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What is your personality type?



Introvert(33%) iNtuitive(100%) Thinking(25%) Judging(1%)
  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (33%)​
  • You have strong preference of Intuition over Sensing (100%)​
  • You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%)​
  • You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)​


Death is my business
Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(50%) Feeling(25%) Perceiving(11)%
  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%)​
  • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)​
  • You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (25%)​
  • You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (11%)​
I'm the first ISFJ?
Dat sh8t cray
You are the touchy-feely type, or the "Protector" role.
I couldn't answer all the questions some I had no idea what to put
In the questions you are talking about, put yourself in those situations or something, and go with the answer you think is most likely to be typical of you.
Though it's fine if you don't want to take that again: This thread is something I wanted to make for fun and knowledge!
Theres a lot of people that think like me <3
#Team INTJ
The INTJs are a supposedly rare variant, but it seems in forums like these, we are kind of common. :confused:

Maybe it is because INTJs are more likely to take these kinds of tests.
I wont lie you are one of my favorite people on TYM.
Awwww, how sweet of you. /)^ 3 ^(\
The Type Relationship between an ENTJ and INTJ is a "Pal" (work and play well together, with minimal natural conflict), it is a recipe for success: The role of an ENTJ is that of a Fieldmarshal (situational organizer, coordinator, strategist, mental engineer), an INTJ's role is a Mastermind (flexible planner, highly theoretical, strives for efficiency in ideas and solutions).


Extravert(1%) iNtuitive(25%) Thinking(1%) Perceiving(22)%
  • You have marginal or no preference of Extraversion over Introversion (1%)​
  • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (25%)​
  • You have marginal or no preference of Thinking over Feeling (1%)​
  • You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (22%)​


Type this into your bar (putting the four letters after the slash):

Will give a description about your type. Mine was accurate in a lot of places.


Get staffed bro
My answers made me feel a bit of a social leper, but its really not that I'm not comfortable around people or social situations etc. because I am. I'm just happy in my own space a lot of the time. I have friends that simply cannot be on their own where I have no problem with it. Probably only child syndrome to a large extent.

ISTJ for the record.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Here is my real one ^^

Introvert(44%) Sensing(25%) Thinking(38%) Judging(11%)
  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%)
  • You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (25%)
  • You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (38%)
  • You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (11%)