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What is an actual "reset"?


Mid Tier
I think you are getting stuck on there being only one type of reset. As the community evolves, so does the terminology. You are clearly describing guaranteed resets (which are exploits/glitches). But there are many types of resets. As far as the general fighting game community is concerned, not all resets are guaranteed. If you watch a Skullgirls or Marvel stream, you will constantly see air-throw reset attempts and they are either successful, or the throw gets teched and they escape the reset. The commentators will say "he gets the reset" or "he techs out" and everyone understands that there was a reset attempt.

Standing resets (or re-stand) are sort of different because they are meant to keep the opponent standing so you can attempt a mixup or nullify wake-up options or continue pressure and chip damage (JC nut punch). In this case I think it is important to use the term "standing reset" or "re-stand" because it does not always lead into a new combo even though the re-stand itself was successful.
Yah kinda like how Sonya and Skarlet can re stand you out of a combo and you have to block the follow up or you are gonna get combo'd again. what am I suppose to call this!!! I NEED TO KNOW!!!


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Entirely off topic game-wise here, but to provide an example of a "standing reset" you could look into kankuro's BFS (Bomb forced stand) which is in its own way a reset. Basically here is how it goes:

When Kankuro, a character in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 hit you on the ground with his poison bombs, you were forced to stand at that time (where as normally you'd be able to stay down and avoid quite a bit of damage). This was universal for all characters, but Kankuro had a special ability in that his poison bombs had a lasting hitbox. He would launch 6, and while 4 would directly hit, 2 of them would "miss" and stay on the ground, creating a hit upon wake-up. Using this, he can use his Jutsu, "May rain" to set up some absurd damage.

However, it could be avoided by substitution jutsu (that game's soft breaker) or tech rolling. All the same, however, its a form of reset because while you could continue directly into may rain for the extra damage, you are instead dropping the ender to set yourself up for more damage. Its not so much expecting the opponent to make a bad choice, but making it so that IF they happen to make a bad choice you get the most benefit. No one drops a combo EXPECTING the opponent to do a wake-up, but some people drop a combo and set themselves up so if the opponent does take that attractive option they are met with punishment.

SUPER old video, but it gets the point across. Its not an "inescapable" reset, but it is a reset. Another example comes from a more recent game, notably PSASBR. The character Parappa the Rappa has a mic grab attack that bring yours opponent in close and puts them standing, meaning you can potentially follow-up with a throw. As throws beat out most attacks and rolls, it makes a good example for a time when you drop the combo and set yourself up with an option select to best obtain that desired damage. Doing so, he happens to have a good AP (meter in PSASBR) reset wall loop that, if not broken, can go on indefinitely. While the opponent CAN throw break it or counter it with a grab immune attack (mainly specials), doing the reset basically says "I'm willing to risk them doing it in order to maximize my output if they happen to choose wrong".

(In case anyone was wondering, that level 3 special is called "I gotta believe ft. Doombox" and thats where my name is from.)

Rip Torn

Yah kinda like how Sonya and Skarlet can re stand you out of a combo and you have to block the follow up or you are gonna get combo'd again. what am I suppose to call this!!! I NEED TO KNOW!!!
I would call it a "re-stand", as it is short and to the point. Calling it a "standing reset" would also be accurate, but I think that causes confusion with "reset". Now, if she opens you up directly after the re-stand, then I think that would be a re-stand that resulted in a reset.


Administrator and Community Engineer
A traditional reset, to my knowledge, isn't inescapable. The entire point of a reset is to drop the player out of a combo early, or to do a combo that isn't optimized in damage, to setup a reset which resets the damage scaling. You sacrifice guaranteed damage and also risk not getting the reset, but the reward is high damage. A guaranteed reset, which is what it sounds like you're defining, is a reset that is unavoidable once it starts, such as Cyrax in MK9. I'd call that specifically a damage reset, not an actual reset, because it's guaranteed, there's zero risk and all reward.
This is 100% correct :)


But if you wanted my 2c, current usage of the word is this:

Standing Reset: Using a move to convert what would normally have been a knockdown into a situation that keeps the opponent standing, so that you can mix them up or continue to pressure them.

Reset: 'Resetting' one combo into another new combo (with renewed damage scaling); often this involves stopping a combo prematurely in order to 'reset' the damage by immediately trapping your opponent in a second combo. Sometimes guaranteed damage is exchanged for the reset opportunity.

Unblockable Reset: A type of reset that cannot be escaped, often due to glitches or unforseen caveats in a game engine. Ex. Cyrax's in MK9.
btw I only made this thread to get a clear view on what people thought a reset was since we weren't getting too far in PM, LOL!

<3 ;)


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Kind of funny about not doing high damage combos to so resets...

Johnny cage's reset nut punches did more damage then any of his other enders.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Kind of funny about not doing high damage combos to so resets...

Johnny cage's reset nut punches did more damage then any of his other enders.
Yeah, you don't usually drop to do a standing reset -- those are usually actual enders. Afterwards you just get pressure/chip a la Sonya and Cage.


When you drop a combo intentionally to attempt another combo that can potentially lead to more damage, it's not a reset, it's a bait and or mix up because there is the chance of failure due to your opponent's choices. Just because the act of stopping your combo "resets" the combo counter doesn't mean it's an actual concept. If you can exploit a hole in the game system that actually resets properties and allows you continue a combo unimpeded, that is literally a reset combo.

If you knock an opponent down and attempt a high/low/ambiguous cross over mix up as they get up and they can reaction block, that's just a mix up.

1. MvC2 basically invented/popularized the term reset. In that game the term was used when a combo was not finished (with a hard knockdown or super) on purpose to provide an ambiguous mixup that the opponent is not ready for. This happened a lot w/ Magneto.

2. Glitches that make the the game drop the combo count or reset damage are not "resets". No one called the DHC glitch in Vanilla Marvel a "reset". This applies to all the various MK/IGAU situations. Cyrax/Grundy, old UMK3 Ninja infinites.
To be honest, if it's completely inescapable, it's not a reset, that's a combo.

3. To put it simply "A reset is leaving damage on the table to put the opponent in less advantageous situation (w/o access to all defensive options) to land another combo. In the long run, successful/optimal resets actually increase the +EV of damage as opposed to finishing the combo"