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Tremor Specials Concept Art


Zoning Master
Hey now, make a suggestion... :(
All right. Just for you.

Type: Zoning, keep away character

Hitbox: Large (like Freddy, Kenshi, and Raiden)

Special moves:

-> Ground pound - I could not careless about the aesthetics of the move as long as it is implemented properly. I am not sure how fast Dairou's Tombstone Drop is in MKA, but that is how fast Tremor's ground pound should be. Tremor should have three versions of the ground pound: close (also hits behind Tremor), mid, and far (also hits at the very end of the screen). All versions lower Tremor's hitbox. Tremor's ground pound does not juggle but is cancelable like Jax's ground pound. Opponent flips back on hit for okizeme. EX version hits the entire screen and juggles.

-> Projectile type 1 - this is the brown-looking projectile that we have seen in STORMS's video. It should be similar to Freddy's glove toss in terms of recovery and hitbox. EX version shoots two projectile kind of like Gouken's EX hadouken in Street Fighter.

-> Projectile type 2 - this is the second projectile that we have seen that looks similar to Noob's ghostball. The projectile should stun long enough for the ground pound to be guaranteed afterwards anywhere on the screen. EX version provides longer stun.

-> teleport - does anybody remember Sub Zero's teleport in MK vs. DC, which looks like a "fake" TS Drop? I think such teleport would fit Tremor perfectly. The teleport should primarily be used for mobility rather than offense. EX version is safe and juggles for a minor combo.

-> X-Ray - how about a projectile X-Ray? Something with projectile type 1, teleport... you guys figure out the rest.

Perhaps I will add another special move later on if something comes to mind.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Tremor's supposed to be this big hulking giant. If he was how Sheeva SHOULD be with ridiculous damage and actual unblockable grabs then that'd probably suit him more so.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
He should be a true grappler. The "King" of MK. Have him with moderate combo.... but have his special throws link into each other....


I think it'd be cool and unique to have one of this moves kind of like Rain's lightning.

Falling Death: Tremor raises one arm summoning a volcanic blast that hits him diagonally sending the opponent in to the air towards Tremor. This move would have three versions: close, mid-range and far. An EX version would work like Shang's EX upskull except diagonally and from the sky.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I want Shinnok in MK10 to be a zoning character. :)

And I would love Tremor to have an ability that can be EX'd into something similar to EX Glow. Only he'd be vulnerable to all projectiles. And honestly, he should be a heavy power/grappler character like Sheeva, only way better. She's like the only one of her kind in the game, and sucks major ass.


We are Many but we didnt make MK11 not one
Hmm idk I see Tremor as a Defense type character.Idk if MK 's engine can support grapplers.Hmm I can see him as a zoner with defensive options such as a parry and maybe projectiles that do push back or like a underground teleport(where he burrows i guess).He has to have a ground pound of some sort.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Hmm idk I see Tremor as a Defense type character.Idk if MK 's engine can support grapplers.Hmm I can see him as a zoner with defensive options such as a parry and maybe projectiles that do push back or like a underground teleport(where he burrows i guess).He has to have a ground pound of some sort.
lol we have no idea if it can. There isn't a single grappler in the game.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
lol fair enough.
Still... would be a new and different thing. Right now everyone is proposing either A) Jax or B) Freddy.... with earthy gimmicks to make it unique.
Lets be original guys.... please?
I want flashy moves. Grappling seems so... boring.

Needs to be heavy damage and defensive though.


Meow Hoes
Who else sees him With :
Green Lanterns Brick wall thing - bf2
Sub zeros ice Nugget mkvsdc (but a rock) - db2
??? Tombstone Ground pound From armageddon - bf1
hAviks Diving Corpse - bf 3
Blazes Steam roller (used as a Rock Projectile Hits over head) - df3
Heres a new one i guess a command grab? - df 2
He grabs the opponents and throws them in to a brick wall and they bouce in the air like MKvsDCU


Play Monster Hunter!
My idea of Tremor.

Looks like a buff middle aged man with shaggy unkept red hair. Has a black dragon tatoo across his face. Wears a brown and red Lin Kuei style garb with no mask, sleeveless. Kinda looks like the sand kid from Naruto.

Pretend movelist, for pretend.

Rock Armor- Covers tremor in an armor of solid rock, reducing movement speed by 50% and decreasing damage done by 50%. Cannot be used well Sand Aura is active. Can be activated well holding block.
EX-Gives one hit of Super armor.

Quack Driver- Tremor grabs the opponent and pile drives them causing the screen to shake. Unblockable, untechable, causes 18% damage. Can only be used when Rock armor is activated.
EX-Can only be used when Sand Aura is active, immediately switches tremor to rock armor, but causes half damage.

Stalagmite Bomb- An air throw, Tremor grabs the opponent in mid air and power bombs them into a stalagmite he creates. Causes 12% damage. Can only be used in the air, and in Rock Armor.
EX-Can only be used when Sand Aura is active, immediately switches tremor to rock armor. Has increased knockback.
Throw in the air.

Earthen Splash-Does a lunging frog splash. Causes a untechable knockdown. Can only be used in Rock Armor. 12% damage.
EX-Incresed range, 1 hit of super armor.

Rock armor specific normals.
F2, a weaving punch, projectile invincibility.
B2,2, A techable command grab with increased range, a firemans carry.
U4 A double leg drop, looks cool.

Sand Aura-Creates a cloud of sand to surround Tremor. Increases speed by 25%. Cannot be used when Rock Armor is activated. Can be activated well holding block.
EX-Adds a parry effect, if attacked with a high or med, causes full screen knockback.

Sand Shuruken-Throws a ninja star made of sand at the opponent, fast recovery and speed. Can be used in the air. 8% damage, 3% on chip. Can only be used with Sand Aura activated.
EX-Causes a knockdown and slows the opponent by 25% for 10 seconds if hit. If launched from the air it is unblockable but doesn't slow. Causes 12% damage.

Sand Tentacle- An anti air throw used from the ground. Creates a tentacle of sand that grabs the opponent and throws them backwards. 16% damage. Can only be used when Sand Aura is activated.
EX-Instead of throwing them back, it slams them into the ground and causes and untechable knockdown, immediately activates your Rock Armor.

Sand Cloud Dispersion-A teleport. Turns you into a cloud of sand, teleports you backwards of forwards. Can only be used when Sand Aura is activated.
EX-Can only be used when Rock Armor is activated, immediately activates Sand Aura.
B,B3 or F,F3 or U,U3

Sand Aura specific normals.
F1-Whips the opponent with a tentacle of sand, causes a untechable knockdown.
D4-Knocks the opponent back with a tentacle of sand.
B2,2,2,2 A flurry of sand tentacle slashes.

Cleanse-Removes either Sand Aura or Rock Armor. Leaves you vulnerable for a few frames.
EX- Immediately activates the opposite form and restores 5% health.

If Rock armor is activated.
Rock Bottom- Command grab, Unblockable, untechable. 40% damage. Removes Rock Armor. Its exactly what you think it is.

If Sand Aura is active.
Tentacle Smash- Mid range, super fast startup. Grabs the opponent with a sand tentacle and smashs them back and forth across the screen, think super skrulls stretchy arm bullshit. 30% damage. It is blockable. Removes Sand Aura.


Tremor needs a skill where his skin would change, he would have super armor (except vs projectile) and would make 2x more damages, however he would receive 2x more damages. The duration would be as long as you have meter, once you activate the spell your meter is going down slowly. :)


Play Monster Hunter!
False, he has a mask like any good ninja.
Hes not really a ninja though, hes ex lin kuei, and now one of kano's lackeys.
MK has to many masks and crotch scarfs(even fucking kabal has one of these, which makes no sense, dude should have a trench coat).


Go to hell.
Hes not really a ninja though, hes ex lin kuei, and now one of kano's lackeys.
MK has to many masks and crotch scarfs(even fucking kabal has one of these, which makes no sense, dude should have a trench coat).
Hush now, time for dreams.

And you will dream of the ninja tremor with a mask.


Noob Saibot is BACK!
1) Tremor - Similar to Sheeva's stomp but stays active for longer, If caught out of the air or at the end of a combo puts opponent on their feet.

2) Stalagmite - Slams the ground sending a trail of stalagmites forward shooting out of the ground.

3) Seismic slam - Usable midair, quickly drops Tremor out of the air vertically and performs an area attack on the ground.

4) Quicksand (Close, mid, or far) - Creates a pool of Quicksand on the ground momentarily, any enemies caught are stunned.

5) Earth Portal - Teleport, not sure if it should be an uppercut or similar to Rain's.
