, but the name alone implies fucking awesome. You gave me something to look up.

EDIT: Is this it?



Scary Bat
I would like to see NRS/Anyone try their hand at an Avatar fighting game. I saw it on that GT Top Ten Franchises that need fighters and I gotta admit... the potential for roster, playstyles, stages, moves etc. are pretty damn amazing!

Also beat up a cabbage cart mode instead of a car like in SF and we are good to go!