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Training Mode Ghost


The AI options DO change on their own sometimes. I can't tell you how many times i've gone to mess with AI options and somehow it's set to "human". It absolutely has jumped to AI controlled as well but I had to physically change it back to standing.

Shits weird.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I can vouch for it.
Was practicing with Noob against Smoke, turned on the laptop to look up Upkick juggles, and got Telepunched by a previously lifeless dummy.

Only saw it that one time, but I was quite perplexed.

Glitches in the Matrix...

So I was just eating and browsing the net when all of a sudden the Kitana I had set on human decided to dash up and do a JIP 40%+ wall carry combo. Yup, that's right, my game was on idle sitting in training mode when all of a sudden life struck it. It seemed to have been another human behind all of this somehow, but I just can't fathom how something like this can occur. My system is not even connected online and I have only one controller plugged in.

It's happened to me before on other occasions randomly, sometimes it would not be gameplay related. I once had the game randomly spazz out in main menu which brought me into options to configure a bunch of shit and then headed to the krypt while I sat there in awe.

So seriously, what is this? A ghost, or is there some random off-line sync feature within the game that didn't make the final cut?
It was mr mileena secretly hitting you, because you beat him in grand finals


The menu spazzing out can just be a bad connection in the controller.

There's no logical reason though for the sudden 40% combo.


Well, when you idle the start up screen, we all know that it shows two CPUs fighting each other, so the function for CPU action to occur by doing nothing IS in the game. Perhaps that has something to do with it? That's all I've got.
That actually sounds like a pretty reasonable assumption. Maybe they forgot to keep the program only to the attract mode? IDK about video game programming, but it might not have been considered in the testing phases.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
That actually sounds like a pretty reasonable assumption. Maybe they forgot to keep the program only to the attract mode? IDK about video game programming, but it might not have been considered in the testing phases.
Aren't the cpu battles actually prerecorded? They're always showing pre-patch shit.


Dojo Trainee
The input bug and this ghost behavior all can be explained through quantum mechanics. This game is so complex that it spans multiple universes and they all interfere with each other. So when something seemingly random happens, it's because of this interference.

So they are not bugs, they are actually groundbreaking features. But this feature is broken because of the particle accelerator at CERN, ripping apart the fabric of space-time. They are to blame, really.


tupac aint dead
So I was just eating and browsing the net when all of a sudden the Kitana I had set on human decided to dash up and do a JIP 40%+ wall carry combo. Yup, that's right, my game was on idle sitting in training mode when all of a sudden life struck it. It seemed to have been another human behind all of this somehow, but I just can't fathom how something like this can occur. My system is not even connected online and I have only one controller plugged in.

It's happened to me before on other occasions randomly, sometimes it would not be gameplay related. I once had the game randomly spazz out in main menu which brought me into options to configure a bunch of shit and then headed to the krypt while I sat there in awe.

So seriously, what is this? A ghost, or is there some random off-line sync feature within the game that didn't make the final cut?
No Reo, that was me playing from 30 feet away ;) lol


Aren't the cpu battles actually prerecorded? They're always showing pre-patch shit.
IDK, they might be pre-recorded but maybe the MK team slips in new combos as they add the DLC attract mode battles. (So 40% combos only happen with recent characters). But then why Kitana? And was REO playing a DLC character?

It's a possibility, the only way we would know for certain would be to look at the training code. (And I probably couldn't even dissect that...)


That's about right.
How long were you guys idle before this occurred? Maybe it's a way to slap you in the face to play. Kind of like how in some games if you don't move your character for awhile they'll start scratching there heads and start saying "c'mon."


Get over here!
The funny thing is that I have never seen the CPU even on expert in the ladder mode pull off anything more than a hi 20 or low 30 % combo (and honestly even that is rare). Thats crazy that the CPU can just randomly deal out a 40% combo out of nowhere in training mode lol