If you guys can promise a decent turnout with $20 entry fee I'll call out of work just for a shot at around $300. I can get out of work on the 21st I'm pretty sure. Practice on the standard set up, because the only one I'll use if when come out. You should think about converting the other to it as well and just everyone getting use to the default set up. Everyone I know who plays on machines would scoff at the idea of playing on a 3x3 set up after 12 years of X setup.
If you guys can promise a decent turnout with $20 entry fee I'll call out of work just for a shot at around $300. I can get out of work on the 21st I'm pretty sure. Practice on the standard set up, because the only one I'll use if when come out. You should think about converting the other to it as well and just everyone getting use to the default set up. Everyone I know who plays on machines would scoff at the idea of playing on a 3x3 set up after 12 years of X setup.
i think the x
' set up was weird i dont know why it was like that
but for them to have a standard american button set up on a umk3 machine that makes you wanna know what alls wrong with it coz its got the board and what ever the fuck they did do perfect it
Is there going to be a tournament for this? I gotta know ASAP for me and my friend who will go. Also, how many players and has anyone gone out of their way to talk to Busta, Hades, Natas, or DarkVirus? Those are big players in the area.
It depends on what part of LI but I'm assuming you just take the 1 train or the the A train if your in the west BX or the 4 or 5 on the east down to Penn then take the L.I.R. to wherever is the closest spot. Then you cab it the rest of the way.
Ask the LI guys where in LI they are. P.S. I was in massepequa last weekend for a house party...jesus the entire city is like out of pleasentville or something. All the houses look exactly the same (flag,flag, basketball hoop, perfect lawn) hahaha it was shockingly too normal. Good party though.
Sorry I just read on the 1st page it says that its in Massepeaqa and I know for a fact theres a stop on the LIR very close to there so you can definately get there from the bronx although it'll be a bitch of a trip (probably something along the lines of an hour and a half to 2)