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Top Rank Guild: I Broke Guild Caps AMA


Blood & Rage
How guilds are supposed to work.
-50 Members
-500 guild points daily max per player
-25k guild points daily for maxed out guild

Guild Leaderboards:
-72 hour combined total guild points for a guild.
-updates daily at 5pm pst
-72 hour max guild points 75k

Now before I give you what we are doing I'm going to tell you why. We noticed it a few days after release and attempted to self govern to get the guild back into normal parameters.

After discovering other guilds doing it aswell I reached out to them and now we are both breaking the game for all players so it gets noticed and fixed asap. So am I doing this to cheat and get ahead? no not really much to gain to be honest. Without the exploit we were number 1 maxing out everyday anyways so for me it's nothing new.

How my guild works.

-387 members
-500 guild points daily max
-potential for 193,500 guild points daily
-actual is a ways over 100k daily

We started to do this about two days ago so you will notice a big jump on leaderboards today at 5pm pst

Can you do it? Yes! You can! I encourage you to until this gets fixed. I want it to be fair too but you know what they say about the squeaky wheel and all.

Here is how you do it!

-set your guild to "open"
-get 50 members
-Once at 50 have an applicant and just hit accepted. It will boot you to the main menu but still add the player!

Congratulations you did it!

As you can see it's easy to do it by mistake but to get this fixed I think this has to get noticed and get out there by being obnoxious.

Don't hate the player hate the game. AMA