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General/Other TYM Community Tier List Representative Voting Thread - Sub-Zero


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends

1. To enter yourself as a candidate for a character, simply make a post declaring yourself as such.

2. To vote for a candidate, simply like their post. The two candidates with the highest number of votes are your representatives.

3. You may only enter yourself for ONE character.

4. If you are a candidate, you are PROHIBITED from voting for another candidate of the character you are applying to represent. You may vote for other character representatives, however.

5. There is no restriction on the number of votes per character.


Brain Dead Bro
Shoryuken and Tom Brady should do this for Sub-Zero. I don't think anybody else will know all the matchups at a high level well enough to cover it.
I'll vote for Tom and Marvaz.
Tom Brady
Shory / Denzell? ( but imo shory is better choice )
I don't think you guys understand how this works...you post in the forum if you WANT to be a candidate that only way you can vote for anyone is to like their post NOT name them.

Do I have this right THTB?
I don't think you guys understand how this works...you post in the forum if you WANT to be a candidate that only way you can vote for anyone is to like their post NOT name them.

Do I have this right THTB?
We understand, we just wanted to cheer up for our top sub-zero guys to take part of this project
Nominate me guys, it would be an honor xD

-Played Sub since I got MK ;)
-Pretty Boss(Not to brag)
-Have you seen my sub?

LOL I wish I could attend some tournaments :( Shit not working out.


Just to remind some of you, this will be a community project, everyone has input into it, not just the representative.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Cleaning this thread up. Remember, you DO NOT nominate other players...they must make themselves eligible via post. You vote by liking their post.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
Tom Brady is the subzero master and i am his padawan. I will eventually turn to the darkside and try to become the most powerful subzero player who ever lived, I will throw the emperor to his death and restore balance to the subzero forum. I will then become a force ghost.

All bad starwars references aside, I wouldn't mind being a candidate.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Yeah, please just post to enter, or if you need to grab attention via alerts.


I may not like Brady, but he is one of the best candidates for a Sub-Zero matchup chart.

Withholding that, Lionheart is the best choice by a longshot, and I'll stand by that. CptXecution and Shory would be fine choices as well.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
I will say that no one has more experience with subzero in high level play, against the players than Tom brady. So my vote will go to him.


what happens once the representatives are elected? do the brawl eachother first to 10 to determine the official community tierlist? ;)