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Question Vote for Martian Manhunter's Nickname.

What should be Martian Manhunter's nickname?

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Hates NRS for making me not like Superman
Because Sinestro. Superman.

I could go on about how they build more than a bar on your way in, while you take at least 5% chip. And have relatively good up-close footsies. And have vortexes.

But we simply don't.
Characters are defined by their most effective strategies(including versatility). So the only real zoners are Sinestro, Zod, Raven(Who is someone I don't think of as a traditional zoner and more of a mass range footsie character, but whatever) and Cyborg.

-Sinestro and Zod by far earn the most by zoning, including trait (both), damage being up close pretty lame(Sinestro), easy interractables(both with trait, better with Zod out of trait de to Zod Balls) and more. But the weird thing is, Wound Cowboy has proven the character is not a dedicated zoner and actually has a vortex up close, so really, even Sinestro's zoning may go the way of Deathstroke guns(though not as lacking in terms of chip)

-Raven isn't quite on par with the above two since she doesn't really have any good way to do anything when stuck at max screen. Ravens being high are a bitch for her. But she can be frustrating at mid range. Her trait makes up for that meh zoning when traitless. I guess her main problem is that, well, she does need to be in trait to be at her strongest, and even then, it's not to the same degree Zod and Sinestro are with trait. I don't have much raven experience though, so whatever.

-Poor Cyborg. Remember when his air Nova Blasts were mid? Good times. I don't even think Cyborg has normals, he just either Blasts people, zips, or dies. Then again, I also have limited Cyborg experience, but I doubt he's supposed to play rush.

For those saying Deathstroke, Superman, MMH, BA, or anyone I miss, I have included the following
-Deathstroke doesn't win by guns anymore, they mostly play off his not bad low/high game and pester pure rush character. More kind of an after thought and counter zoning tool than pure zone.

-Lets see. Superman can either zap you with lasers all day, or completely dominate the mid range with f2, push the opponent to the corner, and get 50% combos that lead to setups with his dive. Superman zoning is good. Superman footsies are way, way better.

-BA? See above.

And for MMH, he has to guess at all his zoning, and that's just a bad idea. His strength is his orbs yes, but lets face it, you get more off of the setup from the hitstun(and the mind game that goes with it) than from landing it. If he zones with them, all he can hope for is an interractable toss and maybe a teleport combo. In either case, he's a setup character, then a jack of all trades character, and THEN a zoner.

All the zoning characters zone for a purpose(in this case, to buy time for trait) that can be good at both short and long ranges. All the former zoners have more effective close range strategies. Most don't zone because they have to, they zone because they build meter which they use when up close(O hi Aquaman). Zoning is not the purpose of the game. Rush down characters have nothing to fear because they beat zoning in this game. Rushdown character have it good here. I come from UMvC3. We have shit like Zero and Morrigan and Doom running around. Sinestro and Deathstroke ain't even close to that level of effective

BTW, I have too much free time on my hands


Hates NRS for making me not like Superman
Yup, too much :rolleyes:
I don't know how to answer that, all I can say is that I've found ways to counter everyone but MMH.
No character should have brain-dead strategies.
Well, I didn't bring up that point for MMH's sake, just in general.

I dunno if I'd call MMH uncounterable just yet. Time will tell, characters need to evolve.

Brain Dead strategies, and you go to MMH over the likes of Doomsday? A character built around all his moves doing the work for him?


Because Sinestro. Superman.

I could go on about how they build more than a bar on your way in, while you take at least 5% chip. And have relatively good up-close footsies. And have vortexes.

But we simply don't.
Without trait, Sinestro's up-close game is woefully inadequate compared to Superman's. Sinestro's fear blast misses on a large portion of the cast from 2/3 of the screen away. It can be very powerful against certain characters and worthless against others. (Hello Killer Frost and teleporters) Sinestro's up-close game certainly isn't 'weak', but to consider it potent is over-stating it by quite a bit. It doesn't compare to the pure rush-down characters. You SHOULD be eating chip when closing the gap. Zoners SHOULD be able to put up a fight when at close range because zoning is relatively weak in this game.

Everyone should realize by now that the best characters in the game have a powerful keep-away/zoning game AND potent rushdown. MMH, Zod, Superman, GL and other such characters have this capability.