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UMK3 Arcade Hack (Juggernauts v1.0)


I got seriously annoyed with umk3 hack disappearing from various 119 installs, and having to guide people through the fix. So I quickly made this. Put it in your 119 folder, and run. It fixes 119 to read umk3 hack.

To be exact on what this does: simple script that writes to your mame32ui.ini
disables audit on startup (required to run hack)
sets umk3 audit to 0 (correct, and available)
gives you the option to set your mame32ui.ini to read only, so if you do audit, no changes will be made (only use this if you don't intend to add games)
Makes it so you don't get pissed if you accidentally hit f5 in 119 :p

Rather compile it yourself? Get AutoIt

AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide", 1)
#include <array.au3>
ProgressOn("Working", "Rewriting mame32ui.ini")
If WinExists("MAME32 Plus! Plus! 0.119") Then
FileSetAttrib(@scriptdir & "\ini\mame32ui.ini","-R")
writeini("game_check        1", "game_check        0", @scriptdir & "\ini\mame32ui.ini")
writeini("umk3_rom_audit      2", "umk3_rom_audit      0", @scriptdir & "\ini\mame32ui.ini")
writeini("umk3_rom_audit      1", "umk3_rom_audit      0", @scriptdir & "\ini\mame32ui.ini")
writeini("umk3_rom_audit      3", "umk3_rom_audit      0", @scriptdir & "\ini\mame32ui.ini")
 Switch MsgBox(4, "Finished!", "Would you like to set your mame32ui.ini to read only?")
  Case 6
    FileSetAttrib(@scriptdir & "\ini\mame32ui.ini","+R")
If @error Then MsgBox(4096,"Error", "Problem setting attributes.")
Case 7
	FileSetAttrib(@scriptdir & "\ini\mame32ui.ini","-R")

Func writeini($sSearch, $iLine, $sFile)

$iIndex = _ArraySearch($MyArr, $sSearch)
 If @error Then
	_FileWriteToLine($sFile, $iIndex, $iLine, 1)



Dojo Trainee
I searched with a friend "by sea and land" lol in google the main source of this hack, I tried several methods to search for a long time but I found nothing.
So I conclude that the website is down.
Would be cool to find the author of the hack or some hack tutorial to experience some nice changes, at least changes in the text.
I was able to get this running on MAMEUI32 0.140 . What I had to do was a bit wierd. I replaced the Origional (Backed it up of course) with the Hack, then when it gave the error about what roms were missing, I added them from the Origional I moved elsewhere. A few roms had wrong checksum but other than that it works perfectly.


I cant get the umk3 jugg hack (rev 1.2) show up on mame 0.117 and mame 0.119 available game list. Game works fine when i look in all games

any1 know how fix this


X820 said:
I skimmed through that and didnt see how to fix the problem so I may have missed it but heres a PM Mud sent me a while back explaining how to fix the "not showing up in list" thing..

Muds PM

Ok do this, put the original umk3.zip in your roms folder. Then open mame 119

hit f5, let the audit finish
hit alt+o
Then i
"interface options" should open
then alt+o
then o

Quit mame completely so it saves that setting.

Other method go to mamefolder/ini/mame32kui.ini

search for umk3_rom_audit 0

set it to 1

close the folder, and right click it, properties

Attributes - Read Only


Eternal said:
Other method go to mamefolder/ini/mame32kui.ini

search for umk3_rom_audit 0

set it to 1

close the folder, and right click it, properties

Attributes - Read Only
This is the method I've used in the past aswell, try explaining this to most people though, it's hell.

Props to Mud for both methods.
Breezed through the Master II tier pretty easily..

nice run!
To select the final questionmark after beating Shao Kahn, you must do a "one credit run" on master II tower.
Easiest and cheapest ive found out is with Robo Smoke, doin jump away deep hopkick to teleport speer.
And then transform to human smoke on Motaro.
Alternate method is to choose 8 player tournament, were no skill is needed :p
This hack is sorta like the UMK3 Zues but you can still use Shang and Stryker. We also have a UMK3 Rv1.3 that we use for Mame tournies now and it has different txt at the Character select screen and when you use the Throwing Encouraged kombat code.
I cant find UMK3 Rv1.3.
Is it also a hack or an official rev.?

Think Ive found the info.
"Tournaments only hack" with funny throw messeges (Throw or Die etc)


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
If I had a cabinet and wanted the chips updated, first I would contact @mk3fan because he knows all when it comes to MK cabs... second I would find someone who can make chips and put them in working UMK3 boards like that guy and be happy to pay him for it.

Of course, I would edit the text a bit in the ROM before I gave it to him to personalize it to me ^_^


Dojo Trainee
If I had a cabinet and wanted the chips updated, first I would contact @mk3fan because he knows all when it comes to MK cabs... second I would find someone who can make chips and put them in working UMK3 boards like that guy and be happy to pay him for it.

Of course, I would edit the text a bit in the ROM before I gave it to him to personalize it to me ^_^
He, the author of the hack didnt make ​​it with the intention of making money, and there are alot of guys who sell their cabinets with juggernauts hacks... I knew how to hack text in the game before upload here, I could have hacked that claiming that it is mine easily and sell the rom to you guys. That would have been fine?


He, the author of the hack didnt make ​​it with the intention of making money, and there are alot of guys who sell their cabinets with juggernauts hacks... I knew how to hack text in the game before upload here, I could have hacked that claiming that it is mine easily and sell the rom to you guys. That would have been fine?


Can you please re-up de rom? I've been looking for this for ages... lol


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
He, the author of the hack didnt make ​​it with the intention of making money, and there are alot of guys who sell their cabinets with juggernauts hacks... I knew how to hack text in the game before upload here, I could have hacked that claiming that it is mine easily and sell the rom to you guys. That would have been fine?
It's not the hack or the rom that I would be paying for, it's the labor of putting the rom on the chips (which I have no clue how to do) so I can put them in.
Reactions: Mgo
I think that this great hack it is not posted on the web or I am wrong (?)
That is how it looks...

As will see; be contained in the main board, the following characters unlocked:

-Human Smoke
-Classic Sub-Zero
-Noob Saibot

And Changes in the towers.

You can play online perfectly. Just have to replace the original rom "umk3.zip" (7.05 MB) for this

http://www.mediafire.com/?g5vzy2gf1v6k3my (7.06 MB)
rom not available anymore :´(
can somebody pm me this? <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333