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TYM's Injustice 2 Discussion Thread (Harley Quinn & Deadshot Official Announced)

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Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
I wish you people wouldn't blow your loads for every game release. We keep showing NRS that we will buy their games over and over, sometimes multiple copies of one game and for what? Ridiculous guessing games and over powered DLC? Let's not forget the constant patching.

Do any of you even remember some of the bullshit from IGAU? Ambiguous cross ups that were nothing more than game bugs (hi Flash players) leading to you losing your whole first health bar. What fun that is! I'm really looking forward to figuring out how to block double 50/50s. "Is he going low or overhead, and should I block forward or backwards?!?!?"

At the very least, can we plz not preorder this shit?

Edit: You know they're going to release some bullshit mobile app too. Can we please not be ok with that?
Thanks for sharing your opinion.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Hopefully they do take fan consideration into account more this time around.
I mean who's to say they aren't? I'm sure they are very meticulous about the characters they pick, especially DLC. Honestly I'd be surprised if Batgirl wasn't one of the best sellers, people love anything Batman and will speak with their wallets.

Things I want:

Better art direction. Give me more color damn it. But I'm not worried about that one too much because MKX was gorgeous.

Better stages. I know they make stages practical in the sense that they make ones they will use in the story mode but there's so many great DC locations that they should us regardless. Don't bring back this day/night stage BS.

More alt costumes. If every char had 3 costumes on disc I'd be ecstatic. Or even just make the alt a real alt and not a throwaway that looks similar to the regular.
It might be at ESL. Joshua Gray teased something that we wouldn't want to miss at the ESL Finals. I think he also said it was something new and never before seen.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
I can't believe the nerve that it takes to give this game a day 1 PC release alongside consoles

NRS really does think you guys are potatoes

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Come on Duke Thomas Robin, Khalid Dr. Fate, & Jon Stewart
dude you need to give it a rest, knew what you were going to do before you even posted, and I also know what you are gonna do when it doesn't happen
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But for real I cannot wait for IGAU2 if it is happening, IGAU1 was so damn fun.

Also can't wait for the first "Return of Footsies" thread

Who we calling for it


Neptune's Beard!!!
I mean who's to say they aren't? I'm sure they are very meticulous about the characters they pick, especially DLC. Honestly I'd be surprised if Batgirl wasn't one of the best sellers, people love anything Batman and will speak with their wallets.
This is true but I do remember Boon holding a poll between Batgirl, Powergirl, and Supergirl and Batgirl came in dead last. Lol


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
it's gonna happen .... next year the justice league movie will come out, and so, WB probably gave order to NRS to develop IGAU 2 to help to promote the movie in 2017 .... :D
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