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What is your main?

Tom Brady

from now on heres how i am,

Tourney Main: Kung Lao because he functions properly

Casual play and occasional tourney matches: Sub-Zero

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Johnny Cage - Suits my playstyle, fun character, and to me feels like one of the more balanced characters. Excels at rushdown, that's it.

Reptile - Personally, I'm pretty burned out on Rep at the moment, at least in regards to online play, but I still use him for Cage's rough matchups.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Cyrax as my face, Noob Saibot as my heel.

Need a lot more training with el negro supremo, but he'll get there.

May Chaos break the ties that bind.


Bone and Metal

Noob Saibot: The only true ninja, and I find it satisfying hitting people with shadow tackles and shadow slides for some reason.

Nightwolf: Native Americans are awesome, and he's good as a counterpart to Noob.

Quan Chi: Been a fan since MK4, I'm not going to let low-tierness stop me from using him.


Kano: Been a favorite since MK1.

Sektor: Ketchup cyborg ninja

Jade: Chicks in green are hot.

Johnny Cage: Fun as hell to play as.

Freddy Krueger: Because he's Freddy Krueger.


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
Kung Lao - Nostalgia/looked cool when Justin Wong used it during the early tourneys

Rest of the team:
Shang Tsung, Rain, and Scorpion
After switching mains so much, I found my main 3.
Rain-SO much fun to use, i love his combos, his resets, and his rh cancel pressure. I love how he looks in this game too.
Smoke-My favorite MK character, and my MAIN main. I love his gameplay and his mindgames are sweet.
Kabal-So hard to use, but so fun. He has a tool for everything, no bad matchups, and his dash cancel mind games are tight.

@Tom Brady, no more tourney Sub? Oh well. Use whoever you feel you do best with.


Button Masher
After switching mains so much, I found my main 3.
Rain-SO much fun to use, i love his combos, his resets, and his rh cancel pressure. I love how he looks in this game too.
Smoke-My favorite MK character, and my MAIN main. I love his gameplay and his mindgames are sweet.
Kabal-So hard to use, but so fun. He has a tool for everything, no bad matchups, and his dash cancel mind games are tight.

@Tom Brady, no more tourney Sub? Oh well. Use whoever you feel you do best with.
i'm Watching you....

My Main? Mileena <3

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
Mained pretty much every1. I would come on TYM.com, see a combo for a character, then i'd use him until the next high %, doable combo comes out. Thats probably why I lose so much.


A prop on the stage of life.
My two mains are Ermac and Csub. I can play as a good deal of the cast as well but I stick to those two when I don't want room for error.

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
That's awfull, it's not all about high % combo's...
Its not awfull if you don't take the game so seriously, I play online & couldn't care less about it, I just wanna try different combos out & see how I go. I also play mates from work & football & thats were the learning high % combos pays off, it makes you look brilliant & gives you the gloating rights in work lol. I can play dirty & boringly tho, my online record is pretty decent for some1 who loses cos hes trying new things with a new character hes only just picked up.


Blue Blurs for Life!
I use as many characters as I possibly can. A habit that is derived from my passion for combo media based on the game (see my Youtube for solid proof). It also gives you the advantage of having many cards to deal out, so to speak. The more tactics you know, the better your chances are.

If I had to choose my three main icons, these would be it:

Primary Character - Smoke
Secondary Character - Sonya Blade
Tertiary Character - Sub-Zero

An interesting trio, I know, but I work the best with these three for some various reasons.

Smoke because he's got great zoning and can keep you on the move.

Sonya because her offense is fuckin' sexy.

And Sub-Zero is a mixture of both of the above.


Liu kang main, Ermac, Nightwolf my other options, but I've played around somewhat seriously with a lot of others. Jade, Smoke, Sub Zero.. Quan Chi.. loving cyber sub zero at the moment. I play a different character like every week.


My Main is Scorpion.
And my subs are Sektor, Baraka, Sheeva, Noob Saibot.

I just love exploring Scorpion's potential every time I got home from school.


EX smash solves all
I use Cyrax, Liu Kang and Kitana
Cyrax because he has great damage, and just landing one net with one bar of meter can deal about 70% damage.
Liu Kang becuase he has great mixups, easy, damaging combos, and fast movement speeds, along with an Instant Air Fireball and a low projectile.
Kitana because she has the best projectile in the game (my opinion), decent meterless damage, an Instant Air Fan, best d1 in the game, and good punishes.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
My main is *stares at sig*....I dunno anymore. I use them each in almost every set I have with people. The majority of the times I do best with Smoke, but sometimes I do better with Kenshi, and other times I suck as both, but win with Freddy. ;.;

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
The Ebon Apparition himself!

Under him, Im fond of these disciples as well:

Quan Chi


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Johnny Cage. Hes been my favorite character for the longest time, and I love bulldogging style of gameplay.

I once watched one of my matches and felt so boss when I crossed full screen lightning fast through dash blocking.