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UMK3 and MK2 at GVN Winter Brawl, Feb. 27 2010, Philadelphia, PA


Results are in:

UMK3 - 16 players Top 3:

1. Shock
2. AC1984
3. Richarded

MKII - 8 players Top 3:

1. Summoning
2. 9.95
3. JuggNeetto

KI - 8 players Top 2:

1. JusDave
2. Summoning

Super thanks to everyone who showed up, congrats to Summoning for getting 1st in MKII again, and for AC and Rich for placing in UMK3. Definitely a great showing and an interesting tournament. Good job on Rich getting revenge on Joe, and AC for knocking me into Losers. Unfortunately there was a bit of confusion and Joe iloveu was DQed from Winners Bracket due to being unable to play because of other tournaments demanding he stay. I'll have full results ASAP, and videos of most of the UMK3 matches and a few from MKII.


Ok…First of all I want to congratulate the winner Shock who showed incredible skills and talent during the whole tournament. Congratulations to Summoning for winning MK2, true master of the game!!! Last but not least congratulations To Rich, awesome competitiveness man!!! Thank you Phil for runing the whole show,great organization.I want to thank one more time Shock, Phil (9.95), Summoning, Rich, DarkRob and the rest of the players for the amazing time. I give you huge credit and respect for what you do!!!! Keep it that way. I’m looking forward to meet you all again in May.

Best regards, Simon.



AC1984 said:
Ok…First of all I want to congratulate the winner Shock who showed incredible skills and talent during the whole tournament. Congratulations to Summoning for winning MK2, true master of the game!!! Last but not least congratulations To Rich, awesome competitiveness man!!! Thank you Phil for runing the whole show,great organization.I want to thank one more time Shock, Phil (9.95), Summoning, Rich, DarkRob and the rest of the players for the amazing time. I give you huge credit and respect for what you do!!!! Keep it that way. I’m looking forward to meet you all again in May.

Best regards, Simon.

And I want to thank YOU for being there. I knew you would do well. Hopefully this will act as incentive for other players to make it to tournaments or start running their own.


Dreamcatcher said:
lol agreed. I'd like to play him nevertheless. Do you still play mame Shock?
Occasionally, but not lately because I've been working earlier in the day. Primetime is between midnight and whenever you're too tired to play, otherwise the connection sucks like any other.

You'll get to play him for sure at ECT.

I also just realized the end of my set with Rich is cut off. I think the card ran out at that point so the very end of the 4th match of the set is cut and the last match entirely.


Of course you'll be able to play casuals. The tournament didn't start until after 6PM and we played casuals from about 1PM on. It would have been more like 10AM on but we got there around 11:30 and it took over an hour to get the game running correctly with all the sticks and controllers hooked up and mapped. Once the inputs were set it started giving me sound issues because of a driver that is in the 360 pad we were going to have on hand, so at this point we went with just PSX pads which were fine. It registers as an audio driver which disables sound and we didn't have time to fix. Once we realized that's what it was, we had to remap all the buttons and then the game gave us performance issues. It wouldn't work right on the extra profile I created for it even though it did last time, so we had to go back to my regular profile and it finally worked. I think AC played more than anyone the whole night. He had a really great time. We eventually had two UMK3 set ups going after MKII was done.


EFL Founder
Shock said:
Of course you'll be able to play casuals. The tournament didn't start until after 6PM and we played casuals from about 1PM on. It would have been more like 10AM on but we got there around 11:30 and it took over an hour to get the game running correctly with all the sticks and controllers hooked up and mapped. Once the inputs were set it started giving me sound issues because of a driver that is in the 360 pad we were going to have on hand, so at this point we went with just PSX pads which were fine. It registers as an audio driver which disables sound and we didn't have time to fix. Once we realized that's what it was, we had to remap all the buttons and then the game gave us performance issues. It wouldn't work right on the extra profile I created for it even though it did last time, so we had to go back to my regular profile and it finally worked. I think AC played more than anyone the whole night. He had a really great time. We eventually had two UMK3 set ups going after MKII was done.
Ok good, this eases my conscience on a 20 hour bus ride or a $500 plane ticket. Both are steep and I wanted to make sure I'd get my money's worth.


Dreamcatcher I'm looking forward to see you in May. The casual matches were so much fun and I want to thank the rest of the guys for being patient with me because I haven't play a real opponent for a long time. I would love to play some online with you but unfortunately I use my lap top with delay on the keyboard and a crapy wireless connection. We can try but the results won't be good. Setting up the whole thing seemed to me like hardcore rocket science and I want to give a huge credit to Shock, Summoning and Phil for it. You guys did it perfectly comfortable for KB, PAD and stick players. Thank you for that.


What a fun day on Saturday. All in all a great success. My day started at 4:30am on Saturday morning(after going to bed at 2am) packing my car with all my equipment, as well as packing Dark Rob's car with 2 TV's for side tournaments. Our NEC tournament crew grew by one person(Dark Rob), and everyone pitched in to run 5 TOURNAMENTS for Eric for Winter Brawl. We ran UMK3, MK2, Killer Instinct, SFA2, and SFA3. Thanks again to Shock, Summoning, Kaldragon, and Dark Rob for helping me pack, unpack, organize, set up, break down and run so many tournaments. I hope next time we don't run into the same problem with the SF4 teams which is what kept Joe from playing his first round of UMK3...it was confusion as he was just so busy that he thought we were talking about his first round of Killer Instinct.

AC, you are def. one of the nicest guys to meet, and a VERY talented player as well. I look forward to seeing you at ECT2, as well as chatting with you on AIM and hopefully playing some more UMK3 online.

Rich, unbelievable bro... you come out of nowhere at NEC and immediately became a force to be reckoned with. You proved it again at WB. I'm glad to have you on our side, LOL. It was great seeing you again as well as playing you again. I hope to see you at ECT2.

Now for some cool news about a little "recruiting" I've been doing both before and during, and now after WB. I've been talking to alot of SF players recently about UMK3. At our events where we run UMK3, we invariably have a crowd of fairly well known SF players watching us play, many of them from the old Castle Golf tournaments, but event by event, it grows and we see faces we don't know watching us play UMK3. Recently, I've been talking to these players, asking why they don't play, and many of them willingly admit to playing MK2 and MK Trilogy. At Winter Brawl, I was talking with Flare(a very well known 3s player in the North East) about it and he used to play MKT. I will be talking to him on SRK and setting him up with some UMK3 via Mame very soon... and what I explained to him is that not only do I like to share a game I love so much with as many people that will play it(and people I'm friendly with as well), but also how important it is for us, as MK players, to begin to find some of that untapped talent that exists in the SF community. There are so many of them that could be so good at UMK3, but haven't given it a chance. I'm glad he agreed with me... and I look forward to playing him and hopefully seeing him try his hand at UMK3 at ECT2.


Noncompliance to ASTM F 899-12 Standard
thanks to all who came and played, ECT will be 10X more fun i hope each and everyone of you can come to this one. looks like we may have a handful of rooms or we can set up players to share rooms to reduce costs


EFL Founder
AC1984 said:
Dreamcatcher I'm looking forward to see you in May. The casual matches were so much fun and I want to thank the rest of the guys for being patient with me because I haven't play a real opponent for a long time. I would love to play some online with you but unfortunately I use my lap top with delay on the keyboard and a crapy wireless connection. We can try but the results won't be good. Setting up the whole thing seemed to me like hardcore rocket science and I want to give a huge credit to Shock, Summoning and Phil for it. You guys did it perfectly comfortable for KB, PAD and stick players. Thank you for that.
Likewise man, should be fun.


Also don't forget it's a two day event and UMK3 finals should finish up quickly on Sunday so there will be much more casuals after, and some 2 on 2 team matches for the Hell of it.


Arcade Tech
man i wish i had some money i would be goin to these tournys, sounds so fun. plus it would be cool to meet everyone in person.


10 ft Tall Roadblock
good stuff guys. wish i could get out to one of these. florida is quite a trek away though.


Hey everyone, I know Im a little late. I should have posted here earlier, but Im really from MortalKombatEmpires.com so I needed to be reminded to post here as well. ;D
I had a great time at Winter Brawl this past saturday. I got to play tons of games in every game we had running there. Congratulations to Shock on winning the UMK3 tournament. Im always amazed everytime I get to see you play dude. Your mastery of the game is absolute and you always do something that makes me say "Holy shit did you guys see that!"(This time it was those invisible Reptile juggles!)
Congrats also to Summoning on winning MK2. You are clearly the undisputed master of that game.
Also much respect to 9.95(Phil) for always being the consumate organizer. The man who keeps the show running. Without you steering the ship we all would have just been playing casuals all day lol. I had fun running the Alpha 2 brackets, but I couldnt have done it without your guidance.
Also Kaldragon I had alot of GGs with you in just about every game there. Our Alpha 3 matches were great.(Lets run thouse Adon matches back again next time)
And AC1984 I think blew us all away with those keyboard skills on his way to the grand finals with Shock. Awesome stuff dude.
Anyway GGs and good times to everyone I met and played there.
ECT2 is just around the corner. Il see you all there.