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Top 5 UMK3 XBLA Players.

ilovepoop said:
lol why don't u go to my ranked leaderboard u douche im like 900 or at least i was last time i played ranked which was at least 2 months ago when i created the new gamertag for the tourny i was ranked in the low 400's in 2 days with like 20 wins and 2 losses then shock took over the gamertag so he could try to get it into the top 10

So your saying 900 is less than 400? Oh. Ok.

i am no longer gonna post on this forum simply because i am tired of being flamed by young children i'd rather go and sit at a daycare for 24 hours than read anything abc has to post everyone in which i am friends with have there aim or some other way to contact them
As a Last comment,

Learn Some Grammar tips from some of those children at the Day Care. They Know where to Put periods in a Sentence.

And I LOVE how you edited everything so no one can read how foolish you are.

Good Day Sir.


TheLord Phoenix UMK3 said:
I know i can beat sugar, not all the time prolly 50/50. so he's not gonna be top 5! It's just an experienced top 5... MY experience. You can feel free to post what you think the top 5 is. Or you can just keep bein an asshole and talk shit :evil:
I'm not even top 150. However, we played casually. I wasn't trying my hardest, but I was trying. So it's probably like 60/40 and not 50/50.
l SuGaR l said:
TheLord Phoenix UMK3 said:
I know i can beat sugar, not all the time prolly 50/50. so he's not gonna be top 5! It's just an experienced top 5... MY experience. You can feel free to post what you think the top 5 is. Or you can just keep bein an asshole and talk shit :evil:
I'm not even top 150. However, we played casually. I wasn't trying my hardest, but I was trying. So it's probably like 60/40 and not 50/50.
hahaha i know but i was just sayin that so don't tske it serious :wink:
Ive noticed how yall say your good based on your rank, but the ranking system is flawed! for ex

I have or had- 535 wins 305 loses rank: 1127

Some guy has- 515 wins 385 loses rank: 612

idk the exact #'s but thats pretty accurate.
Ive seen this alot and the other day my rank was getting worse... and I was winning!! so Ranks dont matter9or arent accurate 0 :twisted: :wink: !
They matter to a certain extent and the top 50 is still hard to get into.

Loses count Very strongly against you. Much Much more than wins do.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I can't play well in the conditions that our rooms have ABC, each time I had 1/2+ second delay, it's like Kaillera where I have to plan and commit to attacks before anything even happens on screen. This is not saying you aren't good, because you are.

That being said, I am willing to play anyone on these boards no matter the delay, just so long as it's not going in slow motion lol


Premium Supporter
Stop the nonsense arguing guys. No one who posted in this thread is any position to be causing this much trouble. :D

The best win ratios of non-boosting players, and players who have a significant number of games (over 750 ranked matches) are:

1. Moe30w 926/19 - 97.9% win ratio
2. EWAShock 907/30 - 96.6% win ratio
3. Crazy Domincan 820/45 - 94.5% win ratio
4. ThrowerChicago 908/75 - 91.7% win ratio
5. ChiGameCuB 699/88 - 87.4% win ratio

Everyone there is in the top 25 on the ranked board. 3 of those players are from Chicago.

The next person worth mentioning would be Konqrr, who is ranked #29, but has less than 500 ranked matches, at 383/101. That's a win ratio of 73.6% and if you noticed, the difference in W/L ratio increases significantly. In MK, only 0.1% of players are actually good. It is my hope to increase that to 1% over time, and I think it is happening, and a lot of it has to do with this site, and the amount of help and practice everyone gives vs eachother, constantly increasing ability.

Generalized accumulative win loss counts are important because you don't know who they are against, it's against various players, characters, netplay situations. It shows how the player does overall online. In this situation, you need a LOT of matches to work with. It's like taking polls, the more people, the more accurate a ratio/statistic will be.

As I am going through the list, there are a couple players whom I have no idea who they are, but at rank #60 is AUGNICE who is 826 and 399. This is the next player who sticks out on the list in terms of pure ranked match count. That's a lot of matches, it's a good idea of how good he is, but because he's ranked 60, you have to take into account that he might have only beaten a high percentage of bad players, or lost to a few bad ones here and there. In any event, that's a W/L ratio of 51.6%. That's a HUGE drop, but then a couple notches down we have Kaisers Curse, who is 756 and 159. This isn't a bad ratio of 78.9% but high loss count hurts his overall rank, albeit in the top .04% of players.

At this point, it's not worth even going through anymore except intentionally getting to Lex. He has a win ratio of 83.2% at 1132 and 190. Take into account his aversion to netplay and no stick for at least 95% of that time, his record is drastically skewed, but regardless, in terms of win ratios on here, he belongs up in the top 10. None of these players are going to either A. Have a good record, B. Have a high match count, or C. Aren't boosters.

I think if it went purely by W/L it'd be more accurate with a minimum total match count to even qualify for ranking. Now that it's been around 6 months or so, we have these numbers to play with. No one else comes close to the W/L records of this list and has the mountain of matches. The top 6 players span between ranks #2 and #125, with #1 being a known booster, so it's really between #1 and #124, out of 62,439 created Gamertags who have played at least 1 ranked match. Even if we knocked the mimimum I'm using down to 500 total matches, all the players I've mentioned would still be on top. It is no coincidence that top known players all have records that speak for themselves.

Some players who stopped playing for whatever reason are very good, but a couple hundred matches mixed with their win ratios. Also there are players who are greatly affected by netplay, the controller, etc. For instance, if I had a stick to work with the entire time I have been playing, I can guarantee my loss count would still be in the teens right now.

Another thing, even purely skill wise, these players are all in the top IRL. Some of these other guys who have been mentioned are not good. Connection issues, especially with that PayorMajor guy, he's in Mexico, it's like playing on the "Good" connection type on Kaillera, plus a horrible controller? You can't rank that fairly one on one and I still beat him regardless of how torturous it can be.

I hope that gives people a good idea.
There's a ton of great players who don't post here or even know about this site.

I actually get suprised when I play people from here and they're not as good as I thought they'd be.


Premium Supporter
What do those posts have to do with an accurate synopsis of who's actually good? It sounds like more complaining to me.

As far as players from this site, there is a very good selection to play against and there are also people just getting into the game. If there are people who are so good out there not posting on this site, tell them about it.
I've played a lot of ranked matches. I took most of my loses early on to actually learn the game. At the time, my Sektor had got peaced out a lot, until I made Kitana a part of my roster.

I don't have access to Live right now, and my 360 is 3 states away(im home on leave).

Can someone that's on my friends list tell me what my rank is, and my win/loss?
Can someone that's on my friends list tell me what my rank is, and my win/loss?
It hasn't changed much at all, but your rank is 169 with 1388 wins/493 losses. Was wondering where you've been since you haven't been online lately.
Boostjunkie said:
Can someone that's on my friends list tell me what my rank is, and my win/loss?
It hasn't changed much at all, but your rank is 169 with 1388 wins/493 losses. Was wondering where you've been since you haven't been online lately.

Yeah I think like after I fell from like rank 34 down to about 200 in about 3 or 4 losses in late Jan early Feb, I said fuck the rank system. After that I had just played rank matches cause that's typically where people play cutthroat, that's why I played ranked matches to learn how to actually play the game(in October?) as opposed to playing challenger matches and goofing off.

I'll be back to base on the 19th(and can play on xbl again) and then in a couple weeks after that, I'm going to be deployed for 6 months+ so I won't be on xbl at all at that point until I get back.