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What is Wrong With These People!? - The U.S. Politics Discussion Thread


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@Dave, I can say the same thing about your liberal mentality...And you claim to be a "moderate" yet you posts scream liberal...Obama is friends with radical muslims, if you'd like I can list them for you? Bush never kissed the Saudi King, he didn't bow to every world leader who hated us no less like Obama does...

I'm not even a fan of Rush but I just don't see the big deal here especially when the libs are the biggest hypocrites ever...they bitch about Rush's show but laugh about Bill Maher's comments? Seriously? Come on...

No, you are just the only misinformed.
No I'm not, perhaps you are though(with respect) I used to be ignorant thinking oh watch the news they give you everything lol, so not true my friend. I do my research via myself now, not watching mainstream media bs half the time like a lot of people do...ever hear the phrase, "you can't believe everything you hear"? Then for fun I'll watch both Fox and MSNBC, and both are very biased I must say in opposing directions.

Bill Mayer was in the wrong, so was Rush.
Ok, I agree...hell I'll even say, since it's their shows they can say whatever they wish within FCC laws(my issues aren't with so much with what they said, just how people reacted to both. My only issue really here, as far as what they say. They can say whatever they wish. But yeah, sometimes people say dumb things I admit.

I am what some may call independent. Although in reality mostly I do tend to lean left on issues, so call me a liberal if you want. I do not however support everything Obama does. I too think he is a little to close to socialism, and I dont like some of his policies. That Muslim is just bullshit right wingers like to bring up to further insult Obama. Just like the racist bigot thing we democrats like to bring up(Although there is much more proof of that).
You sound like an independent that leans left(like I lean right) Although, I do have some libertarian beliefs as well on certain issues. You seem to be the only Obama supporter though I've ever met/chatted with that admits he's boarderline socialist, I must say that's a first. Everyone else for Obama constantly denies that. At least you said you support him, yet admit he's practically a socialist with his ideals. Muslim? I don't know what you mean, I mean he does have videos of himself admitting he is/was a muslim whatever, I don't even care about that. But both parties will throw dirt on each other, it's always been like that sadly. I think both parties have crazies that are racists at times honestly or bigots. I don't believe that's an exclusive thing that one party supports. Even before political parties over 100 years ago there was still racism regardless of political beliefs you know?

This is definitely true. However, this is because Republicans are really good TV. I know you may all not be as some as FOX, but god they are too easy to make fun of.
Really, honestly anyone can be mocked these days...I still remember when SNL mocked Obama, Obama got butthurt over it because the guy "wasn't black" or something dumb. But it was funny, but hey they poke fun at everyone the right and the left.

I treat the Daily Show for what it is. A liberal satire that is heavy left wing. Although they could just play some of the clips and show how dumb republicans are by themselves(Yes, I do have a problem with FOX network, but not most republicans).
I exaggerated the 30% in reality it is probably about 10%. And of course Fox doesnt bow down to Obama, THEY ARE RIGHT WING. And the problem with Fox is they twist things out of proportion, albeit left wing media does the same thing.
Ok, you've made your point, however I assure you for every dumb republican you can name I can name a liberal democrat as well. I can give you two names that REEK stupidity. Keith Obermann and Chris Matthews...they're both pure jokes in the world of politics that a lot of libs fall back on(really?). The way I've seen it, Fox doesn't twist things anymore out of proportion then the liberals do about the right so...again, ever watch MSNBC? I've already said both are biased, if you're going to say "Fox twists things blah, blah, blah" well so does MSNBC...." let's be fair.

I take back what I said in the beginning of my post. You are not misinformed. You are a total fucking idiot. When the hell does "Contraception is basic health care" translate into "I sleep with tons of guys and just want to have lots of sex". Are you fucking kidding me? Just because someone wants women to have a damn choice in their healthcare does not mean they are a slut. YOU are what is wrong with this shit hole of a country, and you spew out shit about how we are all hypocritic. Well I would rather be a hypocrite than a completely oblivious jack ass. Some of the people supporting this may be sexual assault victims, did you ever think about that? Should they have the right to at least advocate for contraception to be part of health care. NO WHERE in Sandra Fluke's speech did she say she sleeps with multiple people and just wants sex. Yeah, maybe she has a boyfriend. Yeah, maybe they have sex. So if you have sex AT ALL are you still a slut and whore? You see where the fallacy is in your fucked up logic? What is sad is there are more people that think just like you. And for the record, once again, Bill Mayer has taken shit for what he said. Rightly so. Two wrongs dont make a right, yadda yadda.
Ok, if you're going to resort to insults like the typical libtard, be my guest dude. I'll just stop wasting my time on you, if you want to debate maturely however I'm fine. Your choice. I made my point, you just don't agree with it so don't call me the idiot, when you're acting like an ignorant one...Just look up what a slut is...and get back to me. Oh please, the girl is hiding behind that contraception bullshit so much it's ridiculous. You bang tons of guys, you are one. I've known a few personally...ok, I know what I'm talking about. The girl clearly admitted it, I don't give a rats ass what excuse she uses. You sleep with tons of people, unless you're having a gun pointed at your head, you're a slut, dirty, whore. Period. Answer this for me, does EVERY other girl in college or school do that what she did? Answer. NO. I rest my case.

I won't even get into it with you about the pro-choice vs.pro-life thing, since you libs are stuck in that state of mind. I however, don't support something that's chosen 99% of the time due to an inconvenience in someone's life as oppose to taking responsibility for something. And for the record there are other choices, ever hear of Adoption? Or would you like me to post that definition for you too? No, YOU are what's wrong with this country, ignorant libtards that drink the kool aid without question, and now you're acting like both a hypocrite and a jackass so touche. All you liberals do when you're losing an argument is resort to flaming, insults. Get a clue already....and stop being so naive and ignorant, it's not like she was with ONE guy...did you even bother to read the entire interview? I'm not talking about her banging her BF...why bring that up? lol. I'm talking about how she got broke with contraceptives...being a slut and using that as a mere excuse. That's your fucked up logic, I'm talking about something else entirely and you're just bringing up off topic nonsense like "so if she has sex with a bf" she's a slut? When did I mention a girl/guy banging exclusively as the same thing? Oh yeah..no where...BTW, I also read more into both the Rush and Bill thing. While I agree with you there, both were wrong with their controversial comments, at least Rush apologized. Just so you know, he's not a complete jack ass.



Zoning Master
@Dave, I can say the same thing about your liberal mentality...And you claim to be a "moderate" yet you posts scream liberal...Obama is friends with radical muslims, if you'd like I can list them for you? Bush never kissed the Saudi King, he didn't bow to every world leader who hated us no less like Obama does...

I'm not even a fan of Rush but I just don't see the big deal here especially when the libs are the biggest hypocrites ever...they bitch about Rush's show but laugh about Bill Maher's comments? Seriously? Come on...
Liberals laugh at Bill Maher because they pay him to be funny. Conservatives listen to Rush Limbaugh for political commentary. I do not see an equivalency. By the way, I am not even a big fan of Bill Maher. I think he goes overboard with his criticism of religion. He should re-direct his frustrations to the christian right, not with christianity.

Isn't every person who posted in this thread liberal to you? I guess you must be the only independent thinker on TYM. Every other person has been brainwashed by the liberal media. Come on...

PS: I will provide you with pictures of president Bush and the Saudi King later on.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Bill Maher has been on serious political shows in the past in case you're unaware, thus his voice has had a political influence anything more then Rush since Rush is on the radio, Bill is on television. Rush just happens to be the most successful, listened to political station on the radio. That's just the way things are, if nobody cared or listened to took Rush remotely seriously to begin with, you think people would have heard of that whole Fluke comment story to begin with? Nope.

I don't think he or anyone should direct insults at Christians in general, right, left or otherwise. But I'll bet you anything if he attacked muslims, there would be an outrage WAY more then bashing Christians(because that's ok apparently)

Not really, I think majority who have posted are liberal because they're the ones disagreeing with me passionately, yet the only ones who seem to agree either. A. just like/agree with my posts but are too timid to post for whatever reason B. Watch the thread and speak to me about via PM's or C. just don't want to get into it with Obama supporters...I never said every other person has been brainwashed, only the people who clearly defend everything Obama has done as if he's done nothing wrong and wants to do in the future, in this thread. Which from what I'm seeing post wise, happens to be majority(not everyone, but a lot) I mean, look back. Most people have posted they don't like any GOP candidates and say they want Obama by default and the rest pretty much jumped on me for posting my views(which happen to be different then most as you can see in here) so yeah...my initial stance remains until I see more non-liberals posting. I mean, real non-liberals as in conservatives, libertarians etc

The Bush thing, he's only kissed the Saudi King and from what I remember the media tried to bash him for not "kissing" him right? But it's a cheek kiss and hey at least he didn't bow to everyone lol , Obama bowed to Japan's prime minister, emperor etc out of respect but actually disrespected them if you read about it and everyone else almost like... in the sense of "apologizing" for the usa...it makes us look weak. And when he did bow out of respect he did it too soon or too much of an angle...here's the photos I speak of. He's even bowed to others on american soil....really? lol Now I know things like the Bush/Saudi thing and Obama bowing to everyone shorter then an ant is trivial but sometimes it's the little things about our leaders that show what kind of character they are.

Obama bows to Tampa Mayor...(on us soil...what's up with that?)

Bush kissing Saudi King

Obama bowing to Saudi King

Obama bowing to Japanese Prime Minister

Obama bowing to Chinese President....

Rumors have it, he even bowed down to the BK King(humor purposes obviously) but you get my point...


Purple balls covering the screen
Personally, I feel the two party system is bogus, when I look at the bigger picture all I see that really distinguishes the two parties are petty ethical issues. This gives us the illusion of choice. Your stance on abortion, or gays in the military or whatever might matter to you, but it has little bearing on what actually would matter and save this country. Look at it like this, you can eat at burger king or McDonalds, but your still going to get colon cancer. It's like this on purpose. They want us disagreeing on these small topics because if we are fighting each other over things that don't matter, they are free to continue doing what they do best, trample our rights, stealing the nations wealth, and marching us straight into a totalitarian one world government. So you guys can argue over whatever you want but it won't help, personally I don't feel like I or any of us even have a choice anymore.Maybe we did once, but not now. Now it's really decided by a handful of people, and we don't elect those people. I honestly don't know what would fix it but a it stands right now, we are the crazy ones, because we keep expecting things to change and they only get worse, yet we keep doing the same ineffective and useless things we have always done. I think Thomas Jefferson said it best when he said "from time to time the tree of liberty needs refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants"


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Personally, I feel the two party system is bogus, when I look at the bigger picture all I see that really distinguishes the two parties are petty ethical issues. This gives us the illusion of choice. Your stance on abortion, or gays in the military or whatever might matter to you, but it has little bearing on what actually would matter and save this country. Look at it like this, you can eat at burger king or McDonalds, but your still going to get colon cancer. It's like this on purpose. They want us disagreeing on these small topics because if we are fighting each other over things that don't matter, they are free to continue doing what they do best, trample our rights, stealing the nations wealth, and marching us straight into a totalitarian one world government. So you guys can argue over whatever you want but it won't help, personally I don't feel like I or any of us even have a choice anymore.Maybe we did once, but not now. Now it's really decided by a handful of people, and we don't elect those people. I honestly don't know what would fix it but a it stands right now, we are the crazy ones, because we keep expecting things to change and they only get worse, yet we keep doing the same ineffective and useless things we have always done. I think Thomas Jefferson said it best when he said "from time to time the tree of liberty needs refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
You may be right, and you do raise good points. Which is why when I first registered I became an independent instantly to break down every party(as oppose to just choose one right off the bat or by default due to family influence) like a lot of people did when I was 18.

Thing is, even with McD vs. BK, while both are bad there is the lesser of two evils sometimes...me, I used to eat McD as a kid but as I got older I chose BK mainly due to healthier fries, more options and better salads. Now, am I saying BK is healthy? Not at all, but I do think they offer more how do you say...variety?

I think with politics especially now it's all media influenced half the time and I think at this point while all politics are corrupt, I choose the lesser of two evils or try to anyway. I think that's all you really can do. I don't pity people who don't vote however, because that's our way of making our voices heard, win or lose don't matter...it's the fact that at least we made the effort. I have friends who never vote, stay home so I tell them you know by law you can bitch due to freedom of speech, but otherwise I tell them you have no say being as how you didn't even vote, so don't bitch who got in! Know what I mean?


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
Personally, I feel the two party system is bogus, when I look at the bigger picture all I see that really distinguishes the two parties are petty ethical issues. This gives us the illusion of choice. Your stance on abortion, or gays in the military or whatever might matter to you, but it has little bearing on what actually would matter and save this country. Look at it like this, you can eat at burger king or McDonalds, but your still going to get colon cancer. It's like this on purpose. They want us disagreeing on these small topics because if we are fighting each other over things that don't matter, they are free to continue doing what they do best, trample our rights, stealing the nations wealth, and marching us straight into a totalitarian one world government. So you guys can argue over whatever you want but it won't help, personally I don't feel like I or any of us even have a choice anymore.Maybe we did once, but not now. Now it's really decided by a handful of people, and we don't elect those people. I honestly don't know what would fix it but a it stands right now, we are the crazy ones, because we keep expecting things to change and they only get worse, yet we keep doing the same ineffective and useless things we have always done. I think Thomas Jefferson said it best when he said "from time to time the tree of liberty needs refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Ok now we are getting somewhere people. I argued with MKF once and it made me want to commit suicide. People with his views make me lose hope for life on our planet. No offense MKF just my opinion...

So I have thought about it for a while now and I have read this post as it has grown and I can't believe it! The thing both sides can agree on is that this is all a distraction meant to make us hate each other. A fascist corporatocracy has come to power in this country. We are being conditioned to live in various states of fear which we then compensate for by purchasing things.
Can we agree on that at least? Which is the reality we live in? A left bent society precariously leaning towards socialism? A right wing police state slowly entwining with fundamentalist religion? Or a Corporate fiefdom where the people are free to toil for whichever product they feel they need?


Purple balls covering the screen
Ok now we are getting somewhere people. I argued with MKF once and it made me want to commit suicide. People with his views make me lose hope for life on our planet. No offense MKF just my opinion...

So I have thought about it for a while now and I have read this post as it has grown and I can't believe it! The thing both sides can agree on is that this is all a distraction meant to make us hate each other. A fascist corporatocracy has come to power in this country. We are being conditioned to live in various states of fear which we then compensate for by purchasing things.
Can we agree on that at least? Which is the reality we live in? A left bent society precariously leaning towards socialism? A right wing police state slowly entwining with fundamentalist religion? Or a Corporate fiefdom where the people are free to toil for whichever product they feel they need?

preach on my friend! Couldn't agree more!


Purple balls covering the screen
You may be right, and you do raise good points. Which is why when I first registered I became an independent instantly to break down every party(as oppose to just choose one right off the bat or by default due to family influence) like a lot of people did when I was 18.

Thing is, even with McD vs. BK, while both are bad there is the lesser of two evils sometimes...me, I used to eat McD as a kid but as I got older I chose BK mainly due to healthier fries, more options and better salads. Now, am I saying BK is healthy? Not at all, but I do think they offer more how do you say...variety?

I think with politics especially now it's all media influenced half the time and I think at this point while all politics are corrupt, I choose the lesser of two evils or try to anyway. I think that's all you really can do. I don't pity people who don't vote however, because that's our way of making our voices heard, win or lose don't matter...it's the fact that at least we made the effort. I have friends who never vote, stay home so I tell them you know by law you can bitch due to freedom of speech, but otherwise I tell them you have no say being as how you didn't even vote, so don't bitch who got in! Know what I mean?

the lesser of two evils? My point is they are both the same evils, just packaged differently. And I completely disagree about voting, the electoral college ensures your vote doesn't count. And with electronic voting machines tallying all the votes it just makes it even more pointless. You ever see the guy who wrote the software for them testify before Congress? Because you really should, it's on you tube. It's sad.


Come On Die Young
A few things:

-I actually trust The Daily Show more than any news show on network or basic cable (not saying all TV because BBC America is where the good shit's at ;) , from Fox to MSNBC. People discredit it as just a comedy and satire show, which it is, but it is satire based on fact. Part of it is actually serious. If you actually watch it, you notice that they're the ones actually pointing out the crap and hypocrisy through both the world of politics and the media. In fact, they were the first to really point out that Ron Paul wasn't being respected by either side and deserved more attention.

-The whole Limbaugh/Maher thing definitely needs clarification. Maher made his comment purely as a joke, in a general context about his negative opinion on Sarah Palin. Limbaugh made his comment in a context specifically referring to sexual activity. There's a clear difference there. If Limbaugh called, for example, Nancy Pelosi a cunt simply because of her opinions, people would not care nearly as much.

You know, to be fair Rev, I think the right would probably cut it out with the "socialist crap" when the left cuts it out with the "racist crap" ;)

I doubt either will happen so lol
I actually agree with this lol. I do find many hints at racism from some members of the republican party, though most of it is inert and they aren't actually trying to be racist, but it is taken way too far at times.


For the love of god, are people really complaining about Obama bowing? Who cares? Does this effect your quality of life, hurt the economy, creat jobs, decrease debt or anything else that matters?

Bowing can be a greeting or sign of respect in some cultures, like a handshake. Some people don't seem to understand that as a President of a global power, a President needs to be able to interact with leaders in different ways, everyone has different nuances to their cultural greetings. Unless the President is committing horrible acts that hurt the nation via his greetings, you cannot tell me how he greets people is a relevant issue.

This is why politics in this country doesn't go anywhere positive, far too many people get hung up on really, really petty nonsense that DOES NOT matter.


For the love of god, are people really complaining about Obama bowing? Who cares? Does this effect your quality of life, hurt the economy, creat jobs, decrease debt or anything else that matters?

Bowing can be a greeting or sign of respect in some cultures, like a handshake. Some people don't seem to understand that as a President of a global power, a President needs to be able to interact with leaders in different ways, everyone has different nuances to their cultural greetings. Unless the President is committing horrible acts that hurt the nation via his greetings, you cannot tell me how he greets people is a relevant issue.
Ha, finally someone that gets it. They also shake hands from my understanding. Wouldn't it be rude of a foreign leader NOT shaking hands with Obama? Also, it only seems like right wingers bring up this particular bit of nonsense.


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
you know you have a bankrupt point of view when you have to stoop down into the world of Bow-ing Politics.

How about how all these jackass's bow to their corporate masters.


My blades will find your heart
Yeah arguing with MKF will give you a major headache. Also Redrum while Ron Paul's ideas SEEM good on paper, NONE of them will be approved by congress and he will most likely be a puppet just like everyone else.


Ha, finally someone that gets it. They also shake hands from my understanding. Wouldn't it be rude of a foreign leader NOT shaking hands with Obama? Also, it only seems like right wingers bring up this particular bit of nonsense.
Thanks and yes indeed they do, it's all about that give and take in Diplomacy.

The funny part about the complaints is that American presidents have been bowing to the Japanese Prime Minister or Emperor of Japan for decades, this includes several Republican Presidents, but for some reason people keep acting like Obama was the only one who has done such things, you would think this was recent phenomena, gotta love the mainstream media playing off of people's biases instead of simply informing the public of what's going on lol.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
lol touche Zoid, touche :p

Well, LesMor, no offense either but I feel the same about liberals like yourself. I wasn't even for the right few years ago but I did see the bs coming from the left, and how the mainstream media reports what they want you to know...that irks me. I just prefer to think for myself and not be a tool of the liberal agenda, what can I tell ya? To each his own dude.

the lesser of two evils? My point is they are both the same evils, just packaged differently. And I completely disagree about voting, the electoral college ensures your vote doesn't count. And with electronic voting machines tallying all the votes it just makes it even more pointless. You ever see the guy who wrote the software for them testify before Congress? Because you really should, it's on you tube. It's sad.
Well, I agree with you on one thing that they all suck ultimately...but disagree about them "being the same" hardly, maybe in the relentlessness and that they all lie, but there really is a lesser of two evils sometimes. With your logic and not knocking it but everyone "is the same" I don't believe that either...that's what you're saying essentially. Ron Paul is the same as Obama or would do the same, Bush and Clinton are alike, Mitt and H. Clinton would be the same etc I disagree highly with you there, respectfully you seem like a nice fellow...as for the voting gig, well what other method would you say is actually logical with a Republic like ours? Not voting? Then how would we get a say(the people I mean) protest rallies? We've seen what that does lol. Writing to the government? pfftt that would be ignored...

Electoral votes are the only thing we have, you can't go by "popular vote" because the guy with the best charisma will win everytime and that doesn't =good president, as we're seeing now.

I will agree with you on that the WAY voting is now is bs, I mean if someone loses or wins someone cries "rigged" and you have that whole Al Gore nonsense in Florida when they got caught trying to count deceased for Gore votes...I do think there should be a better way for more accurate poll results and no "bullshit" votes either. I'll have to check out the video you speak of.

For the love of god, are people really complaining about Obama bowing? Who cares? Does this effect your quality of life, hurt the economy, creat jobs, decrease debt or anything else that matters?

Bowing can be a greeting or sign of respect in some cultures, like a handshake. Some people don't seem to understand that as a President of a global power, a President needs to be able to interact with leaders in different ways, everyone has different nuances to their cultural greetings. Unless the President is committing horrible acts that hurt the nation via his greetings, you cannot tell me how he greets people is a relevant issue.

This is why politics in this country doesn't go anywhere positive, far too many people get hung up on really, really petty nonsense that DOES NOT matter.
I think you misread my post or I should say, misunderstood it...I'm not "complaining" I'm just bringing it up since dave had brought up the Bush kissing Saudi King, I was merely elaborating saying all President's will show respect or try to, but Obama has factually bowed to more people then every President combined lol. I mean, bow to the TB Mayor? Really? I'm not mad lol I just find it amusing that's all...

Also, that whole the right always fight dirty etc, true...but it's also the same for the left. Think it's onesided...? lol AJ's post is a great example, I didn't post those pics "to bitch" I was addressing Dave's post and figure I'd save him time with the Bush pic ;) I couldn't care less if Obama bows to his mother before seeing her, I'm more concerned about larger things in all seriousness.

Revolver, well let's be fair both sides play dirty at times and I've personally met as many liberal racists as I have right and libertarian honestly, I think that's just a tool at this point. Glad you agree with that though lol I think that's a first you and I agree with politics.


Regardless of your intention, you think it's funny that he's respectful? Okay. It was obviously a serious enough issue to be brought up in a topic and I saw your conversation with Dave, clearly you didn't think it was funny or "not a big deal" based on your posts saying he sides with radical muslims and bows down to our enemies, that sounds like a serious post to me and considering it jives with the rest of your rhetoric, I dunno that's just what I got, it wasn't an "LOL, just mentioning it because it's funny conversation".

Not trying to be rude, just saying it didn't seem like a joke to me and if it was, it wasn't clear to myself or several others because it literally mirrors everything else that you've been saying.

None of my posts have indicated that I think it's one sided, it's clearly a big storm of epic fail in Washington D.C.

I cannot speak for AJ, so I won't get into that.


Purple balls covering the screen
Oh and also, we should end the federal reserve system. Fractional reserve banking is a farce and is a big part of the problems with this country and the worlds Finacial problems.


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
lol touche Zoid, touche :p

Well, LesMor, no offense either but I feel the same about liberals like yourself. I wasn't even for the right few years ago but I did see the bs coming from the left, and how the mainstream media reports what they want you to know...that irks me. I just prefer to think for myself and not be a tool of the liberal agenda, what can I tell ya? To each his own dude.
how come the liberal agenda to MOST people just seems like being nice and helping people...


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
@Les, lol that's debatable. See, out of everyone I've met so far in life, conservatives are way more caring then liberals. But hey, I guess everyone has a perspective.

This thread is WAY too funny to read
Hey you're the Noob Saibot kid right? What's up?

@Espio, no I think it's funny that he thinks he's being respectful in the sense of "automatically bowing" is actually disrespectful if you do it incorrectly...

That's just poking fun at Obama, just like the many silly Bush video edits etc. But with the other topic, actually that is serious, Obama is friends with way more enemies and people who hate the USA more then any previous president, this is what I was bringing up...well, just pointing out concerning your last post, Washington is run by Obama atm in case you haven't noticed.

Oh and also, we should end the federal reserve system. Fractional reserve banking is a farce and is a big part of the problems with this country and the worlds Finacial problems.

Hmm, you seem to be an independent/libertarian, but I do think you have an interesting perspective. Unfortunately with the financial and debt issues, I think that will take time and I do think we spend too much on defense in general.