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Watch the best North American Street Fighter 2 player take on the competition in MK11 aftermath

Man I'm glad I don't have this guy's mindset. He does seem to represent a player base who thinks that whenever they lose, it's the game's fault and not their own. Game has been out for a year, he obviously isn't that good at the game. I'm not that great at the game, but I accept my losses and still enjoy it. Why else play games? IDK, maybe this is what works for him to get some $.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
05:40 Tries to press D+B+Block in order to Block (you don't need to press B to Block, otherwise there won't be a Block button), 10:23 throwing attacks on whiff thinking they will hit, 12:28 Doesn't know that U3 Wake up is Invincible across the whole roster etc; Yeah this guy doesn't even understand the basics of the game. No wonder that he keeps whining non-stop LMAO.


Mk11 has a lot of weird mechanics. Coming from any other game can be confusing thus salt. Also this meta of d1 strike throw and how important baiting whiffs is...is widely known to mk11 players but to any new guy it’s probably weird as fuck.


I can’t watch the video cuz YouTube is banned here. Your probably right and he’s a whiny bitch lol
His name is DarkSydePhil. Maybe you know the name. Sorry, didn't know it was banned for you. lol

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
To this day I still can't tell if DSP is profoundly mentally handicapped or the greatest actor of our generation.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
And the Antisemitic
some literature

This asshole should've already been banned for life after the antisemitic jokes that he made (as shown in the first video at 10:00). Can't believe he still making a living off of game streaming.

he never got permabanned from twitch for that
or for doxing people
or for threatening to beat up a little girl IRL

twitch loves the pigroach dsp