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The Sonic the hedgehog: The Movie Trailer is up now!


Nothing. Every job should have a good working environment, duh. But overtime is also part of EVERY job when its required.
As long their health aren't neglected, then fair enough. But as soon that happens, it's no longer a good working environment, and that should be changed.


No fo real....WE NEED FREE HEALTHCARE! hahah
I know the US have a lot of issues on that front. The problem roots deeper and it's not going to change just overnight.
But that's why it's important to put some light on this issue, so it CAN change. First step is to admit there's a problem. The next steps is working towards fixing it.

Deleted member 5032

Ok, no. I had enough of this “if they don’t like it they can quit” attitude in the NRS thread. No, they can’t.

Imagine you racked up thousands of dollars of student debt and spent the last several years attending college to become an artist or programmer for video games or movies. You finally get a job but the studio starts seriously abusing you and your contractor status. Just quit? Sure. Then when you apply for your next job are they going to hire the person who quit their first job, or quit at crunch? Are you really going to risk your entire career that you just started, that you spent years learning and thousands of dollars on? No! These people are stuck, and that’s why these studios can get away with the abuse.

So straight fuck off with that “if they don’t like it they can quit” nonsense. It’s ignorant, it’s mean-spirited, and it’s straight-up not true. It’s literal victim blaming. Have some fucking compassion.


1. I'm glad they are addressing the critique and are being constructive and mature about the response. If Sonic ends up looking better in the end, then it's pretty cool they are taking this initiative and are actually trying to do this. Of course you can't please everyone, but the feedback does seem mostly negative, so instead of going "Deal with it!" they're actually trying to make some changes for the better. But again, let's see what the end result is going to be like. :p

2. I worry about those who are going to work on this, especially now when stuff like crunch time and employees well-being being low-prioritised in these fields of work are being in the spotlight lately. I would much rather the movie's launch be pushed back giving them more time to work on this, to keep a healthier work environment, than to make them work overtime. I'd rather take current Sonic's look then, tbh. It just doesn't seem worth it when it put the workers' health at stake.

Oh. :(