Professional Noob.
I live in California.
ah your on psneu, ill drop ya a friend request
no bother man,it was nice to meet someone new online that doesntjump around like a frog lol.Had the pleasure of repeatedly getting my ass handed to me from 1man3letters can't say it was lots of fun being beaten so badly, but did enjoy getting to play against and see a top player in action. Cheers for the games, look forward to picking myself up off the floor repeatedly again sometime soon
mileena online is bit stupid to be fair though.1man3letters no worries man, I think I was getting to the point of taking as many ass kickings as I could then anyway lol. I have been giving the frame data a look and will continue doing so. Take a while to have it all sink in but I'm up for it.
Will give the Baraka guide a look, sound. It was Mileena that was a huge pain in the ass. With your iAS I just had no clue how to get in and you were just generally mixing me up like a muthafucka haha. Btw checked out your final in Dublin against Slick, great fight. On a side note though the commentary is undoubtedly the best I have ever heard rofl "Slick's just gonna have to be a filthy bastard here", "a lot of American players think Baraka's shite!" great stuff.