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Training Mode Ghost


So I was just eating and browsing the net when all of a sudden the Kitana I had set on human decided to dash up and do a JIP 40%+ wall carry combo. Yup, that's right, my game was on idle sitting in training mode when all of a sudden life struck it. It seemed to have been another human behind all of this somehow, but I just can't fathom how something like this can occur. My system is not even connected online and I have only one controller plugged in.

It's happened to me before on other occasions randomly, sometimes it would not be gameplay related. I once had the game randomly spazz out in main menu which brought me into options to configure a bunch of shit and then headed to the krypt while I sat there in awe.

So seriously, what is this? A ghost, or is there some random off-line sync feature within the game that didn't make the final cut?


This is not trolling or an attempt of a corny halloween story, this shit really did occur and I'd like to get to the bottom of it. I can't be the only one who has ever experienced this.


Lose without excuses
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No I'm saying you got trolled by a ghost, happens from time to time.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Maybe someone's hiding outside your window with a wireless controller and managed to sync it while you were away? Only logical explanation I can think of.


Well, to be fair I'm pretty open minded, or atleast like to think I am and I do believe in ghosts; but for some reason the thought of a ghost doing a 40 percent combo on Mortal Kombat seems unlikely.

Really I can't think of anything though, especially since your console was offline and only one controller was on. (Even if that wasn't the case I still barely could.)

Could be a ghost.


Well truly I don't believe in ghosts, I just tagged that in for a lack of a better word. I honestly think there is some hidden sync feature inside the game for it to literally start playing itself and perform a huge combo on me WHILE the inputs were being shown on screen.

I can't record it, it would have to happen again which is unlikely. This is extremely rare, it's happened to me only a handful of times since launch. I know for a fact it exists, though.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Wait a minute...are you Ermac?! It's all coming together now. Ed Boon fused you with the souls of departed tournament level players, and you're slowly becoming self aware and are now playing MK telekinetically!


In the Shadows
This is not trolling or an attempt of a corny halloween story, this shit really did occur and I'd like to get to the bottom of it. I can't be the only one who has ever experienced this.
LOL, I bet Tom was outside your house, peeping through the window trying to mind fuck you.:moonwalk:

On a serious note: I have had dashes, jumps and random punches done when I am no where near the controller. It's weird but I've never had a full combo performed before me in practice mode.
Maybe this "ghost" is responsible for the input bug. "You wanna do an uppercut using D2? I'd rather see a standing 2!" lol

(just trying to be funny, I'm not saying I don't believe you about the "ghost" and the input bug obviously does exist)
sometimes my controller would go crazy and mash buttons by itself. it must've been a scrub ghost though cuz it never did 40% combos. :(

that's weird as hell though.. that's the only thing i can thing of


I read the title and thought it was a suggestion for an AI to mimic a human (kinda like in racing games in practice mode/time trial mode). Did you record the 40% combo? It's possible there was a glitch where the AI did the inputs outside of the recording. It's never happened to me, it's just a suggestion.
I wanna see if I can reproduce this and see this for myself...Few questions...

So has this ONLY happened while offline, or has it happened while still being connected to PSN?

Has this only happened on the PS3, or has it happened on on the Xbox Live too? I only own Mortal Kombat for Xbox, so if it only happens on the PS3 I won't be able to see this happen (assuming the console is a variable for its occurence).


It's just another MK bug. This bug is known as the ghost bug. I'm surprised he's mentioned it though due to it's rare occurrence.

P.S The people at NRS told me they can't fix this bug. So don't ask for it to be fixed.


Random foreign guy
40%+ Combo? REALLY?
From a programmer (shitty one but still) point of view I think this can only be related to your TM recordings... Did you even play Kitana on that day or remember doing this same wall carry combo before? Maybe it's NRS trolling with an easter egg, but that seems very unlikely [EVIL]NRS employees don't have enough skill to do that[/EVIL]

Quite amusing really.


Garbage, bro
Well, when you idle the start up screen, we all know that it shows two CPUs fighting each other, so the function for CPU action to occur by doing nothing IS in the game. Perhaps that has something to do with it? That's all I've got.