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[Tier List] Pig of The Hut Official Living Tier List

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
We follow but we just dont agree with the format lol.

Although I understand why you wouldnt want to list each variation, because that would be impossible at this point in the game's life.
I think most do agree and those who don't are more than welcome to open a Notebook and start writing their own


My blades will find your heart
I think most do agree and those who don't are more than welcome to open a Notebook and start writing their own
You cant possibly imply that ignoring variations makes it a more accurate tier list. Like I said before, Swarm Queen Dvorah is top 5 no question(I'd put it higher than you personally) but Brood Mother is no where near that. If you want a better picture of where the cast falls it would make sense to do variations...

..But that would be stupid to try now because half of the variations haven't been explored as in depth as the others. So your format is probably fine for now :)


Fabled Villain
The tier list is each character's sum of all parts

Many people are having a hard time following this concept

Not saying you are but I think it's clear the way I have it written
In thinking about it more, the only two plausible ways to do a list at this point in the game's life are best overall variation or average/sum of all parts, so I understand where you are coming from.
Venomous Dvorah can still be punished by a majority of the cast, you just have to mash a special instead of d1.

Level up please.
I know she can be punished, but you can't mash jabs while blocking for a full combo punish everytime she squirts. She was trash tier then. Your telling me you can mash specials?? Also whose saying I don't know how to deal with her.
Kung Jin was annoying with raiden because he got out footsies and out aired, but now that kung is more punishable ink.

Quan could also effectively zone him but his zoning got nerfed significantly.

Kano is a similar situation.

Couldn't tell you who beats Tg raiden tbh.

But I personally think marksman erron black might struggle with sub. I'm not sure about sub raiden.


My blades will find your heart
I know she can be punished, but you can't mash jabs while blocking for a full combo punish everytime she squirts. She was trash tier then. Your telling me you can mash specials?? Also whose saying I don't know how to deal with her.
Yes, just mash the special like you did the d1. The only requirement is it has to be faster than 17 frames(I think, have to test that). My local scene is punishing it everytime they block it now.


Revenant Jade
I think it's safe to say that karma was put on Kenshi and Kitana in this lifetime for MKX. In MK9 they both were literally the safest characters in the game with great zoning abilities, now their zoning in this game is irrelevant and they don't have the tools/normals to deal with characters with dominating footsies unlike MK9 they had fantastic footsies in their game. MK9 Kenshi had F3, B2, defensive Armor and Spirit Charge. MK9 Kitana had D1, F21, 21, iAF and air control. Now these two in MKX have nothing to deliver to put on the table because everyone else is way better and offer more valuable assets.

Just pray that these two will be helped along with other characters needed for redesigned buffs with the upcoming patches expected.
Yes, just mash the special like you did the d1. The only requirement is it has to be faster than 17 frames(I think, have to test that). My local scene is punishing it everytime they block it now.
Well I never mashed d1 when I could jab punish. I didn't know you could do that. I thought they got rid of special mashing and oses. She's bad again vs. chars who have good special punishers. Excellent normals though. Squeen it is. I guess you can still os.


The whole variation factor is kinda of a moot when it's obvious everyone will just stick to one variation and maybe a second for some mus. The tier list should be ranked as best variation. I see some people say this game has like 70 characters but thats kind of a joke.

Pretty bang on list so far. I think EB is up there could be top 5.
For those who posted about saying liu kang is top 10...


We liu players are the kings of gimmicks with decent zoning sprinkled with a tad bit of great footsies.

Wait a sec...

Ummmm, His pressure is pretty fricking amazing. I think he's really good.
I've seen people claim that Dragon Fire Liu Kang is nearly top tier. Would like elaboration on that. Not skeptical, because I don't know shit. Just curious.


Pick up & kill it & kill it & kill it!
Considering all variations, I would say that (no order just by how strong all of the variations are):
Scorpion, Raiden, Quan Chi, Sub-Zero, Kung Jin, D'vorra, Jax, Sonya, & Cassie are really good.

I think it's more of what Pig was looking at in terms of their strongest variations in tournaments & while I do feel like Scorpion's Hellfire variation is the strongest (mentioned by Pig on stream), I feel like his inferno variation is the most balanced variation that he has. There's no if, &s, ors, buts, or in between really since he can get his damage & then force you to do something foolish.
I've seen people claim that Dragon Fire Liu Kang is nearly top tier. Would like elaboration on that. Not skeptical, because I don't know shit. Just curious.
Mb flying kick is plus on block, it's basically a get in for free move and extends his pressure, along with his fireball cancels which are frame advantage. That having a plus on block d3, a ranged oh, a low starter, safe armor. He's very solid


You will BOW to me!
I agree with Pig's list except i would probably switch D'vorah with Kung Jin. He is still pretty solid. D'vorah is top 10 material for sure though as well.


My blades will find your heart
The whole variation factor is kinda of a moot when it's obvious everyone will just stick to one variation and maybe a second for some mus. The tier list should be ranked as best variation. I see some people say this game has like 70 characters but thats kind of a joke.

Pretty bang on list so far. I think EB is up there could be top 5.
KH Scar played Special Forces and Covert Ops Sonya at TX Showdown, and Honeybee Won Toryuken with Swarm Queen and Venemous(mostly venom though). There are a few players using more than one variation, especially with characters like Jax and Quan who have variations that are all pretty damn good in their own right.

I kind of see what you are saying but I think a lot of these variations are going to be very MU dependent. I don't think Dvorah struggles against Summoner Quan very much but sorceror Quan can wreck her shit if played right. That's just one example.
Considering all variations, I would say that (no order just by how strong all of the variations are):
Scorpion, Raiden, Quan Chi, Sub-Zero, Kung Jin, D'vorra, Jax, Sonya, & Cassie are really good.

I think it's more of what Pig was looking at in terms of their strongest variations in tournaments & while I do feel like Scorpion's Hellfire variation is the strongest (mentioned by Pig on stream), I feel like his inferno variation is the most balanced variation that he has. There's no if, &s, ors, buts, or in between really since he can get his damage & then force you to do something foolish.

Hellfire scorpion is far superior. Inferno has shit zoning and worst mixups( due to the fact that hellfire can combo off the low by run cancelling safely). Maybe a bit better counterzoning, which hellfire is already fantastic at, also hellfire and fball cancels are better neutral game controls. Hellfire also gets as much damage from bobs due to chip and the aura. Hell fires pressure is far superior (due to run cancels) , and there's no addition to the footsie game.

Inferno doesn't add much. Now ninjutsu adds some better normals, about it.
Ummmm, His pressure is pretty fricking amazing. I think he's really good.
Yea because its early. Liu is nothing but gimmicks and only good to a player who either has bad defense (including counter poking and footsies) or just a scrub. Liu takes too many risks on the offensive imo.

Dragon fire is barely an exception due to the fire cancels but that is about it.

Yea im down playing but someone has to.