Yes, I know that most if not all the DLC is probably already decided. In case it isn't however ... Shang Tsung is confirmed, so you don't get to vote for him. Guests from previous games will never happen again, so don't bother. This is Part B. Part A has other 30 characters...
Fujin is a lie.
He was only in the shittiest games, and he was a cockdropper in them.
It’s like Raiden and Kitana had some terrible unprotected sex, and Kitana tried to abort the ensuing pregnancy.
She got in a few good stabs of the hanger, but that little fucker hung on.
God damned Corky.
On a serious note though I’m disappointed Sektor didn’t make this list I want to see the Cyber Lin Kuei have a big appearance. I feel like this game would suit their move set. Plus character customisation would be awesome for them. Having skins for both their human and cyber forms.
My ideal 3 would be Sektor, Cyrax and Hydro or even Smoke/Cyber Smoke.
hydro- were freaking teased with him in the cyber stage
Havic-would be such a great addition with the new graphics and gameplay
Cyrax- Boon said NO NPC, so....