Again, no. Just stop because you don't know what you're saying.
Mileena: who cares if kitana can't zone. I HATE when people think kitana loses a match because she can't throw fans. That's dumb. She has numerous winning MUs in which she can't throw fans, and this just happens to be one of them. Mileena's d4 is just a nuisance, that's it. She doesn't even get anything from it on hit. Its +12 but all she can get is some whack pressure with 42. Its nothing like Sonya's d4 or smokes d4 where they get In for free and get mixups. Mileena's d4 is just a poke away tool, and even then, kitana has tools to blow up the d4. Kitana dominates her upclose with her footsies, speed and range. Mileena is also a very risky character and she has to take risks to get her damage, and kitana loves that. One mistake and mileena loses half her health. On top of that, what is mileena doing to kitana when kit has the life lead? The only advantage mileena has is the air game. Kitana has a superior air game, but mileena beats her at that. The ground game, punishment game, footsies game, etc, all in kitana favor.
Liu Kang: again, this is another mu that kitana gets outzone in, but doesn't lose. She can actually trade with the zoning in this MU with ground fans and liu kang has to respect that. On top of that, his zoning isn't even scary. Just jump or duck. Upclose, its all a footsies battle. Liu Kang beats her with the speed, but she beats him with the range and damage. This is definitely an even MU.
Reptile: I was the only person on the planet who thought this MU was even, and I still do. Other reptile players, and even kitana players were starting to think so as well. KItana has to fear spit more than forceball IMO. Ground fans throw off his forceball crap, and forces him to come in. Reptile definitely wins the zoning battle tho. Upclose, she wins that hands down. Once people stop playing so aggressive against him and play more defensive, they would see that reptile isn't scary at all. I Love when reps to d4-acid because it puts him in a sweet spot where kitana and punish anything he does. If he jumps, AA. If he dashes, loses 50%. If he d4s, f21. If he does forceball, ex iaAss or ex fan. This mu will forever be even IMO.