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This is kinda sad IGAU


Deathstroke is not op, however lag+deathstroke is kind of annoying. If you think all your going to get is spamming by the deathstroke player pick batgirl. Smoke bomb on reaction shits on deathstroke.


Spleens are overrated anyways....
God I think people in general playing this game quit like crazy. I'd assume that it's mostly just because it's still a new game and also one about popular fictional characters, so the amount of casual players is still rather large; and most of these people seem to have the scrubbiest of mentalities. I frequent Injustice on Miiverse and 90% of the time there's someone complaining about "spammers" or when being more specific Deathstroke and/or Superman. Even after the patches finally arrived people were still complaining about Deathstroke. I tried explaining to some of these people that Deathstroke actually got nerfed and that it was easier now to block his guns and dash in, but instead of listening they just kept on complaining. Most people complain about not being able to react fast enough to counter "spamming", but they usually don't realize that input lag is likely the culprit when playing online, and not the properties of the character's moves, and that maybe they should block more instead of trying to just throw out moves.

I've almost given up playing online altogether as my last venture was very disheartening with damn near every person I had played rage quit in fucking 1v1 player matches. Somewhat coincidentally my last online session I actually played a good Deathstroke that ended up wrecking me since I haven't played a good one in a while; somewhat ironically that was the best set of matches I had had all day.

Since my friend has seemingly dropped this game (or atleast taken a break from it) I decided to pick up his main (Deathstroke) at least as a pocket character, but whenever I try to choose him online the person I'm playing immediately snaps their cursor to him as well (granted I haven't tried to use him that much) like I'm some monster who's making them resort to picking the same character because I'll just "spam." Same thing happens to me with Superman a good amount of the time too. I can understand peoples' thought process, because I can get annoyed at people that just use Slade's guns, or Superman's air eye lasers. The difference though is that I (and other players who like the game on more than a superficial level) took the time to get better at the game and know how to overcome these things, whereas these people see someone picking DS or Supes and get scared because that might imply they can't just jump in and press buttons.

At least it's mostly just a matter of time before the less invested players go onto the next new game, leaving the online atleast a bit more refined.

Anyways I didn't mean for this to turn into my own mini-rant, but there's my two cents on the matter.


I wish people would ragequit me more. 90% just dodge at the challenge screen. I wish more people would here would add me for online sessions because I played like 2 good people out of 600. I can't improve and I get bored online. Plus I get away with scrubby tactics. Hahlp meh

You wish more people here would play you?? Just ask people bro lol, utilize your resources more effectively. People are actually reasonable here and don't mind playing because its all about getting better. Search through the forums and ask away people are eager to learn and practice match ups.

Lastly if online bores you do what I do. Go out and create/find offline sessions.


Last night i saw a guy who had around 1000 matches and 496 disconnects.

There also are some BOTs. Like people go to sleep leaving their game switch on with a bot searching ranked game, and then disconnecting itself to get a win before you even pick your character. The player just needs to leave the bot does the work.
And then they have like 2000-100 ladder stats.

This is ridiculous and make me waste my time when I meet those scrubs.
Deathstroke is not op, however lag+deathstroke is kind of annoying. If you think all your going to get is spamming by the deathstroke player pick batgirl. Smoke bomb on reaction shits on deathstroke.
Counter-picking is a bad habit. Even in lag, players can simply walk between Deathstroke's gunshot instead of dashing between them. DS gets two or three more times to shoot when players walk instead of dash between his zoning moves, but it's really not a big deal.

A New Angel Is Advent

mutton basher
You wish more people here would play you?? Just ask people bro lol, utilize your resources more effectively. People are actually reasonable here and don't mind playing because its all about getting better. Search through the forums and ask away people are eager to learn and practice match ups.

Lastly if online bores you do what I do. Go out and create/find offline sessions.
I play offline more than online. People have added me, but I always need more. It's a convenience thing. Also just taking another opp to shamelessly advertise to get more fg players to add so I can ignore the random search.
it actually makes me very curious as to why NRS made it so easy for people to escape at the character select screen or mid match? strange. maybe the patch will address this.​
i find it much worse on psn than xbox though. i use ds a lot... secretly and, like you said, people rage quit before the match starts.​


Day 1 Phenomenal Teth-Adam Player
Troid you play wiiu too? Too bad there is no way to play against friends in this crap version. Maybe we could try to player match at the same time.