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General/Other - Tremor Tremor General Discussion Thread


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
disappointed they change uprock but at least flex wasnt mentioned, im interested to see how the uprock changes effect his wakeup armor breaking setups :/


Man, this sucks for Tremor. He was my secondary character and he was so fun to play. He already sucked in the mid game and with these nerfs....SMH
Haha, too bad Tremor aftershock now you actually have to earn a win and not just throw shit at people all day long and be plus on block.
Lol throw shit like what ? you can run past rock drop , bf2 was a high, and if you are getting hit by rolling stone full screen then just wow lol to be honest all the shit tremor can throw is still there and if you lost to it before you are still gonna lose to it now.


Dedicated Broly main
I guess Im the luckiest Tremor player on earth because... well because Im on PC LOL. Which basically means I won't get any NURFS! Damn, never thought that there might be something good about NRS/WB dropping us, lol.

But in all seriousness - can you some of you guys explain what are the changes that Tremor is getting (I visit this forum very rarely now). @1man3letters , @InFlames ?


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
I guess Im the luckiest Tremor player on earth because... well because Im on PC LOL. Which basically means I won't get any NURFS! Damn, never thought that there might be something good about NRS/WB dropping us, lol.

But in all seriousness - can you some of you guys explain what are the changes that Tremor is getting (I visit this forum very rarely now). @1man3letters , @InFlames ?
- Up Rock is 5 frames slower and has 10 more frames of recovery. A change that potentially ruins the character's entire okizeme game in the corner.
- OTGs are not practically guaranteed anymore. He can still do them after the end of a combo (but it'll add to the combo damage and scale).
- In Crystalline, EX low stone shatter is -10 on block
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Dedicated Broly main
Up rock into b3. Or d4 into uprock. D4 into any special on block isn't much like Earth Shaker. D4 on block into the overhead punch is very reactable.

The only argument I may be able to see is D4 to db2 or d4 into db1d.


Rock paper scissor specialist
Playing MKXL: Testing Tremor.

Up rock is... wow. Went from armor breaking moves to getting punished by them.
What do you mean by that? You do a string into db3 and get armoured or they can wake up with armour on knock down and punish trermor for doing up rock


Zoning Master
What do you mean by that? You do a string into db3 and get armoured or they can wake up with armour on knock down and punish trermor for doing up rock
The recovery is horrendous now. All armor breaking set ups are gone. Hitting stone punch too low and doing up rock makes Tremor punishable.


I already downloaded 1.12 patch and... db1d still safe on block for Crystal, lol
It's something like -4 or -5 for regular and EX
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