Thr problem with safe Scorpion is that he doesn't do any damage. When your playing against a characters like Cage, where all he needs is one f3...he doesn't give a fuck about 111 12% pressure. When your playing against characters like Cyrax, where all he needs is one net...he doesn't give a fuck about 12% f4~takedown. When your playing against characters like Smoke, where all he needs is one smoke bomb...he doesn't give a fuck about 15% f3.
These options don't do enough damage to be considered conditioning tools. I can hit with three or four f4 takedowns in 1 round and that won't mean they will duck the next time I get in. Nobody cares.
So when its all said and done, you just gotta go for it. There are times where if i have a big life-lead and no meter for breaker or if they have meter and I don't I might not go for it then. But ultimately, the best characters in the game can blow you up with 3 or 4 good reads a round. When its your turn to take to make the read, you cant be fuckin around with 12% bullshit. Your giving them too many chance to come back and make you rage. You gotta take the oppurtunity to blow them up.
You just gotta look at the bright side. Cyrax bomb reset is stupid. Smoke bomb reset is stupid. Jax corner reset is stupid. Cage f3 is stupid. Sonya d4 is stupid. stupid.
Scorpion Vortex/Void is stupid.