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The Princess Needs Help 2.0


Still love how no one is talking about ass KB not being able to be AMP'd when in the movelist it says we can. Not to mention tons of characters can still AMP their Kbs; Sonya, Jade, Skarlet, Kabal, to name a few.

Or that we can control the distance of Sai Toss but it isn't even in her movelist.

If this isn't proof that NRS rushed this character then IDK what is. :\
I had no idea KBs could be amped


What a day. What a lovely day.
If they go with their Injustice 2 patch ways then they will totally leave the middle characters untouched. I just hope Kitana gets qol changes and see how it goes.

Some people legit are asking for stupid buffs as if she was a horrible character. The point is to make everyone be able to compete with any character and imo, Kitana is almost there with the exceptions of like 2 match-ups and those are already gonna get nerfed anyway.

I was the only person saying this same thing about MKX Mileena and people were crying about how bad she was and she emded up being stupid and not fun to play anymore, sadly.
MKX’s Mileena had a teleport that was negative on hit. Don’t even start with your bullshit.


Regina George of discord
MKX’s Mileena had a teleport that was negative on hit. Don’t even start with your bullshit.
I'm not talking about vanilla Mileena sweetheart. I'm talking about when she got buffed and her b12 was safer. Every Mileena still wanted buffs and then They buffed her pokes, her zoning and other things. Like 2 weeks before that patch Foxy started to use her and showed everyone how good she was but it was too late because people love crying.


The Ignore Button Is Free
And I don’t see the point of amplifying the ass on block. It’s not like you can go for the punish immediately after a block anyways because of the hit stun. You’d be able to react to it easy. What’s the purpose?


The world's least hype player
Jade’s isn’t that big of a deal. It’s just another kick. Liu’s on the other hand...
Yeah if he hits that and has corner you can kiss the majority of your life bar goodbye. It’s fun to hit but I can’t imagine it feels great on the other end.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
And I don’t see the point of amplifying the ass on block. It’s not like you can go for the punish immediately after a block anyways because of the hit stun. You’d be able to react to it easy. What’s the purpose?
I don't either, but I do think we should be able to AMP the KB version for more damage because 24% is.. pretty meh


I started toying around with Kustom Variations for the first time yesterday, only briefly, but man, I wish Royal Protection or whatever that useless Projectile Parry is called could be replaced with Low Fan.

I'm also thinking I like Edenian Twist better than Square Wave.


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
Welp, it took 3 months (and a couple days with Kabal very recently) to join in on the crying about Kitana.

Now I definitely don’t think she’s bottom tier like a lot of people think, but I was one of those who thought she was pretty damn good. Not top tier, but good. Sadly, that’s not the case anymore.

Kitana is pretty outclassed by a lot of characters in pretty much every department.
Her zoning in fan fare is lackluster. It’s fast startup and travel speed, but the recovery is so bad, the damage is meh, unsafe af, the amplified is a double high that is unsafe, AND SHE CAN’T convert. Highborn zoning is better but the sai is very slow.
Her footsies are ok, but b2 can only get you so far, plus it’s a string you have to mash.
Her overall damage is pretty meh.

I can go on but I’m pretty sure you guys get the point. Below, I have a list of things that could help.

General Buffs:
-hitbox adjustments on attacks (FB/WU U2, b231343, etc)
-slight damage increase
-Second hit of Amplified Fans is now a mid
-less recovery on fans. Allows for fan conversions (both ground and air). Seriously, of all things she needs, THIS is one of them.
-B1 is now 11f
-d3 is now 6f
-b23 is now a string

Fan Fare Buffs:
-Royal Protection starts up quicker and the buff after a successful absorb lasts longer.
-b13 now combos into fan lift midscreen

Highborn Buffs:
-Edenian Razors now works correctly on either side of the screen
-Gutted KB can now be activated from either landing 3 gutteds in a match or landing 1 of each attack from Half Blood Stance.
-More Advantage on Teleport Kick on hit
-You can now combo off of a successful sai toss

These changes would help her a lot. I’m not trying to make her sky rocket to top tier or anything, just enough to compete at a much better level. I’m also not saying she should get ALL of this. It’s mainly just suggestions.

This is how I'd change your suggestions:

General Buffs:
-hitbox adjustments on attacks (FB/WU U2, b231343, etc)
  • slight damage increase
  • Second hit of Amplified Fans is now a mid
  • less recovery on fans. Allows for fan conversions (both ground and air). Seriously, of all things she needs, THIS is one of them.
  • B1 is now 11f
-d3 is now 8f -4 on block
-b23 is now a string

Fan Fare Buffs:
-Royal Protection starts up quicker and the buff after a successful absorb lasts longer.
-b13 now combos into fan lift midscreen

Highborn Buffs:
-Edenian Razors now works correctly on either side of the screen
-Gutted KB can now be activated from either landing 3 gutteds in a match or landing 1 of each attack from Half Blood Stance.
-More Advantage on Teleport Kick on hit
- You can now combo off of a successful sai toss has faster startup at 26f

In all reality she isn't bad she is just very limited and boring considering how little she has compared to others who do what she does but better.
I like mist of your changes and I approve of ex fan converting into combo and B231 not being a dial. It would be nice if she had a string that launches in her base moves. Highborn is pretty gimmicky and that said is too slow if it was faster I feel she would be very good in that variation but I don't see anything wrong with an 11f mid that doesn't advance. But no one needs a 6f D3.
She probably shouldn't get all of it