I am one of the original sisters - a high sister if you will. I having been playing fighting games since the 80's and always play a girl even if she is the worst in the cast!
Previous mains
Street Fighter 2 (all versions) Chun Li
Soul Calibur (all versions) Ivy
Killer instinct 1 : Orchid
TMNT TF - Aska
Street Fighter 4 (All) - Sakura
Super Puzzle Fighter - Morrigan (Sakura 2nd)
Injustice: Harley
MK2: Kitana (Mileena 2nd)
MK3: Sindel
MK4: Tanya
MKDA: Kitana
MKD: Ashrah (Li Mei 2nd)
MKA: Kitana (Ashrah 2nd)
MKDC: Kitana
MK9: Kitana (Mileena 2nd)
MKX: Kitana (Mileena 2nd)
On top of that, in most games I play, my favourite always fends up being a girl eg FF Lightning, Fang, Lulu, Yuffie, Selphie etc etc etc
Lemmie join!!!