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Question Tournament Brackets: Who should do them?

HGTV DrFlash44

Quan Cheese!!!
I think for all fairness there should be a computer program to make pools here's an example. There are 8 pools and so a select few (possibly the people mentioned above plus swifttomhanks to cover the northeast depending on numbers from region for example NEC would need a northeast guy, becuase of the tournament being in philly.) So they rank players by number so there would be 8 1s 8 2s 83s and so on until all of the known players are seeded. Then the state and clan names (e.g VSM, OBS, EMP) are taken into consideration and the computer makes even brackets based on seeds and areas and such. I don't know if this is possible and if someone could make it it wouldn't be me. I just think that this would be a good solution as there would be no biased opinions while making brackets.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
Tournaments have been run fine for years. There's no need to re-construct how its been done because of one fishy tournament. Just know that if you go to an EC tourney there's gonna be a lot of favoritism towards their own players and it'll be dis-organized as fuck.

All the others are fun fine in the grand scheme of things. This idea of designating people to make brackets is silly.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I have a solution to the seeding issues. It's based in actual results, not in best friends, secret alliances, casuals, alien interventions, and forum reputations. It's fairly straightforward, and it will solve 99.9% of these issues.


In order for it to work, and be accurate, I'm going to need little bits of help from a number of people.

If we get this done, we will never have to deal with this problem again.

It starts here: http://testyourmight.com/threads/list-your-tournament-placings-and-opponents.25417 and here: http://testyourmight.com/threads/tournament-results-project.25401/ , and the more information we can get, the more accurate it will become.

AK Vip3r

Ghost of Vip3r
I agree with the 3 fly listed, along with Sabin, 9.95?, and Brady should he choose not to compete at said event.


Master of Quanculations
I`m not sure how much insight I can give at the moment, but if there`s a conference call about this and my opinion is requested, I`d be happy to come on and discuss. You guys know where to find me. I appreciate the tag.


Me. I get along with absolutely everyone. I know the game, the competitors. I adore all the players, no favorites intense enough to sway me, no hated players I'd want to screw over. And wouldn't mind sacrificing competing to help the community. As long as I can commentate and cosplay :p

Yea. Probably not me lol. But let me bring a crop whip next time and I'll make sure things run on schedule.


Emperor of the Moon
I think we should put everyone's name in a hat, then you each draw a name. The limit is $20 for each person and that way everyone gets a nice present for Christmas.......wait what were we talking about?

Seriously though I'm leaning towards what Slips and Tom Brady said with a dash of Dizzy thrown in. Basically it would be great to have each bracket run by someone outside the tournament but we can't count on that even at majors. Everyone will have their own thing going on. I agree CurlyW is the best I've seen at brackets but not ever scene is going to have someone like him. What happens when you rely on a guy to make the bracket and suddenly you are hours away and he says "Sorry man, I can't get it done"? We are still a small scene among a small community, relative to other competitive games. We need to rely on each other still at this point.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I said in Soonk's thread...I know/know of next to everyone, I have no allegiances, and I love building a good show, so I'll gladly volunteer my services as a knowledgable party to help put them together for Winter Brawl if you guys'll have me.
Shit, if we had names now of people going to it, I could start plotting brackets NOW, then build on top of them and redistribute/recalibrate as time progresses and more heads join the Winter Brawl tribe.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Me. I get along with absolutely everyone. I know the game, the competitors. I adore all the players, no favorites intense enough to sway me, no hated players I'd want to screw over. And wouldn't mind sacrificing competing to help the community. As long as I can commentate and cosplay :p

Yea. Probably not me lol. But let me bring a crop whip next time and I'll make sure things run on schedule.
Can you and I have martinis while you do the brackets....Ohhh and let me carry the whip! ;)

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I`m not sure how much insight I can give at the moment, but if there`s a conference call about this and my opinion is requested, I`d be happy to come on and discuss. You guys know where to find me. I appreciate the tag.
Me. I get along with absolutely everyone. I know the game, the competitors. I adore all the players, no favorites intense enough to sway me, no hated players I'd want to screw over. And wouldn't mind sacrificing competing to help the community. As long as I can commentate and cosplay :p
The fate of mankind could be decided by the Box Of Golden Mayonnaise.


...Seriously, though, if nothing else, at least all of this will serve to make things better in the future.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
from what i gather it ABSOLUTELY has to be:

Someone who isnt playing in the tourney

Who can work with TO

Who has no ties to any players attending

Who also know all there is know of the scene

I agree 100%


TYM White Knight
Hi, I am TaC. The guy that did Mortal Monday, various Boon Street episodes, and has basically no major affiliation with any top players aside from STB (but the seeding with them would not be an issue). To expand upon my thread earlier here is a practical and efficient way to do this where everyone is happy.

I don't even care if I do it, if the scene is comfortable with someone else, then very best, but this is a hella efficient way.

1. All tournaments are Pre-Reg only. (This will also solve the time issue)
2. Pre Reg cut off has to be at least 3 days before the tournament (so seeding and brackets can be made)
3.Brackets must be made public BEFORE the tournament, and NOT EDITED FOR ANY PARTICULAR REASON. (If someone cannot make it, their opponent gets a bye).
4. Once the bracket is made public, the person who made the brackets is done. No more interference. Control is given to T.O.'s to update the bracket as the tournament goes so they have complete control at the events.
5. If we do it this way, all results for all majors will be easily trackable and there will be an archive for everyone to look back upon plus public record for seeding.

This is totally possible. I know there are reluctant players and everyone is subject to their opinion, but if you want an efficiently ran bracket + tournament, plus the ability to stop the slow downs during tournament, this would eliminate all of those problems, and keep the brackets fair.

If anyone want to kind of "Try out" this system, I am willing to do it for any local/major in the upcoming future for a test run. We can rate the performance on that, but I can already tell you, if done right, it will be seamless and very streamlined. No W.T.F. moments or coast bias.

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Step 1: Convene with the spirits
Step 2: Spin a Bottle
Step 3: Find a helmet
Step 4: Put on the damn helmet

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I would not go to a tournament where the brackets are done by a TYM dude or in a smoke filled room full of TYM illumanati. Period.

We all know this is a non starter anyway. None of the serious majors are going to hand over responsibilty to guys on TYM. Just try suggesting to Kiets that Boxy does the brackets for UFGT.

Can we be serious about this?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
the To's should do it like it has always been, but that doesnt mean mk players can give them advise beforehand.
So who were the TOs at nec?

All i know is i dont want to do it more i think about it - id rather be on the other side w 95% of the people bitching

It should be people who know the scene and who dont play in tourney


Administrator and Community Engineer
The key is, if you base it on a system that's based on simple actual tourney results + location, it will take a lot of the human factor out of it. Even if the TO technically has to sign off on the brackets and adjust for any glaring issues, at least they could base their decisions off of some real info, rather than just "Well.. I think I've seen this guy's name next to the number 8 a lot.. He must be a top player.. Lemme randomly pick a seed for him".

Not saying that it's that bad in every case, but like Pig Of The Hut said, not every TO can be expected to be up to date with their knowledge of the scene and wins, or to know about lesser known players that have been tearing up tournaments in a different region.

That's why I have proposed to take all the guesswork out of it.. And I have a system to do so.. All the system needs is the right information about players and their past results.

It's simple and effective.. And it can give every TO a base to start from and provide them with a complete set of information regarding tourney performance.

Every real sport has a statistics system to keep track of things. And given that the FGC+ESports is quickly becoming legit and a bigger community every year, I don't see why it should be any different. It's time to stop shooting ourselves in the foot and do things the right way.