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Umk3 on xbox 360 list your opinions

will the xbox version of armageddon have umk3 on it?

i think i'll enjoy playing umk3 2 player IRL as much as online. its so much easier using the xbox controller for me than using a keyboard. i have the 360 controller for Windows but its not calibrated well for mame. its extremely sensitive and i'm not sure if there is any way to fix that.


Westbury Nathan's 4 Life
rulemaster said:
will the xbox version of armageddon have umk3 on it?
Nope, umk3 is only on the Premium Editions which are PS2 exclusive.

I think Microsoft is encouraging publishers to kind of blow off the original XBOX in favor of the 360. Thus the only way to get UMK3 on a Microsoft system is via Live Arcade on the 360.

This makes me wonder what will happen with the Wii version. If they put umk3 on the Wii, and it's ONLINE, I may not have to rush out and get a 360 after all...


I am defenitly getting UMK3 when it comes out on the xbox live arcade. my gamertag is katarnthecriplr if anyone on this site wants to play me when it comes out just send me a friend request on xbox live.


Westbury Nathan's 4 Life
rulemaster said:
i dunno how well the controls would be with that new controller, but i heard you can use gamecube controllers on wii
which means any arcade controller for the GameCube could be eligible as well. That's good news for me... if they put UMK3 on Wii and allowed GC controllers, I would just buy a $20 GC adaptor for my X-Arcade dual stick and I'd be all set.
Ive played it, I just hate how the controller is configured. The run button is on the wrong side, and there isnt a way to adjust it.
Is this guy stupid? I'm not even new to this site, I just haven't been making posts. I'm not new to any mortal kombat games, I've been playing since I was about 7 or 8, and yeah the 360 controller is terrible for UMK3, the run button and block buttons are reversed and the D-Pad is awful.


My only problem is the absolute shit d-pad. Luckily for me, I always played console MK with block on the right side and run on the left.