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Top Rank 2 Guild Accepting all Applicants!!


Blood & Rage

Guild: Legion Of Doom

Guild ID: Rezge

Apply now! Get in today!!

Contribute 500 guild points a day.

500 guild points are the max allowed per the game.

Ranked match wins gives you 100 guild points per win. Losses 25 guild points

Any tower is 50 guild points.


I'm interested, can anyone break down the perks of being in a high guild?
Well for one, global guild buffs.
Right now for example every time loot drops from fights, there is a 61% chance of it being epic.
There are also buffs like getting 66% more credits from all activities, though that one we don't have at the moment.
I see, well let me know when i get home I can swap guilds. I can win 5 ranked matches pretty fast so I got you covered lol.


Yes we Kahn
I'll jump on when I get home. How strict are you with the points per day? It's a shame that there isn't a per week cap rather than per day because I would make up a lot of ground on off days from work haha.